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Idiotik Productionz
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MTV- The awesome people who inspired me to do stupid crap!
MTV- The Wonderful People that made this Possible!
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Welcome to Idiotik Productionz! Use the guide on the left to get around or find out about us, and scroll down to find new news. Also, if you have footage of you and your friends doing stupid crap, click "My Footage", you can actually get in a movie and get the movie for free!

March 20th, 2001
Hey people, this is Nick (LiL MoRoN from Pure Jackass) and I am posting because John is out for Spring Break. He'll be back Thursday but until then you'll have to put up with me, too bad. Anyways, we are about to start filming the first movie of our ¤crosses fingers¤ collection and it will be called COT meaning Chaos of Tennessee (go to the movies section to find out more). If you know the guys over at DuSaugen then you may understand this. The "Idiotik Productionz" guys are the Nashville Crew of DuSaugen so a lot of the stuff seen in our movie will also be seen in their video, Terrorism in Tennessee. Anyways, the reason we haven't started to film yet is because we don't have a camera. We plan to get a new one by Monday of next week -DEFINATELY- and we'll be doing the planned stuff then.

March 17th, 2001
We're Open!
Well people, I am John Greene, the webmaster of this new site! You can find out more about me in the Idiotik Guys section. Anyways, since this is the opening date of this site I don't have everything up yet, including pictures and info on a lot of the guys, but I will have it up as soon as I can so bare with me!
