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Ending 1 to Story 108

108 Ending one
“Uncle Rhett!” Ella screamed, dragging her mother away from the stairway. “Uncle Rhett!”
“What happened?” Ginny asked, coming out of the playroom. She saw Scarlett, and went pale. “Mama! What’s wrong with Mama?”
When Rhett heard Ginny’s cries of alarm, he sprinted up. “Scarlett...” He gasped, and took her from Ella. “Scarlett, darling,” He touched her face, but she was limp in his arms. When she’d fainted before, she’d awoken immediatly. Something was wrong.
“Prissy!” He called, “Go go get Dr. Meade! Hurry!”
Prissy walked out. “Yassur, Mr. Rhett.” She obviously didn’t see Scarlett, and moseyed down the stairs. Ella gave a cry of disgust and ran down, out the door.
Rhett carried Scarlett to her bedroom, and put her on the bed. “Scarlett, wake up, my pet. Wake up...”
“Mama?” A small voice asked at the door. Rhett turned and found Ginny, clutching the frame, looking scared.
“Virginia...” Rhett was at a loss of words.
“What’s wrong with Mama? Is she going to be all right?” Ginny asked.
Rhett hugged the child. “Don’t you worry, Virginia, Dr. Meade will be here in a minute, and he’ll fix your mother up.”
“Uncle Rhett, I’m scared.” Ginny told him. Tears were running down her face.
Rhett was scared too. But he held his tears, and comforted his daughter.
“Whats going on?” Dr Meade’s voice came from down stairs. “Where is she?”
“Up here, Dr Meade.” Rhett said, breathing a sigh of relief.
Dr. Meade came upstairs and ran into the room. He shooed Rhett and Ginny out, and began to tend to Scarlett.
Rhett sat in the playroom, reassuring Ella and Ginny. The twins crawled around, oblivious to what was going on.
Dr. Meade came out an hour later. “Rhett.” He beaconed to him.
Rhett came out into the hallway, and Dr. Meade said in a hushed voice “She’s had a miscarrage.”
Rhett had a shocked look on his face. “How?”
“She hasn’t been taking care of herself. Personally, I’m surprised she’s lasted this long. She’s thin as a rail, and has small bruises all over her shoulders and arms... And something happened, I don’t know what, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
Rhett groaned. “This is all my fault!”
“How?” Dr. Meade asked. Most men said things like that just out of shock, but he knew Rhett too well. “What did you do to her?”
“We... We were re-married yesterday.” Rhett said.
“And you...” Dr. Meade questioned.
“Of course! It was our wedding night... But... She was going to have a baby?”
“You didn’t know?”
“She never told me.” Rhett shook his head. “Is she going to be ok?”
“Rhett, she’s in terrible shape. Even if she hadn’t been with child, she’d still be very unhealthy.” Dr. Meade said.
“Can I see her?” Rhett asked.
“She’s still unconcious.” Dr. Meade said. “I’m going to go and see what I can do. You stay with Ella.”
“Where’s Mama?” Ginny asked, coming out.
Dr. Meade looked at Ginny, and did a double take. ’She looks exactly like Rhett!’ He thought.
“Uncle Rhett, Mama is going to be all right, right? She won’t die, will she?” Ginny asked, her lower lip trembling.
“I don’t know, Princess.” Rhett said, wrapping an arm around his daughter. Dr. Meade shook his head and went into the bedroom. There was a moan, and he rushed to the bed. Scarlett was thrashing, calling out.
“Harrison...” She wailed pitifully. “Harrison, where are you?”
“Scarlett, it’s Dr. Meade.” He said, taking one of her hands.
Scarlett’s eyes fluttered open. “I fell again.” She said after a few moments.
“No, Scarlett. You didn’t fall. You almost did, from what I understand.”
“I fell...” Scarlett said. “Where’s Harrison?”
“Harrison. My husband.” Scarlett told him. “Did he get back from work yet?”
“Scarlett, you go back to sleep.” Dr. Meade said. “Here,” and he gave her some medicine. She twisted her face, but drank the bitter liquid.
“Harrison?” She asked as she dozed off. “Harr...”
Dr. Meade stepped out. “She was asking for Harrison.” He told Rhett.
“That’s her late husband.” Rhett said.
“He went on voyage three months ago.” Ella said, ushering Ginny back into the playroom. “We got news of his death two weeks later.”
“Scarlett was a little more than three months along.” Dr. Meade said. when Ella was gone.
Rhett shook his head. “I can’t believe this. Please, can I see her now? I don’t care if she’s asleep.”
“For a moment. Don’t touch her.” Dr. Meade warned. He opened the door and Rhett ran in. He stared at Scarlett, a sad, guilty, and scared look on his face.

The town was soon buzzing. Scarlett had remarried and had a miscarrage. She was dying. Many of the old cats had warmed up to her recently, and the House on Peachtree street was filled with people. Wade had gotten there as soon as he’d heard.
“Can’t you do something for her?” Rhett asked the doctor a week after she‘d had the miscarrage. “She can’t die! She just can’t!”
“I’m sorry. She’s too weak. She’s lost the will to live.” He told Rhett. “It’s only a matter of time now.”
“I want to see her. You haven’t let me in there while she was awake once.” Rhett said.
“She’s in there with her children.” Dr. Meade said. “Let them have some time alone. Mrs. Merriweather, do take Capt. Butler down and get him some tea.”
“Yes, Dr. Meade.” The woman guided him downstairs.

“Wade...” Scarlett said weakly. “What’s wrong darling?”
“It’s just like before, Mother. I was scared then, and I’m scared now.” He said, his voice cracking.
“Then?” Scarlett asked softly, confused.
“When Bonnie was born. The first time you had the miscarrage. I was afraid you were going to die. I don’t want you to die, Mother!” He said, a sob shaking his thin body.
Scarlett gave a weak cry. She had known she was dying, but she didn’t think about how it would effect her children. They’d be heartbroken. Her babies wouldn’t remember her. “I’m so sorry, Wade...” She said, a tear running down her cheek.
“Mother, I love you.” Ella said. “What am I going to do without you?” Her head was on the bed, and
Scarlett stroked her red hair. “You must be brave for me... All of you.” She whispered. “Wade, you will make sure your brother and sisters are provided for?”
Wade nodded, mutely.
“And Ella, you must take care of the children for me... Adrienne will help you. You can live with her.” Scarlett told her.
“Mama, why can’t we stay with you? Don’t leave us!” Ginny said.
“I have to, flower. I wish I could stay...” She looked at her darling daughter, and tears filled her eyes.
“I’ll miss you, Mama!” Ginny cried.
“Be happy for me... I will be with your fathers...” She said. “I will be with Harrison.”
Everyone wiped their tears. They each kissed her cheek, told her they loved her. Scarlett gently kissed Ben and Samantha, who didn’t understand what was going on, and were happy as can be.
“I love you, my darlings.” She said as they left the room.
Ella sat down on the steps. She buried her face in her hands and cried. Wade tried to amuse the twins while Ginny wandered around, looking lost.

Rhett walked into Scarlett’s bedroom, and sat by the bed. “Hello Scarlett.” He said. There was no answer.
“Please, talk to me. I love you, Scarlett. Don’t leave me.”
“I must...” She said softly.
“Scarlett, please. I’ll do anything. Virginia will be all yours, just don’t die. Please, don’t die Scarlett. I love you so much. You’re the air I breathe.”
Scarlett turned her head away from him.
“Scarlett, I was wrong to leave you. I never should have done it.” He said. “I need you.”

The front door opened and closed, but Ella paid it no notice. ‘Just another old cat.’ She thought bitterly.
“I came to give my respects.” A familiar voice said. “And I was sent to see if Mrs. Roth wanted any revisions on her will.”
“Daddy!” Ginny cried. She threw herself down the stairs and into Harrison’s arms.
“Wha.... You... Ginny?” He asked, recalling his stepchild. “Ginny!” He laughed, and threw her up in the air.
Ella looked up, and saw her step father. He had a long scar down his face, and a beard, but it was her father, no less. “Daddy?” She asked hesitantly.
“Ella! Oh, I remember! Ella! I love you! Come here, give me a hug!” Ella ran down and hugged her step father.
“You’re alive! What happened?” She asked.
“I had amnesia! But I remember now! Ginny made me remember! I remember you girls, I remember Samantha and Benjamin... And I remember Scarlett.”
Ella gasped, turned and ran up the stairs.
“Mother!” She screamed. “Mother, don’t die! Daddy’s here! He’s here! You don’t have to die, mother! You can be with him here! Mother!” She ran into her mother’s bedroom, and her loud wail filled the house.
Harrison stared down into Scarlett’s grave, tears welling in his eyes. He’d lost her before he’d found her again. His arm tightened around Ella, and he squeezed Ginny’s shoulder. Wade held the twins. Harrison looked at Rhett, who was standing alone. Harrison wanted to kill Rhett, the man who had taken his child and killed his wife. Harrison was going to fight for Ginny, and he knew he would win. He would take back what he could of the life Rhett Butler had stolen from him.

Yes, there is an ending to this. A real ending, not this cut off... Unfortunatly, I was terribly confused as to which ending to use, as I had many, and decided “Hell! Why not use them all?” So, you’ve just read the first ending. They all end the same in the end, with slight variations, but it’ll be typed up to go with one of the other endings, I‘m not sure which one yet.
If they haven’t been written yet, I’m sorry, you’ll have to wait a little longer. If they have, please go back to My Part of 108 and click on another ending.


My Home Page
My Gone With The Wind Page
The first half of Story 108
The 2nd Half of Story 108, and the place where you can find all the endings I've written
