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The 2nd half of Story 108

Look around. “Tara...” She whispered.
“Yes, Scarlett.” Adrienne said. “We’re going to Tara. You’re going home.”
“Home...” Scarlet smiled for the first time in weeks.
When they pulled up, Scarlett immediately jumped out of the carriage. But instead of going into the house, or at least greeting Suellen, she started up to a field.
“Mother, where are you going?” Ella asked while Ginny, Garret and Lucas ran around in front of the house.
“I’m going to go see Pa.” She said without turning around.
“Oh dear god, she’s truly lost her mind.” Adrienne said, starting to run after her.
“No, Mrs. Rivers!” Will said in a soft but harsh voice. “Leave her be.”
“But...” Adrienne started to argue, but Will lead her and Mrs. Witherspoon and Mrs. Knight, who were holding the twins, into the house.
“Will, I’m glad you’re back.” Suellen kissed him on the cheek.
“Suellen, this is Mrs. Witherspoon, Mrs. Rivers, and Mrs. Knight.” They all shook hands, and Ella came up with Ginny, Sarah with Lucas and Garret.
“Ginny, this is your Aunt Suellen.” Ella said.
“My lord, she looks just like...” Suellen started, but Adrienne shook her head and mouthed “Not now.”
“Will, please let me go bring Scarlett back to the house. She said she was looking for her father.” Adrienne pleaded.
“She likes to go up to the hill to his and her Mother’s grave.” Will explained. “She’ll be fine.”

But she wasn’t fine. Scarlett looked at the graves, her mother’s, Ellen O’Hara, who had always been so quite and neat, perfection personified, her father’s, Gerald, almost the exact opposite of Ellen, wild, loud, and a temper to beat that of anyone's, then the 3 identical tombstones, each bearing the name Gerald O’Hara Jr. The little brothers Scarlett never really knew. She was down on her knees. “Pa, I miss you so much. I want you to tell me everything is ok, that nothing matters now that I’m at Tara again, that everything is right. But it isn’t right, is it? Something is wrong. I want to hear your voice. Mother, I want you to find a solution to my problems like you did before. I need you, Mother.”
She almost expected to hear one of them speak, but all she heard was the wind whistling through the branches. She picked herself up, dusted off her black dress, and went down to Tara.
After about a week at Tara, Adrienne had noticed an immediate change in Scarlett. She talked, she was happy. But she still would not accept that Harrison was dead.
One day she came into Scarlett’s room, and found her rummaging through her closet. “Scarlett, what are you doing?” She asked.
“I should wear this.” She pulled out a pale blue dress from behind all the black. “Harrison always said I looked lovely in blue, and I want to look nice when he returns.” She said. She held it up to a mirror.
Adrienne couldn‘t take it anymore. She grabbed Scarlett by the shoulders and began to shake her. “He’s DEAD! I can’t stand this anymore! He died! You must accept that! He is gone, and I wish more than anything I could bring him back for you, but I can’t. You must realize that.”
Scarlett stared into her friends eyes, and Adrienne saw a tear forming.
“He‘s dead...” Scarlett started to cry, first silent tears, then sobs, she leaned against her friend.” He‘s dead, he‘s dead...”
Adrienne held her tight, and stroked her head as if she were a child.
When Scarlett looked up, Adrienne wanted to laugh. The childlike look that had taken over her face was gone, and she saw her old friend back.

Marie looked at the man on the cot. She and her brother had found him on the beach a few weeks past unconscious with a bad gash on his leg. They brought him to their home, and had nursed him. He had tossed, and spoke a little some, but had not yet woken up. He groaned, and he spoke again. “Scarlett...” He had said that a lot. She wished she knew what it all meant. She knew he had been handsome, but he had a terrible scar running across his cheek. It was fresh, too. She got up and started to fix dinner, when she heard another groan. “Good lord, my head...” She saw him trying to lift himself up.
“I’m glad to see you awake.” She said, coming back over.
“Who are you?” He asked, staring up at her.
“My name is Marie Lacon. My brother Leslie and I found you on the beach about a month ago.” She said. “Who are you? What happened?”
He looked confused at the question. “I... I’m... My name...” He thought for a long time. “I... I don’t know.”
“Amnesia.” Marie said. “Well, come, lets get you some food. I‘ll call the doctor again, he‘s been to see you a few times.” She helped him sit up, and she went to the kitchen.
“I think my name begins with an H...” He said as she came back into the room.
“Well. you will have plenty of time to think about that later, but now, I want you to eat. God knows how long it’s been sense you’ve had a good meal. You’ve been surviving on broth and milk from the day I found you.” She carried in a tray with some bread and some cold vegetable soup. “Eat.” She said.
“I... I just thought it was one long horrible dream, and...” Scarlett sobbed, “And that if I just pretended that he was still alive, he really would be.” Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her body racked with the hard sobbing. “Why did he have to die?”
“Oh, darling.” Adrienne held her again. “Oh, darling, it’s ok. I’m so sorry.”
“I miss him so much.” Scarlett said. “I just wish I could wake up, and he would be lying beside me, snoring louder than the shell explosions.” Scarlett laughed for a second, her tears leaving. “Just so I would know he was there.”
“Ma ma.” A small voice said, and they looked over to see Samantha crawling in to the room. “Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma.” She babbled. Scarlett picked her up and cuddled her daughter.
“Harrison may not be here anymore, but you do have the twins.” Adrienne said.
Scarlett started crying again. “Ben looks just like Harrison. Samm looks a little like him too.”
“Samantha looks like you.” Adrienne said softly. “She has your eyes.” Scarlett looked at her daughter, and indeed, the child’s green eyes had a cat-like slant to them.
“Scarlet smiled, a real smile, not the dreamy grin she’d had recently. “All my other children have taken after their fathers... Save Bonnie, she took after Pa...” She trailed off.
“Come on, lets go get some tea.” Adrienne said, guiding Scarlett downstairs.

::A few weeks later:: Harrison walked into Marie and Leslie’s little cabin on the coast of California. “Morning, Harry.” Leslie said from the couch. Harrison had yet to recover any memory, but Leslie had started calling him Harry, due to the beard he’d grown. It helped shield his scar.
“Morning, Leslie.” Harrison said. “We’re going out on the boat today?”
“No, I’m taking the day off.” Leslie said. “We’ve both been working too hard.”
“Work is the only way I can repay you for your kindness.” Harrison said.
“Speak nothing of it.” Marie said, walking in. “Breakfast is on the table.”
The men both got up and headed to the kitchen. Harrison stopped, suddenly, and stared at a red rug on the floor.
“What’s wrong?” Marie asked. “Does it have a stain?”
“No...” Harrison said. “It’s scarlet.”
“When you were unconscious, you said that name a lot. Scarlett.” She stated. “Scarlett must have been important... In fact, I know she was.” He said. “I can feel it.”
Marie gave him a push towards the kitchen. “Feel it while you’re eating. Breakfast is getting cold.”

“I’m so glad you decided to come to Atlanta with me.” Scarlett told Adrienne as they stepped into the house on Peach Tree street.
Adrienne simply stared around in awe. “This is your house?!? And you‘re yard?”
“Yes, Rhett paid for it...” Scarlett said.
“Rhett is here?!?” Ginny piped up.
“No, darling.” Scarlett said, patting her child on the head.
“What... I’m sure I’ve never seen...” Adrienne stuttered.
“Come this way.” A maid was bringing in their luggage, and Scarlett showed Adrienne her room. Ella took Sarah and Ginny to Ella’s old room, where they would all be sleeping. Scarlett had left the babies at Tara, along with Adrienne’s boys, until everyone got settled in.

That night, Scarlett had the dream again. She was running through the mist, trying to find what she couldn’t have... Suddenly, strong arms were wrapped around her, and she heard soft words being mumbled. She relaxed in the comfort, and quickly went back to sleep.

The next morning, Scarlett came downstairs to find Rhett eating breakfast. “I was hoping you were just a dream too.” She muttered angrily. “Don’t you give any warning?”
“Just as much as you do, my pet.” He said with his roguish grin. “Breakfast? Danvers, get Scarlett some breakfast.”
“Yass’ur.” The butler said, and left.
Scarlett sat down as far from him as possible.
“You look beautiful when you’ve just awoken, did you know that?” Rhett asked. He was answered with a cold glare.
“I’m a widow. Don’t you have any sort of respect?” She asked.
“You were a widow the first time I courted you. The second time too. What difference does this make?” He asked, ducking to avoid the butter dish aimed at his head. “Danvers,” He said as the butler brought back a tray. “Do clean up that glass too...”
“Do go before everyone finds out you’re here.” Scarlett said.
“Scarlett, I must say I’ve never slept better in my AUUUGH!” Adrienne walked in in her night gown and open dressing robes. She yanked her robe shut, and stared at Rhett, who politely covered his eyes.
“Adrienne, I don’t believe you’ve had the pleasure of meeting my 3rd Husband, Rhett Butler.” Scarlett said in a cold voice. “He was just leaving.”
“I wasn’t aware of that.” Rhett said as Adrienne ran back up the stairs.
“God’s nightgown! You’ve just frightened my best friend half out of her wits.” Scarlett growled. “I hope you’re happy.”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you had others with you.” Rhett said. “I will leave the house, but I’ll be visiting later today.” He told her. “Is Virgina here?”
“As a matter of fact, she is.” Scarlett said. “But don’t you dare think that you’re telling her that you are her father. It’ll confuse her terribly.”
“Damn it, Scarlett! You’re as bad as Rosemary!” Rhett said, slamming his fist on the table. “You don’t know how hard this is for me. I look at my child, and she doesn’t even know I’m her father!”
“Keep your voice down!“ Scarlett hissed. “Do you want all of Georgia to hear you?”
“As a matter of fact, I do!” Rhett told her.
“How hard do you think it’d be on her?” Scarlett asked him.
Rhett opened his mouth to speak, but Scarlett shook her head. “Just go. Leave.”
Rhett stood up. “Mrs. Roth.” He gave a mock bow, and left.
“He’s gone, Adrienne.” She called.
“What on EARTH was he doing here?” She asked, emerging from the bedroom and coming back down the stairs.
“I don’t know.” Scarlett said. “Come, sit down... No, careful, there’s glass over there. He’s just so damn spontaneous.”
“Please, ask him to give proper warning next time.” She said, pulling up a chair.
“He’ll be back later.” Scarlett said, sulking. “I do wish he’d leave me alone.”
“Don’t let him in.” Adrienne said.
“Can’t. It’s his house.” Scarlett said. She nibbled a bit at a piece of toast, then pushed her chair back. “I’m not hungry. I’ll go get dressed.”
“You haven’t been eating properly.” Adrienne scolded.
Scarlett gave a weak smile. “Don’t worry about me.”
“You don’t worry about yourself, that’s the problem.” Adrienne said.
Scarlett shook her head and went back upstairs.
When she got to her room, she undressed. Adrienne was right, she’d eaten very little lately. She’d lost a lot of weight. She could easily get to 17 1/2 inches, like she did when she was a teenager. Scarlett’s lips curled, but fell almost at once. “What am I doing?” She asked aloud. She grabbed one of her black dresses from the front of her closet, noticing all of her old glitzy dresses. It almost made her sick, looking at them. “Now I know how mother felt about Philippe.” She said.
“Mama?” A soft voice said at the doorway.
“Come in, Ginny. Mother’s just getting dressed.” Scarlett said as a maid laced her corset.
“Mama, is there a park we can go to?” Ginny asked, hopping onto Scarlett’s bed.
Scarlett smiled as she looked at her daughter. “Yes, baby. I know a wonderful park where you can go play. But you have to PROMISE not to run off again.”
“I promise.” Ginny said. “I’ll go tell Ella and Sarah.” She hopped down and ran out.

That afternoon, Scarlett sat on a park bench, watching Ginny playing with another child she‘d found. Ella was strolling with Sarah. Adrienne had stayed at the house to finish her unpacking. There were tears running down Scarlett’s face under her veil. Soon she was sobbing, and she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Excuse me, are you all right?” Scarlett looked up and saw India Wilkes, a concerned look on her face.
“No.” Scarlett sobbed, her hands back to her face.
India sat down. “Do you mind me asking, but what’s wrong?”
“My husband, Harrison. He died a few months ago... I miss him so much. I can’t do anything without thinking about him.” She told her. “I look at my children, and I think about how he’s never going to see them again. He’ll never see them grow up.” A fresh batch of tears came, and India wrapped an arm around her shoulder and handed her a hanker chief.
India talked to Scarlett, giving encouraging words and such at different intervals.
“I still miss my old beau, Stuart... He died years ago, but it still brings a tear to my eye... Such a wild creature, you couldn’t imagine...” Scarlett looked up and stared at India.
“What?” India asked.
“India Wilkes, you don’t know who I am, do you?”
“Should I?” India asked, confused. “How do you know me?”
Scarlett lifted her veil. India peered at her face for a moment, then gave a shocked cry. “Scarlett?!?”
Scarlett dropped her veil. “I was wondering why you were being so nice to me.” “
I didn’t know you’d gotten married again...” India said. She had a few remarks on the end of her tongue, but held them. “When?”
“After Rhett divorced me.” Scarlett spat out the name.
“Oh... Yes, I heard about that... Well, I’ve got to go...” She said.
Scarlett laughed. “I never thought I’d say this, but it was nice seeing you... Thank you, India.”
“Oh... Yes, well...” India said awkwardly. “I really do have to go. Ashley is waiting...”

“You will never guess who I ran into today.” India said as she hung her cloak.
“Who?” Ashley asked from the study.
Ashley smiled. “She’s in town again? Last I heard, she moved west with her husband...”
“She’s a widow.” India said. “She was crying her eyes out. Apparently she loved this one.”
“India, that’s a terrible thing to say!” Ashley scolded.
“Oh, Ashley, you know she only married Charles to spite you, and Frank and Rhett for the money.” India said, coming into the study. “And if I hadn’t seen Scarlett in such a state, I’d never have believed she loved him. You know, I never once saw her cry for Charles.”
“Hush. I’ll not have you speaking ill of her.” Ashley said. “I must pay her a visit.”
India shook her head and headed upstairs.

Scarlett was upstairs in her room, hanging up her bonnet in her closet. She saw a bit of green, lifted a flowered hat, and found a green velvet hat. She gasped in delight, and took it down. She turned it over, and sure enough, it was the hat she was thinking of. She then ruffled through some more dresses, and found the dress she’d made from her mother’s curtains.
“Ella!” She called, knowing exactly what to do with it. “Ella, darling, come here.”
Ella entered the room. “Yes, Mother?”
“Come in here, I want you to try on a dress.” She said.
Ella walked in and saw the dress. “Mother, it’s beautiful.”
“Yes, and it’ll match your hair wonderfully.” Scarlett told her, taking a strand of her fiery red hair.
Ella slipped off her black mourning dress and tried on the other. “It fits!”
Scarlett sat on her bed. “Turn around, darling... Oh, and here, put on the hat.”
Ella modeled the dress for her mother. “I want you to have it, love.” Scarlett said.
“Oh...” Ella looked down. “I... Thank you!”
“It’s very special.” Scarlett told her. “I made it out of your grandmother’s curtains, and I was wearing it the day I started courting your father.”
Ella’s face lit up. “I’m going to go show Sarah and Ginny and Mrs. Rivers!” She said.
“Oh, wait. Come here, let me fix your hair.” Scarlett sat her down at her vanity table and brushed and pinned her hair in a lovely bun with some curls falling on the sides of her cheeks. She put on the hat, and smiled. “You do look lovely. 14. Only two years younger than I was when I was first married, you know.” She told her. “But I don’t want you to rush into marriage. Don’t make the mistake I did... Find someone you love... Now go show your sister! When you come back, you can try on more. I want you to have all of the dresses that fit you.”

Ella walked out of the room, and heard a voice.
“Well, Scarlett. Glad to see you’ve come to your senses. I always thought you looked hideous in black. You’re like a cat, back on your feet in no time... Ah, I remember that dress. You were simply ravishing then, and you still are, my pet. Now, where is my darling daughter?” Ella turned and looked down.
“Uncle Rhett?” She asked.
“Oh... Hello, Ella. From behind you look almost exactly like your mother.” Rhett said. “Come down here, let me see you.”
She descended the stairs, and he smiled. “You’ve grown up.” He told her. “So mature.”
She blushed. “Thank you.”
“I remember the first day I saw your mother in that dress. She came to visit me.” Rhett said, leaving out the detail that he had been in jail at the time.
“She said she was wearing it when she started courting my father.” Ella said softly.
“Ah, yes... Same day, if she told me correctly.” He told her. “Is your mother here?”
“Upstairs.” Ella said. “I’ll tell her you’re here.”
“Go get your sister too.” He told her.
She went upstairs and a few minutes later Ginny ran downstairs. “Rhett!” She shrieked, throwing herself into his arms.
“Hello, Princess!” He laughed, picking her up. “What have you been doing sense I last saw you?”
“I’ve done lots!” Ginny said. “We rode on a train, and went to Tara, Mama told me lots about Tara! Then we came here. I like it here! There is a room that has lots of toys, Ella said it was her room!” Rhett sat down and put Ginny on his knee. “And there's another room with toys, but I’m not allowed to go into that room.”
“Yes, that room belonged to your sister.” Rhett said solemnly.
“Bonnie. She died, Mama said.” Ginny told him. “Before I was born.”
“Yes.” Rhett nodded.
Scarlett’s door slammed open and she came downstairs. Rhett grinned. “Hello, Scarlett.”
“Ginny, come here, dear.” Scarlett said as she sat down in a chair. Ginny jumped down and climbed into her mother’s lap.
“What have you and Capt. Butler been talking about?” She asked.
“I told Rhett about the train ride here, and how much I like the house!” She told him.
Scarlett wrapped her arms around Ginny. “Is that all?” She asked, glaring at Rhett.
“He knows about Bonnie.” Ginny told her.
“Yes, your mother and I were *very* close friends at that time.” He said, winking at Scarlett, who’s frown deepened. “Bonnie was a darling child.” He said seriously. “Just like you, Virginia. I miss her very much.”
Ginny nodded. “I wish I’d known her.” She said quietly.
“Flower, you go play with Sarah and Ella.” She said. “I need to talk to Rhett privately.”
Ginny frowned. “But they’re no fun! When are Ben and Samantha and Lucas and Garret coming?”
“I’ll telegram your Aunt Sue Ellen today.” Scarlett said, smiling at her daughter. “And if you’re a good girl and go play with your sister, I’ll play dolls with you tonight.”
Ginny beamed and ran upstairs. Rhett looked at Scarlett, eyebrow raised. “Play dolls? You never once when we were married offered to play with our children.”
“I had a lot on my mind back then.” Scarlett said. “Now why were you talking about Bonnie to Ginny? You might have let it slip that you were her father. You DID let it slip to Ella that Ginny‘s your daughter! God knows, I had a fine time explaining the situation to her.”
“Oh, wonderful!” Rhett said, standing up. “Now I have to hide Bonnie too? Damn it, Scarlett! This is pure hell for me!” “You brought this all on yourself, Rhett Butler!” Scarlett stood up too, and walked over to him. “You were the one who divorced me!” She screamed.
“Because you were cheating on me with Harrison.” Rhett said.
“Only you would be stupid enough to believe that harlots lies!” Scarlett growled. “Not a word of it was true. You could have asked me, you always said you knew when I was lying.”
“After everything that went on with Ashley, what was I supposed to think?” He asked.
“I may have dreamed, but I never ONCE was physically unfaithful to you!” She cried.
“You didn’t tell me I had another child! If I had known, I wouldn’t have married Rosemary!” He yelled back, changing the subject.
“You’re just mad because I realized I didn’t love you, and it’s tearing you up inside!” She cried. “You’re upset because I loved Harrison, that I didn’t spend my life pining away for you!” They were nose to nose now. Rhett suddenly grabbed Scarlett and kissed her passionately. For a moment, she surrendered, then she suddenly pulled away and slapped him. Hard.
“Get out!” She screamed.
“Damn it, Scarlett...” He said. “I love you!”
“I DON’T love you!” She told him.
“You tell yourself that, but is it really the truth?” He asked her.
“Get out before I call Danvers.” She whispered. She was crying.
“It’s my house too.” He told her. “And I will not leave until you tell me the truth! You do love me.”
“I love Harrison!” She looked up, her green eyes bloodshot, tears running down her face.
“He’s dead.” Rhett told her, taking enjoyment in the statement.
Scarlett sobbed, and ran upstairs. Rhett started upstairs, but was stopped by the slight frame of Adrienne. “You really are a monster.” She spat.
“This is between Scarlett and me.” He told her.
“I heard everything. She doesn’t love you anymore. She truly loved Harrison. She nearly went crazy when he died. She wouldn’t accept it.” Adrienne stared up at him. “And it’ll be a cold day in hell before I let you go up and drive her insane again.” Rhett looked down at her. She was like Melanie, reincarnated. He couldn’t go up against her. He turned and left. The door slammed behind him.
Adrienne ran to Scarlett’s room, but Scarlett wouldn’t open the door. “Darling, it’s me!” Adrienne called.
“Leave me alone.” Scarlett yelled.
“He’s gone, Scarlett... Please, let me in!”
“GO AWAY!” Scarlett screamed. Adrienne could hear her sobs.

“Where’s Mama?” Ginny asked at dinner.
“She’s in her room.” Adrienne said.
“I heard yelling earlier.” Sarah said. “What was going on?”
“Mother and Uncle Rhett were fighting.” Ella said quietly. She’d changed out of the green dress, back into one of her black dresses. “It happened all the time...” She stopped and looked at Ginny. “Back... Before.” She finished lamely.
“I thought they were friends!” Ginny said. “Why do they fight?”
“They used to be friends, dear.” Adrienne told her. “But right now they are not.”
“Rhett’s my friend.” Ginny said quietly.
“Hmmm.” Adrienne said, as she finished her dinner.

“Hells Bells!” Belle said. “What on earth happened?”
“I don’t know. She said she doesn’t love me anymore.” Rhett said, taking another swig of his brandy bottle. “She believes it too. But I know she’s wrong. I sent Rosemary the divorce papers this morning.”
“Rhett!” Belle shook her head. “You’re setting yourself up for a lot more hurt and a lot more sorrow.”
“I know what I’m doing, Belle.” He told her.
“Just like you knew what you were doing when you divorced Scarlett.” Belle told him.
“That was different.” Rhett exclaimed.
“There was nothing more alike! Rhett, she doesn’t love you. She loved Harold, or whatever his name was.”
“She told me it was my fault for divorcing me. She never once said she was glad I did.”
“Stop trying to read what’s not on the page.” Belle told him. “She won’t take you back.”
“Yes, but she has my child. If she won’t take me, I’ll take Virginia.” Rhett growled.
“Using your own child for revenge.” Bella was shocked. She yanked the bottle from his hands. “YOU’VE had too much to drink.”
Rhett gave a ‘harrumph’, and settled back on the couch he’d been sitting on. “She should have learned long ago not to mess with Rhett Butler.” He said.
“She’ll never love you if you try and take away her child.” Belle told him.
“But I’ll have Virginia.” Rhett said. “And if I can’t have Scarlett, I want my little girl.”

Scarlett, meanwhile, was clutching a picture of herself and Harrison tightly in one hand as she poured a glass of whisky with the other. Her hand shook, sloshing the liquid around the glass, but she didn’t notice. She took the glass and drank it, then poured another. The bottle was almost empty. She gave a mixed hiccup/sob, and drank another.

Ashley Wilkes stood outside the door of the House on Peachtree Street. When the door opened, he greeted Danvers, and walked in.
“Uncle Ashley!” Ella said as she came out of the dining room. She hugged him, and he greeted her happily. “Hello, Ella.”
Adrienne came out also, looking cross. “Who are you?” She asked brashly.
Ashley stared at her for a moment, wondering why she seemed so angry. He shook it off, and extended a hand. “My name is Ashley Wilkes. I’m a good friend of Scarlett’s, and I heard she was in town again.”
Adrienne brightened up and shook his hand. “Oh, dear... Yes, Scarlett’s told me so much about you. Been friends from childhood, am I right?”
“Yes Ma’am.” He said.
“I’m Adrienne Rivers, a friend of Scarlett’s.” Sarah and Ginny had also come out. “This is my daughter Sarah, and this is Scarlett’s daughter, Virginia Roth.”
Ashley greeted them. “Is Scarlett in?” He asked.
“She’s locked herself in her room.” Ella told him. “Uncle Rhett came by earlier, and they were screaming at each other.”
Ashley looked grim. “Rhett, hmmm?”
“That’s why I was a bit cross when you arrived.” Adrienne apologized.
“He can sour just about anyone’s mood... Save Melanie. She always thought the world of him.” Ashley looked down.
“Maybe you could talk some sense into Scarlett.” Adrienne said. “I’ve got to go and wire Suellen and have her send the rest of the children up with Prissy.” She pulled on her cloak. “Sarah and Ella, watch Ginny.”
“We will.” They replied.
Ashley went to Scarlett’s room and knocked.
“Leave me ALONE!” He heard.
“Scarlett, it’s me.” He said. There was a clatter and some ruffling, then he heard the door click. She opened the door, her eyes puffy and bloodshot, her dress wrinkled, her hair a mess.
“Ashley...” She said, and collapsed into his arms. “Oh, Ashley! What am I going to do?”
“Hush, darling.” He said. “Now tell me what happened.”
“Rhett was here. He was talking to Ginny...” She sniffled.
“You mean Virginia?” He asked.
She nodded. “He got upset because I didn’t want him telling her that Bonnie was his daughter.” She told him. “I told him that it was all his fault for divorcing me. He was mad about me not telling him that Ginny was his...” Ashley’s eyebrow raised, but he said nothing as she continued. “And then... He kissed me!” She sobbed. “He said he still loves me!” She cried, her face buried in his shirt.
“Shh...” He said, patting her shoulder. “Hush, now.”
“I don’t love him, though.” Scarlett hiccupped, and he could smell the whiskey on her breath.. “And I know he’s going to tell Ginny... And that’ll confuse her. She thought Harrison...” And a fresh batch of tears came. “Harrison!” She wailed. “I miss him so much!”
Ashley held her, sort of rocking. “I was so sorry to hear about his death.”
“Harrison...” She whimpered. She looked up after a few moments. “Where’s Adrienne?” She asked.
“She went to wire your sister. Have the children sent with Prissy.” He told her.
Scarlett gave another hiccup and took a hanker chief and wiped her eyes. “You’ll get to see my darling babies.”
“I wasn’t aware that you’d had more.” He told her.
“Ben and Samantha are twins.” She told him. “And I wanted to have more... But...” And she started crying again.
Ashley guided her to a bench next to the wall and sat down with her.
“Now, Scarlett.” He told her. “Tell me about Ginny.”
Scarlett looked up in alarm. “What do you mean?”
“She’s Rhett’s...” He said hesitantly.
“How did you know?!?” She asked.
“You just told me.” He told her.
“I did?” She was confused. “Well... It was right before Rhett divorced me. He didn’t know, and I didn’t tell him. Harrison and I’d become good friends, and when he found out, he offered to marry me. At the time, I didn’t love him... He loved me though... I was fond of him, though, so I agreed.”
Ashley patted her back. “You’ve been through so much.”
“But I grew to love him. I loved him so much... I feel like I’m suffocating without him.” She cried.
“I know exactly how you feel, darling.” He said.
“Oh, Ashley.” She said, resting her head on his shoulder. “You’re so good to me.”
“After all you did for me and Mellie and Beau, what else could I do?” He asked softly.

Later that night, Ashley stormed into his house, slamming the door so hard the windows rattled.
“What on earth!” India came in. “Ashley! What ever is wrong?”
“Damn him.” Ashley hissed. “Damn that son of a...”
“ASHLEY!” India cried. “If Aunt Pitty hears that sort of language, she’ll go into conniptions! Now what has gotten you into such a fit?”
“Rhett Butler.” He hissed. “He’s hell bent on destroying Scarlett.”
“What?” India asked.
“She’d locked herself in her room. Ella told me they were screaming at each other. Poor Scarlett, she was crying her eyes out about that, and her deceased husband.” Ashley told her.
“She’s different.” India said. “She’s changed for the better.”
“I’d rather have the old Scarlett. She’s being destroyed, inside and out. She’s thin, and pale. She doesn’t look good.”
“Beau is coming home.” India said, changing the subject. “For a month.”
Ashley grumbled, softer this time. “Maybe it’ll cheer Scarlett up a bit to see him...” He muttered. “But really! I’m thinking of finding Rhett right now and giving him a piece of my mind.”
“You’ll get yourself killed.” India told him. “He’s not a gentleman, and he’s always hated you because Scarlett loved you.”
“I don’t care.” Ashley said. “No one has the right to do that to a woman, especially not him.”
“Not even to Scarlett, I’ll agree.” India said.
“I’ve got to stop him. Mellie would have been able to.” He said.
“Melanie could have stopped anyone from doing anything.” India remembered.
“God, I miss her.” Ashley said, sitting down. “She would have known exactly what to do...”

Harrison kissed Marie’s hand, and shook Leslies. “I’m eternally grateful for all the kindness you folk’s have given me, but it’s time I moved on.” He told them.
“Why Georgia?” Marie asked.
“I don’t know. I’m drawn to it.” He said.
“All aboard!” Someone shouted.
Harrison climbed the steps to the train. “Write me!” Marie shouted.
“I’ll let you know about everything I find!” He grinned, and went inside.

::A Week later::
Scarlett hadn’t seen Rhett, and was happily getting back to her normal life. Ginny was content playing with Lucas and Garret, and Scarlett had her hands full with the twins.
“Come on, Ben.” She said as he clung to the leg of a chair. “Walk to Mommy!”
He let go, hesitantly took a step, and fell over. She laughed and picked him back up. “What a funny boy!” She said, hugging him. Samantha was playing with an old rag doll's of Ella’s, swatting it around. Scarlett sat down on the floor, Ben in her lap.
“I’m going down to the bakery.” Adrienne said, coming downstairs. “Ginny and the boys are going with me. Care to join us?”
“No, I think I’ll stay here with Benjamin and Samantha.” Scarlett said.
“All right.” Adrienne made sure everyone was suitable, and they left.
Ella and Sarah came down a few moments later. “Mrs. Roth,” Sarah asked.
“Yes, dear?” Scarlett looked up.
“There is a simply dashing young man we saw out the window. May we go introduce ourselves?” She asked as Ella giggled.
Scarlett got up. “Let me take a look.” Sarah looked out, and pointed him out. “He looks harmless enough. I’ll come out into the yard, though...” She took the twins and they walked outside.
“He looks rather familiar,” Scarlett said from the back of the front yard as the girls made their way across the land to the front gate.
“Ma!” Ben said as she put him down. He clutched her skirts, and she patted his head.
Suddenly, there was laughter. “Mother, come here!” Ella cried. Scarlett took the twins and ran over.
“What's wrong?” She asked.
“Aunt Scarlett?” The young man asked.
“Why... Beau Wilkes!” Scarlett gasped. “Just look at you! My, I haven’t seen you sense... Well...”
“Sense Mother died...” He finished.
“Yes, well... So you’re visiting your father? How nice. I saw him just last week.”
“Who are these two?” He asked, looking at Ben and Samantha.
“This is Benjamin Roth, and this is Samantha Roth.” She said.
“Lovely children.” He said, taking Ben.
Scarlett beamed. “Thank you, Beau.” She said.
“I really must get back... It’s almost time for lunch... Sarah, Ella, would you like to join me and my family for lunch?” He asked.
“May we, Mother?” Ella asked.
“What a silly question!” Scarlett exclaimed. “Of course you can! Have fun, too.” She took Ben and headed back towards the house.
“Looks like it’s just the three of us.” She said to the twins.
“Ya ba ma da!” Samantha replied.
“Ya.” Ben said.
Scarlett laughed. “You don’t say much, Benjamin, but when you do, it’s quick, and to the point. She got inside and got down to play with them some more. After about an hour, she heard the door open.
“How was lunch?” She asked.
“Pardon?” Rhett replied.
She gasped and turned around. “Danvers!” She called.
The butler ran in. “Yas, Mrs. Scarlett?” He asked.
“Get him out of here! Now!” She pointed to Rhett, still sitting on the floor, holding her children tightly to her.
“I didn’t come to argue with you, Scarlett.” Rhett said. “There’s no need to yell. Besides, as you already know, this is my house too, and I have every right to be here.”
Danvers looked at the two, confused.
“You go on, Danvers.” Rhett waved him aside.
“No!” Scarlett said. “Stay in here.” She said.
Danvers stood at the doorway.
“I never thought I’d see the great Scarlett O Hara, on the floor, playing with children.” Rhett mused.
“Did you come to make fun of me, because...”
“No, my pet, I’ve come to discuss business.” Rhett told her.
“What do you mean?” She asked, still holding the twins.
“I’ve divorced Rosemary. She’s a lost cause, and my darling Hannah want’s nothing to do with me. Perhaps, one day, she’ll come to love me, but her mother has made her think I’m some kind of monster.”
“Its a well known fact.” Scarlett jeered.
Rhett sat down, and Scarlett moved to a chair as far from him as possible without leaving the room. “Scarlett, I’ve got a proposition for you.” He told her. “I want you to marry me.”
Scarlett turned red. “Never!” She spat. Samantha started to cry, and Ben followed suit. She looked away from Rhett and calmed them down. “Never.” She said in a softer voice.
“Why not?” He asked.
“I told you, I don’t love you.” She said.
“You didn’t love me the first time either.” He reminded her.
“You had some sort of desire back then, money. But now I’ve got all the money I need. I’ve got absolutely nothing to gain.”
Rhett looked at her, amused.
“And I’m a widow! I’ll never marry anyone else again. I loved Harrison, more than I could ever love another man.” She said.
“You loved Ashley then too, and he was just as unavailable as Harrison is now.” Rhett said.
“Da...” She looked down at her children, who were squirming in her lap, and changed her choice of words. “...Get out! How dare you talk like that, and in front of my children! You have the nerve to make fun of their father?” She asked, upset.
“I never once made fun of him.” Rhett said coolly. “I made fun of their mother.”
“Why...” She took a deep breath, then, after she’d calmed down a bit, she said, in a calm voice... “If I didn’t have my two children in my lap, God only knows what I’d do to you!”
“I’m sorry.” Rhett said. “I really am... Scarlett, I do love you. Besides, if it’s not for yourself, do it for Virginia.”
“She’s just fine as she is.” Scarlett said. “You may be her father by blood, but Harrison is the only father she will ever have.”
Danvers was rather uncomfortable during the whole ordeal, and tried not to hear what was going between the two.
“Harrison’s gone. Let me be her father now!” Rhett pleaded.
“Never! In fact, I would greatly appreciate it if you left us alone. I don’t want you corrupting my daughter.”
“You can’t keep my daughter away from me!” He cried.
“Hush.” She said in a soft voice. “You’ll upset the twins. Anyway, you did the exact same thing to me with Bonnie. You did everything in your power to keep her from loving me. You’d better be glad I haven’t done the same to Ginny. She thinks the world of you, you know. Her ‘friend’, that nice man who comes to visit her every so often. But that’s it. You will never be any more to her than that, do you understand?” Scarlett asked.
“I understand, but I don’t agree.” Rhett told her. “She WILL know that I am her father.”
“If you tell her, I’ll simply tell her that you’re crazy, you lost a daughter and are trying to take Ginny from me.” Scarlett told him.
“She will know, and you won’t be able to do a thing about it.” Rhett growled. He turned and left.
“Danvers,” Scarlett said when he was gone. “Please take the twins for a moment. I need something to calm my nerves.”
“Yas’um. Want me to have Cookie make you some tea?” He asked as he took the children.
“That would be delightful.” Scarlett said. She lay back on the sofa, exhausted from the argument.
“Oh, Mellie!” She said when she was alone. “Mellie, what do I do? I don’t love Rhett... But I’m only stooping as low as he did, keeping Ginny away from him.” Scarlett sighed. “And Harrison... I can’t get married, I loved him. I truly loved him, with all my soul.”
“Mrs. Scarlett?” Danvers was at the doorway. “Yo tea is ready.”
“Oh...” She looked up, a bit dazed. “Thank you, Danvers. Could you give the children to Prissy? Tell her it’s their naptime.”
“Yas’um.” He bowed and left.
Scarlett went to the kitchen, drank her tea, and feeling a little better, decided to go upstairs and take a nap herself.
Once again, Scarlett was trapped in the mist... But it was different this time. She wasn’t scared. Something was coming out of the mist, towards her.
“Hello, Scarlett.” It said.
“Mellie?!?” Scarlett ran towards the voice, and sure enough, it was Melanie.
“What do I do, Mellie?” She pleaded.
“If you do marry Capt. Butler, you’ll keep a treasure, and lose another.” Melanie said cryptically.
“What do you mean?” Scarlett asked.
“Do not marry him, and you will find what you lost, but something very precious will be gone from your life.” She told her.
“Melanie, I missed you so much!” Scarlett said. She tried to touch her, but her hand went straight through her. “Mellie, help me! What am I supposed to do?”
“You must figure it out on your own. My time here is short.” Melanie said. “Tell Ashley and Beau how much I love them.”
“No... Mellie!” Scarlett cried as she started to vanish. “NO! Don’t go! Don’t leave me, please!”

Adrienne found Scarlett thrashing on the bed. “No... Don’t leave me, Mellie... Don’t leave me.” She was crying pitifully. Adrienne shook her awake, and Scarlett looked around, disoriented, and then, when she focused on Adrienne, she hugged her.
“It was just a nightmare, darling.” Adrienne told her.
“No... Melanie told me something... She was trying to warn me...” Scarlett told her. “She told me I’d lose a treasure... something very precious to me...”
“It was just a dream, dear.” Adrienne said. “You’re upset. Did anything happen today?” She asked.
“Rhett came by again... Oh, no,” She said as Adrienne got a furious look on her face. “It wasn’t as bad as last time... He asked me to marry him.”
Adrienne raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t agree, did you?”
“Of course not!” Scarlett said. “How you would ever think I would do such a thing is beyond me!”
“I’m sorry...” Adrienne said.
“It’s not your fault... He tried to drag Ginny into the argument, that he wanted to be her father... I told him to leave us all alone.”
“Good for you!” Adrienne said.
“I don’t love him...” Scarlett said, “But... Did I do the right thing? I’m keeping his daughter away from him.”
“He did the exact same thing with Bonnie.” Adrienne pointed out.
“I know... And I feel like I’m stooping to his level.” Scarlett shook her head.
“Daring, the reason he’s giving you so much trouble is because you’re here.”
“What?” Scarlett asked.
“I’m going back to San Francisco in two weeks.” Adrienne told her. “ Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Witherspoon have already gone back. .Are you coming with me?”
Scarlett nodded. “Yes. I’m ready to go home.”
Adrienne smiled. and hugged her. “Wonderful!” She said.

One morning, a few days before they had planned to go back to San Francisco, Scarlett was opening her mail.
She looked through a few invitations to join sewing circles and such. She’d really gotten on the right foot with the old cats in Atlanta.
She opened the last letter, and began to read.

Ashley and Beau walked across the yard of Scarlett’s home, Beau to visit with Sarah and Ella, Ashley to converse with Scarlett. They both heard the horrible scream from inside the house.
“What on earth...” Beau asked.
“It sounded like Scarlett!” Ashley said, breaking into a run. He burst inside, and found Scarlett, collapsed in the parlor, Adrienne and Sarah and Ella trying to revive her.
“What happened?” He asked.
“I don’t know!” Ella cried. “Mother was down here reading her mail, and we heard her scream. We found her like this.”
Ashley scanned the floor and found a letter. He grabbed it, and scanned the page. His jaw dropped open. “It’s from Rhett’s lawyer!” Ashley cried. “He’s gotten total custody of Virginia Roth!”
Adrienne gasped as Ella’s eyes went wide.
“He can’t! He can’t take Ginny!” Adrienne said.
“Mother...” Ella heard her mother groan. “Mother, oh...”
“Ella... What happened?” She asked, sitting up slowly. She saw the letter in Ashley’s hand, and moaned. “Oh, dear god...”
“Mother, it’s all right...” Ella said, afraid Scarlett would faint again.
“He’s going to take my baby!” Scarlett wailed.
“No!” Adrienne said. “There must be some way out of this.”
“He’s getting back at me. I wouldn’t marry him, so he’s taking my child...” Scarlett cried.
“Scarlett, don’t you worry.” Ashley said, helping her up. “Beau, have Danvers drive you to Uncle Henry, tell him it’s an emergency.”
“Right.” And Beau dashed off to find the Butler.
“Sarah, Ella, you find Ginny, and keep her occupied upstairs.” Ashley told the girls.
“Now, Scarlett, tell me. You said you wouldn’t marry him, that’s why he’s taking your daughter?”
Scarlett nodded, swaying so that Ashley had to hold her to keep her from falling. “He asked me to marry him again... I told him I’d never marry him, and he asked me to do it for Ginny...” Scarlett stopped, taking deep breaths.
“Go on...” Ashley said. She was in his arms.
“This is what Mellie meant!” She cried suddenly.
Ashley looked at her, confused. “Pardon?”
“Melanie... She came to me.” Scarlett told him. “She told me that if I didn’t marry him, I’d lose something very precious to me... She meant Ginny! If I did marry him, I’d keep my treasure, but lose another...”
“A dream she had the other day.” Adrienne put in.
“Oh...” Ashley nodded. He had feared for Scarlett’s sanity for a moment.
“She told me to tell you how much she loves you.” Scarlett said suddenly.
Ashley had a sad smile. “No one needed to tell me.” He whispered.
“Can we get back to the subject at hand?!?” Adrienne said, frustrated.
“Rhett told me that I couldn’t keep Ginny away from him.” Scarlett said. “I’d told him to leave us alone. Oh, Ashley! He’s going to take my little girl away from me!” Scarlett said.
“No, dearest. No, he won’t! We won’t let him.” Ashley said, stroking her hair.
“He divorced me when there was no divorce in South Carolina! Ashley! I can’t live without my children!” She told him

“We’ll stop ‘em.” Uncle Henry said, walking in. “Now explain to me what happened.”
Scarlett repeated the story, and Uncle Henry read the letter. “Scarlett, you’ve made him mad.” Uncle Henry said finally. “I’ll work on this... But it’s all legal.”
Scarlett shook her head. “No! We’re leaving! Right now! He’ll never find us...”
“Scarlett, if you try and take Ginny away, you could never see her again.” Uncle Henry said, showing her part of the letter.
Scarlett sobbed, burying her head into Ashley’s chest.
“Henry, what can we do?” Ashley asked.
“At this point, you’ll have to bargin with Rhett directly.” Uncle Henry said.

::That night::
Rhett opened the door, and found Beau Wilkes standing there, holding a gun pointed straight at Rhett.
“What’s all this?” He asked, amused.
“Get out!” Beau said. Ashley poked his head into the hall. Seeing Rhett, he walked over.
“I suggest you leave.” Ashley growled.
“I came to get my daughter.” Rhett said coolly. “I’m not leaving without her.”
“Over my dead body.” Ashley said.
“That can be arranged.” Rhett told him.
“Damn it!” Uncle Henry cursed, coming in. “Both of you stop it! Ashley, get back in there with Scarlett. Beau, put that gun down now! Rhett, into the parlor.” Everyone stared at him. “NOW!” The old man screamed. Beau and Ashley obeyed. Rhett waited for a moment before he went into the parlor, where he found a group of Uncle Henry’s best lawyers.
“You can’t fight this.” Rhett told them. “She’s my daughter, and I’ve gained custody over her.”
“You’ll destroy Scarlett.” Uncle Henry said.
“She had a choice.” Rhett said.
“You never once told me you would try something as horrible as this!” Rhett turned and found Scarlett, restrained by Ashley.
“My pet, you really do know me better than that.” Rhett said. “You didn’t think I’d just give up?”
Scarlett let out a half howl, half scream, and tried to fling herself at him, her hands reaching out to scratch and cause him any pain she could, but Ashley held her back. “Settle down.” Ashley said.
“Virginia is now in my custody. If you will agree to marry me,” Rhett said, “You may be with her.”
Scarlett stopped. She was limp in Ashley’s arms. “You really are a monster!” Ashley spat.
Scarlett turned, with gasping sobs, her face buried in his shirt.
“I see she still hasn’t gotten over you.” Rhett said, eyebrow raised.
“I’m her FRIEND! I’ve supported her though all the horrific chaos you’ve created in her life.” Ashley told him.
“Where is my child?” Rhett asked. “I’m tired of playing these games. She’s coming with me, tonight.”
“No!” Scarlett said. She looked at Rhett, and he was shocked at what he saw. He hadn’t noticed it before. She was pale, her skin looked almost gray. She looked sick. She looked broken. “No... I’ll marry you. Just don’t take my daughter.”
“See, she knows how to compromise.” Rhett said, grinning.
“But first!” Uncle Henry said. “We’re going to go through this, make sure you can’t take her away again on a whim, make sure Scarlett has equal power in the matter.”
Scarlett left the parlor where they’d been working. The agreement was that, now that they were engaged, that if either broke off the engagement or settled for divorce would lose Ginny. Scarlett climbed the stairs to her room, and fell onto her bed. She felt numb. Almost as if she’d sold her soul. She’d given in to Rhett Butler... But she’d keep Ginny. She got up, and walked to Ginny’s room. The child was asleep, her sheets mangled around her. Scarlett gently brushed her hair out of her face. Ginny groaned and awoke.
“Mama?” She whispered. “Is it time to get up?”
“No, sweetie.” Scarlett said. “Not yet.”
“Mmmm... Mama, you look sad. What’s wrong?” Ginny asked.
“Oh... I just miss your father, love.” Scarlett told her. “You go back to sleep.”
“I miss daddy too...” Ginny said softly as she rolled over. Soon she was asleep again, and Scarlett walked out.

Rhett looked into the hallway, at the staircase. Scarlett had a blank, expressionless look on her face. ‘I’m sorry it had to come to this, my pet.’ He thought. ‘But I have to have you, and my daughter.’
“Rhett!” Uncle Henry barked.
“Hmm?” He asked, turning.
“Pay attention. You started this damned mess, and you’ll finish it too.” The old man told him.
Rhett took another glance upstairs, but Scarlett was gone.

She was in Bonnie’s room. She held a china doll, rocking slowly on the bed. “I can‘t lose my Ginny.” She murmered. “I can’t lose another person I love... This is for the best...” She put the doll down and opened Bonnie’s linen press. She fingered the lace around the sheets, EVB stitched on.
“Scarlett?” She heard a sleepy voice, and turned to find Adrienne. “What are you doing?”
“I couldn’t take it anymore.” She told Adrienne.
“What happened? I know he came... Why are all the lawyers still here? It’s 4 in the morning.”
“I...” Scarlett looked down, and a lone tear rolled off her cheek. “It’s all legal. I’ve agreed to marry him, so I can stay with Ginny.”
“Oh, you poor dear!” Adrienne rushed over and hugged her.
“They’re working on it now, so we’ll have equal power over her. If either of us breaks off the engagement or files for divorce, the other gets Ginny, lock stock and barrel.” Scarlett’s voice was dead of emotion. “I was just thinking, he’s taken two children from me...” Scarlett said. “And he won’t take any more...”
“Two?” Adrienne asked, confused.
“Years ago... It was Ashley’s birthday, and there was a surprise party.” Scarlett told Adrienne the story... “And then, the next morning, he left. He took Bonnie with him.” Scarlett said. “He was gone... Oh, at least three months. I found out I was going to have another baby, and I was happy. It was the first time I wanted a child. I knew it would bring him back to me.” Scarlett was crying, but she didn’t realize it.
“He came back, unexpectedly. We were at the top of the stairs, and I told him. He made fun of me, asked if it was Ashley’s. I was so angry, I told him I wished it was anyone’s but Rhett’s, and that I didn’t want it... I did, though. I know that now.”
Adrienne patter her shoulder. “Of course you did. What happened next?”
“He said... He said ‘Maybe you’ll have a miscarrage.’ I was so angry, I lunged at him... He moved away... They’d just waxed the steps.” Scarlett stopped talking.
“And... You fell?” Adrienne asked cautiously.
“Yes... I fell. And... Later, Bonnie died, because he didn’t stop her from jumping...” Scarlett’s voice was steady, and her tears had stopped. “I can’t let him take any more of my babies.”
“Scarlett...” Adrienne said. “Will you be staying here?”
Scarlett shook her head. “I don’t know. I can’t take Rhett back to Harrison’s home... But if I stay, I won’t have a single friend... I just rebuilt my reputation here too...”
“Wherever you are,” Adrienne told her. “I will be there for you. I promise. Just telegram me, and I’ll be at your side as soon as possible.”
Scarlett gave a weak smile. “I’m so lucky to have such a good friend.” She said softly.
“Mrs. Roth!” Someone from downstairs called.
“You go back to bed, Adrienne.” Scarlett told her. She went back downstairs, and sat down. “Yes?”
“We’ve almost got everything settled, we just need your approval.” One of the lawyers said.
They told her everything, and she nodded. “That’s fine.” She said in a dull voice. “I just a few things... I’m keeping the name Roth.” She said.
Rhett cringed inwardly, but said “Acceptable.”
“Ginny is too.” She told him. “And you will be Uncle Rhett. She will never know that you are her birth father.”
“No!” Rhett said, standing up.
“Rhett, sit down.” Ashley said. “You’ve gotten what you wanted. You’ve got Scarlett and Virginia. Isn’t the role of Step Father enough for you?”
“As a matter of fact...” Rhett turned to him.
“Capt. Butler,” His lawyer said. “You’ve made most of the conditions. These are very minor, and I suggest you take them.”
Rhett sat back down, obviously not pleased. He looked at Scarlett, who was staring off into space, no expression showing at all. He’d never seen her like this. ‘Well, once we’re married, I’ll make it up to her. I’ll show her how much I love her, she’ll be happier.’ He thought.
“Where will we live?” Scarlett asked suddenly.
“Why... Here, I assumed.” Rhett said, but Scarlett shook her head.
“No. I care about what people think of me here, and I don’t want them thinking I married you for money again. The rumors will fly everywhere... Not a word of this goes out to anybody, understand?” She told the Lawyers.
“Scarlett, really.” Uncle Henry said. “They’d understand...”
“That my child was born when I wasn’t married to the father, and that I never told him?” She asked bitterly.
“Ah... Point taken.” Uncle Henry said. “Not a word.”
The lawyers all murmered in agreement.
“Charleston, then?” Rhett asked.
“That’s fine...” She murmered. “May I go?”
Uncle Henry nodded. “Yes, dear. Leave the rest to us.” She started to leave, but Ashley got up and pulled her aside.
“Scarlett, I can only imagine what this is like for you.” He told her. “I will be here for you, if you ever need a friend... And if any rumors are started, I’ll make sure they’re stopped.”
Scarlett gave another weak smile. “Thank you Ashley... Now, if you don’t mind, I’m really quite tired...” She pulled away and walked up the stairs.
She went to her room, and dressed into her nightgown. She looked in the mirror, and looking back at her was a pale, thin creature. There were bags under her eyes, and her face was tearstained. She turned, and crawled into her bed, not caring.

“We’ll all meet at my place tomorrow night, I need some sleep!” Henry finally said to the other Lawyers. They murmered in agreement As the men left the house, Ashley stopped Rhett. “You’re killing her.” He told him.
“I beg your pardon?” Rhett asked, miffed.
“Did you see her? She’s falling apart. India told me she was in bad shape at first, but this is just horrible. If you love her, leave her alone.” Ashley stated.
“I do believe she still loves you, and you love her. You had a perfect chance to catch her, you know.” Rhett said, mockingly.
Ashley growled, and said “If I wasn’t a gentleman...” And stormed out of the house. Everyone was gone exept Rhett. He went to the dining room and poured himself a drink. He sat down, sipping his brandy, thinking.
“He’s wrong.” Rhett finally said aloud. “I can help Scarlett. She needs me, like I need her.” He got up and left the house, ready to try and buy his way back into Scarlett’s heart.

Henry walked up to the Atlanta Hotel, and a man held the door for him. “Thank you.” He said.
“No Problem.” Harrison said.
Henry collapsed in one of the arm chairs in the lobby, Harrison sat down next to him. “I’m exausted.” He said aloud.
“Why?” Harrison asked.
“Oh, a legal case... The name’s Henry Hamilton.” He said, extending a hand.
“Harry.” Harrison said. “You’re name sounds rather familiar... Have we met before?”
“No, I don’t recall...” Henry said. “You got a last name? That might help.”
“I don’t remember... I don’t even know if Harry’s my real name. Amnesia...” He said.
“Ah...” Henry nodded.
“Georgia sort of called to me, and I figured I might as well get started in a nice big booming city like Atlanta.”
“Best way to go!” Henry said.
“Well, I’d better get checked in...” He said. He then stopped. “I was... am a lawyer...” He said suddenly.
“Really?” Henry said, intrigued.
“Yes, I remember... I moved across the country for a case... A good friend of mine was upset... Can’t remember who, or what or where, though...” He frowned.
“Would you like a job?” Henry asked.
“Oh, yes!” Harrison said. “Yes, I would!”
“Tell ya what. Meet me in my room tomorrow night, around 6...” He told him the room number. “We could use another good man on this.”
“Thank you!” Harrison said.
“We’ll see how you hold up. If you can survive this, there just might be a spot in my firm you could use.” Henry patted him on the back and started towards his room.
Harrison couldn’t believe his good fortune. “Well, if I can’t find my old life, it’s just as well to start a new one.” He murmered.

Scarlett woke up, and smelled fresh coffee, warm bread and other tantalizing breakfast smells. She murmered in delight. ‘Oh, Harrison is such a sweetheart, bringing me breakfast in bed!’ She thought. ‘I’m so tired... What from, though?’ She opened her eyes, and her smile was gone in a second as she first saw where she was, remembering what had happened to Harrison, then when she saw Rhett holding the tray, and she remembered the events of the day before.
“Do get out.” She said. “We’re not married yet. Do you want the whole town talking?”
“Ah, but I‘ve brought you breakfast.” He said. “And I’ll make sure no one says a word.”
“Rhett...” She said, “Stop.” but he only moved closer. She looked down at the tray when he laid it on the table beside her bed, finding a single red rose that had a small diamond ring on the stem beside the food.
“What’s this?” She asked.
“We’re engaged. You need a ring.” He said simply. He slipped it off the rose and took Scarlett’s hand. She tried to yank it away, but he held it tight. He slipped it on her finger, and then dropped her hand. “Don’t hate me, Scarlett.” He pleaded.
“Rhett, you tried to take my child.” She said softly. “I can never forgive you for that. You’ve forced me into marrying you. I can’t forgive you for that either.”
“Scarlett,” He said. She looked away, but he grabbed her shoulders and twisted her so they were looking eye to eye. She let out a small gasp of shock and pain, but he ignored it. “You took my child from me first. You would have done the same thing if you were in my position.”
Scarlett stared at him, tears welling up in her eyes. “I was in your position. London, remember?”
Rhett’s narrowed his eyes. “You didn’t care about her.”
“I did! I did, Rhett! You did everything you could to poison her thoughts of me. You even took her across the ocean, just so she would love you more than me, just to keep her away from me. Rhett, you’ve taken two children from me already. I couldn’t let you take Ginny.”
Rhett opened his mouth, and closed it again. “Scarlett, I’m sorry it came to this.” He said as he released her. She rolled away, to the other side of the bed. “Scarlet... I love you!”
She was silent, facing the other direction. He shook his head. “I’m going to go see Virginia. Do you want to tell her the good news, or shall I?”
“I’ll tell her.” Scarlett said quietly.
Rhett grunted, then found Prissy. “Is Virginia ready to see me?” He asked.
“Yass’er... She’s all dressed up. I done tol’ her she had’ta wear sumtin nice, an’ she says ‘No, I wanna wear dis here dress.’ But I says ‘You gwine wear dis blue dress.’, an’...”
“Thank you Prissy.” Rhett said, patting her on the shoulder. He walked into the nursery where Ginny was playing with Lucas and Garrett and Ben and Samantha.”
“Rhett!” She jumped up and hugged him.
“Hello Virginia!” He picked her up and swung her around. Ben saw this, crawled over and held up his arms. Rhett laughed, put down Ginny and picked up the toddler. “What have you been doing?”
“We’ve been playing. They’re indians,” She pointed to little dolls set up, “And they’re cowboys,” pointing to some stuffed bears, “And Ben and Samantha are the storms that keep blowing through and messing up everything.”
“I’ve brought you all something.” Rhett said, taking a box of candy from his pocket. The children ripped into it, and Lucas and Garrett continued the game.
“Why are you here?” Ginny asked after a moment.
“Why, to see you and your mother.”
“Mrs. Rivers said you and Mama aren’t friends anymore.” Ginny stated.
Rhett raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Mama said that you’re a nasty skunk.” Lucas said, and Garrett giggled.
“Why would she say that?” Rhett asked inoccently.
“’Cause you made Mrs. Roth cry.” Garrett said.
“You made Mama cry?” Ginny asked.
“We were not friends at the time...” Rhett said gently. “And she didn’t want me to come to visit you. We got into a big arguement.”
“Why didn’t she want you to see me?” Ginny asked.
“She was mad.” Rhett said simply.
Ginny nodded, and started tickling her little sister. “Don’t worry. Mama cries a lot.” Ginny informed him.
“Really?” Rhett asked.
“Yep.” Ginny said. “She never used to cry, but then Daddy died, and she cries almost every day.” After playing with the children for a few minutes, Rhett got up. “Are you leaving?” Ginny asked.
“I’ll be back.” He said, putting Ben back onto the floor.
Ginny nodded thoughtfully. “Even if Mama doesn’t like you, I do.” She said, giving him a hug.
“Thank you, Virginia.” He said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “And you know what? I think your mother and I will be friends again very soon.”
He walked out into the hall, and smiled at Ella, who walked by. “Good morning, Ella.” He said. He was met with a cold glare that Ella had clearly picked up from her mother. She went into her room, slamming the door.
“Yes, it’s a lovely morning. And how are you?” He mumbled.
He looked up and saw Adrienne staring at him. “Oh, excuse me.” He said, bowing.
“Why are you here?” She asked.
“I came to see Scarlett and Virginia.” Rhett said. “And I do wish we could be friends. You’ve even made me out to be a monster to your children.”
“You’re ruining my best friend’s life.” Adrienne stated simply.
“She loves me. Her judgement was just clouded by Harrison.” Rhett told Adrienne. “She’ll come around.”
Adrienne laughed. “That’s funny. You really believe she’ll ever have any feelings besides extreme hatred for you?”
“You certainly aren’t subtle.” Rhett quipped.
Adrienne turned and went back into her room. Rhett stuffed his hand into his pocket, and found the box containing the garnet necklace he’d gotten for Scarlett. He decided to give it to her later, along with some nice frocks. He was sick of seeing her in black, and Ginny had told him that she had given all of her old dresses to Ella.
“She only did that because she can’t fit into them anymore.” Rhett told himself. “She’s had three children from the time she’s last been here. I’ll get her lovely colors. Rose, pale blue, and that shade of green that looks wonderful on her...” He walked out, planning and scheming.

Scarlett sat at her vanity table, brushing her hair. Her nightgown’s shoulder slipped down, revealing new bruises. Scarlett looked at them, fingering them lightly. She’d never bruised easily, and certainly Rhett’s rough handling had never left marks on her before, she thought. Puzzling over this, she got up to get dressed. She had Prissy lace up her stays, and Prissy commented on how tiny Scarlett’s waist was.
“You cud get back ter 17 inches, Ms. Scarlett. You ain’t had a wast dat der small from ‘de time ‘for you don had Mr. Wade.” Prissy told her.
Scarlett looked down in alarm. She was tiny. “What are the stays on now, Prissy?” She asked.
“20 inches.” Prissy said.
Scarlett’s eyes widened with panic. Before Harrison died, she’d have been gasping for breath at 20 inches. Now the stays felt loose, quite comfortable. she took a few deep breaths to calm her down, breaths she‘d have been unable to take in the past with her stays that tight.. ‘I can’t get worried. I’ll be fine, I’ve just lost the weight from having Samantha and Benjamin.’ She thought.
Prissy left, and Scarlett continued to get dressed. She ignored the breakfast tray, still loaded with food, and went to the playroom.
“Hi Mama!” Ginny said, running and hugging her. The boys muttered a greeting, still absorbed in their game.
“Good morning, Flower.” Scarlett said, running her hand through Ginny’s hair. “Where did you get the candy?” She asked, spotting the box on the floor.
“Rhett came and gave it to us and played with us!” Ginny said, exited.
Samantha crawled up to her and let Scarlett know she wanted to be held. Scarlett ignored this, staring at Ginny. “He what?”
“He played with us. I like him.” Ginny said as Samantha started crying. Scarlett picked her up, and the child hushed, happily playing with the collar of her mother’s dress.
“Darling, I have something to tell you.” Scarlett said. “Come with me.” She led Ginny out of the room.
“Baby, Capt. Butler and I are going to get married.” She told her daughter.
“He’s going to be my new daddy?!?” Ginny asked, pleased. She’d known her mother had been married before, and that Wade and Ella had different fathers than she’d had, but Ella had called her father Daddy, and it made sense that they would call Rhett daddy too.
“No!” Scarlett said urgently. “No! Harrison Roth is the only father you have.”
Ginny nodded. “Then what will Rhett be?”
“You’re uncle. You can call him Uncle Rhett, but not daddy. Do you understand, Flower.”
“Yes.” Ginny said. “I’m glad you and Rhe... Uncle Rhett are friends now.”
Scarlett held back her tears, and took Ginny’s hand in hers. “Mama, what’s that?” Ginny asked, looking at Scarlett’s hand.
“That’s the ring he gave me.” She said.
“No... Those.” She pointed to budding bruises on Scarlett’s hand.
Scarlett looked, puzzled at the bruises. She then knew it was from when Rhett had grabbed her hand. “I bumped it.” She told her daughter.
“Oh. I’m gonna go play.” Ginny said, running off.
Scarlett wandered back to her room, smelling the food. Suddenly, her stomach lurched. She found a basin and began to vomit. When her stomach had calmed down, she rinsed out her mouth and called Prissy to get the basin cleaned.
She made her way downstairs, slowly, noticing how her stomach hurt. She’d felt like that a lot recently, and she blamed it on Rhett, upsetting her so.

Rhett came in that evening, and found Scarlett sleeping in the study on a settee, Samantha and Ben playing together. He walked up to her room to lay the frocks out on her bed, and found her breakfast tray, untouched. “Prissy!” He called.
“Yassur, Mr. Rhett?” The girl asked.
“Has Scarlett eaten anything today?” Rhett interrogated.
“Yassur, she don’ come downstars, but she done tol ‘ me she done ate up here that food you brung her dis mornin’, and at lunch she don’ tol’ me she wan’ hungry.” Prissy informed him.
“She never touched the food.” Rhett told her.
“She not been eating much lately.” Prissy said and walked out.
“Scarlett!” He said, running downstairs.
She jerked and woke up. “Hmmm?” She asked sleeply.
“Have you eaten at all today? Prissy told me you didn’t eat lunch, and I saw you hadn’t eaten the breakfast I’d brought you.” Rhett said.
“I wanted a late lunch.” Scarlett told him, trying to go to sleep again. Rhett grabbed her arm and yanked her up.
“It’s 7 o clock.” He told her.
“Is it?” She asked, glancing at the clock.
“Scarlett, why didn’t you eat? It’s not like you.” Rhett said, concerned.
Scarlett shrugged. “I wasn’t hungry.” She gave a gasp as Rhett dropped her and she fell back onto the settee.
“Scarlett,” He said, looking terrified. “When was the last time you ate?”
“I don’t know... Yesterday?” She asked. “No... I was so upset... I ate a little dinner the day before.” She said, not really worried. “Now please, let me get back to sleep. I’m exausted.”
Rhett grabbed her and told Danvers to bring in any edible food. “Scarlett, you’re going to starve yourself.” He said.
“I’m fine. I need sleep.” She protested.
“You need food.” He argued. He sat her down and the kitchen maid brought in some cold bread and soup. “Now eat!” Rhett said. Scarlett ate the bread and soup slowly, Rhett watching her like a hawk. When she finished, she tried to get up, but he pushed her down. “Now what is going on?” He asked.
“Nothing...” She said, puzzled.
“You’re sick.”
“I’m fine. Just let me go finish my nap.” She said, shaking him away. She got up and walked away. Rhett didn’t see her grabbing the rails by the stairs, her face twisted in pain, or her hand that clutched her stomach.
‘It‘s because of Rhett. He keeps upsetting me.’ She thought. She made her way back to the parlor and lay back down, called Prissy to take care of the children, then fell asleep again.
Rhett looked in on Scarlett and then went upstairs. He looked into the play room, and found no one, so he went to Bonnie’s room. He lit a few candles as he muttered about it being too dark, and sat down, pondering.

::A few days later::
Scarlett had tears in her eyes. “Goodbye.” She said to Adrienne.
“I’ll send you a telegram as soon as I get back. And I promise, I’ll make sure the house is well cared for.” Adrienne told her, taking her hands.
“Wade told me he’ll live there as soon as he finishes the university.” Scarlett said. “I won’t...” She started to cry. “I won’t live there again...”
Adrienne patted her shoulder comfortingly, but knew she could say nothing to help. The train whistled, and Adrienne kissed her friend on the cheek. “Goodbye.”
“I’ll miss you.” Scarlett said.
“Send me letters. I want to know everything that happens.” Adrienne said. She got onto the train, waved, then disapeared.
“Come, my pet.” Rhett said. “We’ve got to get home before the lawyers arrive.” He wrapped his arm around her, and she didn’t bother to shake it off. She was too upset at her friend leaving.
“I think I’ll take the children to the park.” She said. She didn’t want to face the lawyers. She knew Uncle Henry wouldn’t let Rhett get more power than she over Ginny.
“I hope you have fun.” Rhett kissed Scarlett on the forehead. “I’ve got tickets for a play tonight. Has Ginny been to see a play yet?” Rhett asked.
“No.” Scarlett said in a monotone voice.
“Well, this should be a big treat for her.” Rhett made cheerful conversation, answered by single syllable words and grunts from Scarlett. They passed a few people Scarlett knew, but due to the fact that her face was covered, no one recognized her.
“Who’s this?” Maybelle Picard asked curiously, just itching for some new gossip. Capt. Butler courting another Widow would have Atlanta simply buzzing.
“My dear little sister, Rosemary.” Rhett lied for the 3rd. “She’s come down to visit me from Charleston. Her husband died recently.
“Oh...” Maybelle said, the disapointment in her voice showing. “I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“I feel faint.” Scarlett murmered.
“Then we’d best get you home... Scarlett’s is closer, would you like to stop and visit her?” He asked as Maybelle walked away.
“Ok, she’s gone.” Rhett said when she was out of ear shot.
“Rhett, I really feel faint...” She told him with a tone of annoyance and urgency.
“Do you want me to carry you?” He asked, worried.
“No... I can walk...” She said, but she was clinging rather tightly to his arm. He supported her, and they made their way home. She collapsed into a sofa as soon as they got inside, and Rhett sat down beside her. He put his hand on her arm, and she swatted it away, irritated.
“Feeling better, my pet?” He asked.
“Go get me a cool compress.” She snapped. “And some water.”
Rhett got up, tried to kiss her forehead again, but she turned her head away.
He went to the kitchen and found Ginny sitting in there, drinking a glass of milk and nibbling on a carrot.
“Uncle Rhett!” She said happily.
Rhett grinned. “So you’re calling me Uncle now? I like that.” He said, giving her a kiss.
“Mama told me that you’d be my uncle ‘cause you’re marrying her. I’m glad you’re marrying her. I hope it makes her happy like Daddy made her happy.” Ginny chattered.
“I’ll be your step-father.” Rhett told her.
“Mama said that Harrison Roth is the only daddy I have.” Ginny told him.
“Hrmmm...” Rhett murmered. “Well, I must get back to your mother. I need a cool compress and a glass of water.” He told the cook. She gave them to him, and went back to Scarlett, Ginny following him.
“Hi Mama!” Ginny said, jumping onto the sofa next to her mother. Scarlett moaned, but didn’t scold her child, Rhett noticed.
“Hello flower.” She said weakly.
“What’s wrong?” Ginny asked.
“Mama just has a headache.” Scarlett said.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” Ginny gave her a gentle hug and a light kiss on her cheek. Scarlett gave a small smile and stroked her daughter’s hair.
“You didn’t know. Now go along and play with Sammy and Ben. They’re in the play room with Prissy.”
Ginny got down. “Ok.” She ran upstairs.
“Headache my foot.” Rhett said. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Don’t bother me now, please.” Scarlett pleaded. “Do you have the compress.” Rhett laid it across her forehead and she sipped slowly from the water he gave her. “I feel better.” She said after a few minutes.
“I’m sure.” Rhett said in a sarcastic tone.
“Rhett, really. I’m not in the mood...” Scarlett said, her eyes shut.
“What’s wrong, Pet?” He asked.
“First you tried to take my baby away from me, and then Adrienne left. It’s just upsetting me.” Scarlett said.
Rhett laughed. “I don’t believe it. Much worse has happened to you and hasn’t affected you physically one iota.” He growled.
“Rhett...” Scarlett pleaded.
“I’m sorry, my dear.” He said.
“I’m going upstairs.” She said. She clutched the arm of the sofa as a wave of nausia hit her. She swallowed the rising bile in her throat, shook off Rhett’s hand, and went upstairs. She told the children to stay upstairs while the lawyers were there, and she went to her room. She fell onto her bed and, after an internal struggle, controlled her stomach. She fell asleep soon afterwards.

“Boys,” Uncle Henry said as they all gathered in the dining room. “Meet Harry. He’s been a big help on this case.” Harrison smiled as the lawyers greeted him.
Rhett stared at him in shock. “It can’t be...” He thought. The man looked almost exactly like Harrison Roth. There was a long scar down his cheek, though, and he wore a beard. Rhett reminded himself that Harrison was dead, but even the names were alike...
“Now, lets get down to buisness.” Uncle Henry said. “Harry, tell them your ideas.”
“Well, we’ve got the part down about the one who forfits the deal loses the child, but it’s too vague. Suppose, and no offense, Capt. Butler, but suppose that you hurt Mrs. Roth or the child... or Mrs. Roth was seen to be an unfit mother, beating the children... No offense to her. I don’t know either of you, just hypothetically. There would have to be legit reasons for the divorce, and must be cleared through court, but it would be possible for the one to forfit the arrangement.” Everyone murmered in agreement, even Rhett’s lawyer.
He recieved a mean look from Rhett. “What? You’d never hurt Scarlett or the children, and you told me that she was always a horrible mother. This works to your advantage, not hers.” He mumbled.
“What about the possibility that Mr. Roth shows up?” One of Henry’s lawyers asked. “It says here that he was only presumed dead.”
“Well, the child is, by blood, Capt. Butlers.” Harrison said. “The other children could go to him, but the child this is about would stay in his custody.”
“That won’t happen.” Rhett said. “Mr. Roth is dead. Or, he doesn’t care about them. If he loved them, he wouldn’t disapear for 11 weeks, letting his family greave like they have.”
They went on for a few hours, and finally, everything was done.
“Well... It’s done. You two can get married.” Uncle Henry said, grumbling.
Rhett sighed a breath of relief. “Tomorrow.” He said. “I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to.”
The men left, Henry promising Harrison a spot in his firm. “You’ve helped to shift the power to Mrs. Roth greatly... Remember, no one knows about this. Mum’s the word.”
“Of course.” Harrison said.
Rhett went upstairs, and found Scarlett thrashing in her bed, moaning. He shook her awake, and held her close. She moaned, and he stroked her hair. “What’s wrong, Scarlett?” He asked. “Were you having the dream again?”
“No...” She said softly. “I could hear Harrison... Rhett, I’m so tired...”
“I’ve got good news.” Rhett said. “The legal work is done. We can get married. Tomorrow.”
Scarlett mumbled an affirmative, not really caring. She felt so terrible.
“We’ll go to the court house tomorrow afternoon.” Rhett said. “And start having our things shipped to Charleston. I’ve already got a nice house picked out for us. It has 6 bedrooms, one for Ella, Ginny, and while Ben and Samantha share a room now, they can have their own later. A tiny room that will be good for guests, and then a lovely room for us that over looks the back yard. Oh, and we‘re going back to New Orleans for our honeymoon. The children will stay with my mother.” He held her for a while, talking, and she quickly fell asleep. He put her back down and tucked her in. He then found Ginny with Ella.
“Guess what, girls!” He said.
“What?” Ginny asked eagerly.
“You’re mother and I will be married tomorrow!” He said and Ginny clapped her hands.
Ella stared at him. “Why so soon?” She asked.
“I love your mother. I want to be married to her as soon as possible.” Rhett said simply.
“Oh. Ginny, I’m going downstairs to read.” She said. She got up and left without saying anything else to Rhett. She got to the library, and sat down. Why was all this happening? Everything was going wrong! She wished she was back in San Francisco, with Harrison alive, back with her mother. She’d never seen her mother truly happy until she’d married Harrison. Ella had been happy too. But her mother had changed. Even after she’d married Harrison, she was still the same as she had been before hand, just happier. But now... The life was gone from her. The throbbing vitality that defined Scarlett. Ella shook her head, knowing that it would never be like that again.
Rhett carried Scarlett into the house, not for tradition, but because Scarlett was feeling faint again, and had swooned as she stepped out of the carrage. He took her upstairs and into his room. He put her on the bed and sat down beside her.
“Mmmm.... Where are we?” Scarlett asked. “What happened?”
“You fainted, my pet. Tell me, is my love really that impowering?” Rhett joked, running his hand down her face.
Scarlett jerked away from his touch. “I fainted?”
“Yes, you did. I’m calling the doctor, I’m worried about you.” Rhett said.
“No...” Scarlett said. “I’m fine. I’m just tired.”
There was a knock and Prissy came in, carrying a tray of food.
“Now, will you eat by yourself?” Rhett asked, “Or do I have to spoon feed you?”
“I can eat.” Scarlett protested. She took a few bites of the rice, and was about to stop, but she saw Rhett’s stare, and continued eating. She ate the turkey and greens. She pushed away the dessert, and Rhett was satisfied. “I hope you’ll continue to remember to eat. But for the time being, I will supervise all your meals. Virginia tells me that you only came down for dinner most of the time, and would only eat a little.”
“She told you that, out of the blue?” Scarlett asked, skeptical.
“Ella won’t speak to me, nor would Mrs. Rivers. Virginia is my source of information.” Rhett shrugged. “And I’m guessing it’s the lack of food that’s been causing your excessive tiredness, weakness and such.”
“I’m not weak!” Scarlett snapped.
“Please. You remind me of Aunt Pitty, you’re always faint.” Rhett laughed. Scarlett sat up and tried to hurt him, but he simply pushed her back.
Scarlett pouted, her arms crossed. Rhett laughed again, softer this time, and took Scarlett’s chin in his hand.
“Come now, don’t be so snippy. I don’t see why you can’t appretiate what I’m doing for you. You’re going to spend the rest of your life being pampered and petted by me.”
“I’d rather live in the ghetto’s.” Scarlett told him.
“You’ll come around. Tell me, how do those new frocks look on you?” He asked.
Scarlett looked confused. “Frocks?”
“Those dresses I laid out on your bed.” Rhett said. “A few days ago.”
“Oh...” Scarlett said. “I didn’t try them on. They’re in my closet. I’m still in mourning.”
“Scarlett, you’re mine now. I’m tired of seeing you draped in black. Who cares what anyone says?”
“Rhett, if it was acceptable for me to go out dressed in bright red satin, I wouldn’t do it. I’m in mourning for my Harrison. I used to think that it was a horrible thing, what they made us do, but I understand now.” Scarlett told him.
“Hmmm.” Rhett grumbled. “Well, at least get rid of that horrible veil when we get to Charleston and New Orleans.”
“Why should I?” Scarlett asked.
“Number one, imagine the talk.” Scarlett cringed. She was through with being on the bad side of good society. “And number two, I want people to see my darling wife.”
Scarlett huffed. “By default.” She told him.
“In public, we will be an adoring couple.” He told her.
“What about Mrs. Roth? Eventually it will get back to her, and how will she feel?” Scarlett asked.
“You can tell her you wanted Harrison’s children to have a father.” Rhett shrugged. “And you knew I was a good one.”
“And you’re divorce from Rosemary?” Scarlett asked, one eyebrow raised.
“She, once again, is the villan. Mother tells me the word is that it is believed that she cheated on me, which is why I divorced her, and I don’t plan on changing a word of that.” Rhett said.
“You have everything planned perfectly.” Scarlett said, impressed.
“That I do, my pet.” Rhett said, wrapping his arm around her. He noticed she didn’t pull away like she usually did.
He kissed lightly on the lips, and then harder. She didn’t return the kiss, but didn’t deny him either. She was just there.

Scarlett lay in the bed, Rhett beside her. Scarlett was crying. She felt as if she’d betrayed Harrison, betrayed herself. Rhett was asleep, and suddenly Scarlett felt shooting pains in her abdomin. She gasped in shock and in pain, and prayed that her pain, physical and mental, would go away. Soon.

Rhett woke up the next morning, and rolled over to find Scarlett sleeping. He smiled, kissed her gently on the cheek, got up, dressed, and went downstairs. He wanted to leave for Charleston as soon as possible, and then to New Orleans. He knew Scarlett would open up, as she had last night, once she was in a more cheerful environment.

Scarlett awoke, feeling simply terrible. She felt weak. She vaguely remembered Rhett being with her the night before, talking. She sat up, and a wave of nausia hit her. She had just enough time to find a basin before she threw up, her body rigid with the violent shakes brought on. After a few minutes, she had enough strength to get up. She wrapped Rhett’s robe around her and left the room. She stooding next to the stairs, and suddenly, her body gave out. She grabbed the railing, but knew that she was going to fall. She didn’t want to fall like the last time. Her last thoughts were of how far down it was down the steps, how much it would hurt, and of the arms suddenly wrapped around her. Then she blacked out.


My Main Page
My GWTW page
The First half of Story 108, NOT by me.
The First Ending to Story 108.
