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Vivid Dreams
2008, super 8mm, 5 min.



After years of yearning to go to Africa, Joan’s three-month stint as a Peace Corps volunteer turns sour on Christmas Eve when she is 'psychevac'd' back to the states and admitted to Georgetown Hospital mental ward. The drug required by the Peace Corps to be taken as a protection against malaria is said to cause only vivid dreams, but no one mentions the other side effects of psychotic tendencies, including suicide and murder.


Produced, Directed, Photographed & Edited by Jim Granato


Read an interview with the filmmaker about Vivid Dreams.

Fire and Effect
2006, 24p, 15 min.



Dusty, a fire enthusiast, has been an observer at many fire art festivals. After picking up a few tips from other theatrical fire effect artists, Dusty, along with his neighbor who goes by the name "Psycho" Dave, are on their way to becoming theatrical fire effect artists themselves. Humbled by what other artists are doing around him, Dusty isn't so sure he's ready to be referred to as an artist. "Fire and Effect" offers a glimpse into a man attempting to connect with art through fire.


Produced, Directed, Photographed & Edited by Jim Granato

India Indiana
work in progress, 24p, 60 min.


Juxtaposing imagery from a Christian based wedding in Indiana and a traditional Sikh wedding in Rajasthan, India, with interviews of the two families and friends, "India Indiana" will examine the inter-racial and inter-faith marriage, the meaning to the couple and the immediate family and the questions and possible conflicts that arise. The film will contrast and compare, but it will also attempt to show that we must look past any preconceived notions and images of foreign cultures that we may have, and that are fed to us in news snippets and political sound bites, to see the reality and similarity to us of people living their lives around the world.


Produced, Directed and Photographed by Jim Granato, Neil Hutchinson & Bob Lucas


Editing by Jim Granato