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Plants and herbs play a large part in magic making. Some can be burned, others put in a pouch and worn and there are those that can be sprinkled in a ritual bath. The herb should never be eaten.

ACORN(FROM OAK) - health, money, healing, protection and luck.

AFRICAN VIOLET - spirituality and protection

ALMOND - Prosperity, money and wisdom

ALOE - love and spirituality

ANGELICA - banishing, protection, healing and visions.


ASTER - love and beginnings

AVOCADO PIT - beauty

BACHELOR'S BUTTON - love, hope and solitude

BAMBOO - protection, luck, repelling negative energy, wishes

BASIL - astral travel, love, banishing, wealth, protection

BAY LEAVES - victory, removes negative energy, protects, health, careers and matters of the heart.

BIRCH - protection, banishing, purification



BUTTERCUP - love and healing

BURDOCK - protection, emotional healing and love

CARNATIONS - healing, physical strength and vitality.

CASHEW - money

CAMOMILE - luck, protects against magic the of spellmakers with mischief in mind.

CEDAR - healing, money and protection

CELERY - increase physical and mental powers.

CHESTNUT - love, money

CHRYSANTHEMUM - protection, truth(white, love(yellow)

CINNAMON - spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, protection, love and money

CLOVES - protection, exorcism, love, money

CROCUS - love and visions

DAFFODIL - love, luck, chivalry

DAISY - love and innocence

DANDELIONS encourage divination and favorable winds.

DILL - protects(especially children), money and love.

DOGWOOD - protection, wishes and endurance

ELDERBERRIES - prosperity, sleep, banishing

FIG - divination, love

FORGET-ME-NOT - love and memory

FRANKENCENSE - banishing, spirituality

GARDENIA - love, peace, healing and spirituality

GINGER ROOT - love, money, success, power

GINSING - love, wishes, healing, beauty, protection and lust

HEATHER - love protection, rainmaking and luck

HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR ROOT - money, love, success, happiness

HOLLY LEAF - protection, luck, dream magic

HONEYSUCKLE - love, money, psychic powers and protection

HORSE CHESTNUT - money and healing

HYACINTH - love, protection and happiness

HYSSOP - purifies, protects and prosperity.

IVY - protection and healing

IRIS - purification and wisdom

JASMINE - love, money, prophetic dreams and luck

JUNIPER - banishing negative feelings, protects, health, intensifies love.

LAVENDER - love, protection, sleep, longevity, purification, happiness and peace

LETTUS - protection, love, divination, sleep

LILAC - banishing and protection

LILY - protection, breaking love spells, innocence and purity

MAGNOLIA - love, fidelity and dignity

MARIGOLD - protection, dreams, legal matters, psychic powers and success

MIMOSA - protection, love, prophetic dreams and purification

MINT SPRIG - money, healing, travel, protection, banishing

MOSS - luck and money

MUSTARD SEED - protection, mental powers, faith

NETTLE - protects, healing, lust, love, money, luck

OAK - protection, health, money, healing, fertility and luck

ORCHID - love and ecstacy

ORRISFOOT - love, protecting against ill fortune.

PARSLEY - protection and purification

PASSION FLOWERS -Friendship, peace, sleep

PEACH PIT - love, longevity, wishes, banishing

PENNYROYAL - protects the traveler from sickness.

PEONY - protection and banishing

PINE CONE - healing, protection, money, banishing

PISTACHIO NUT - break a love spell (in case you made a boo-boo)

POPPY - insomnia, luck, fertility

RADISH - protection

RASPBERRY - protects the home

ROSE - love, psychic powers, healing, love divination, luck and protection -jealousy(yellow) love(red) silence(white)

ROSEMARY - love, protection, mental powers, banishing, purification, healing, sleep youth, remembrance

RUE is a powerful curse-breaker as well as an efficient healer.

SAGE - wisdom, energy, determination, love

SNAPDRAGON - protection and purification

SPANISH MOSS - protection and purification

SUNFLOWER SEEDS - wishes, health, wisdom, money magicks, power

STAR ANISE - luck, psychic powers, intuitive ability

SWEET PEA - friendship, courage and strength

TULIP - prosperity, love and protection

VANILLA BEANS - love and mental powers

VALERIAN - peace(especially at night)

VETIVER - protecting, luck, love and prosperity

VIOLET - love, luck, wishes, peace, healing, protection and faithfulness

WALNUT - health, mental powers, wishes

WISTERIA - mental clarity

WILLOW - love, divination, protection and healing

WORMWOOD - psychic powers, protection for travelers


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