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Friday, 23 September 2005



In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger(s).


Pages: (1-2 introduction, numbers of pages according to Word, Verdana, size 8)

3-22 QURAN AND SCIENCE, WHAT KIND OF GOD CREATED "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" (p.21-22 ?deserts green?/?Islamic manifest?)?
17-22 GEOLOGY / PROPHECY (f.ex. flood of Noah in Koran+ Alexander the Great + Mongols, ?Gog and Magog?)
25 ENDING OF SCIENCE-SECTION (about 72 prophecies from Judgment Day, and proof that Bible told more different nations than just Jews have got prophets)

26-27 JESUS PROPHESIES ISLAM AND TOLD ABOUT ?PEOPLE OF THE BOOK?-RELIGIONS AND TIME AND ORDER OF THOSE: (Luke.5:36-39, why new religion is necessary instead of change of old religions
+Luke.13:6-9, one "year" in prophecy is 600 years from Abraham to Islam=4 "years" 2400 years, 3 "years" before Jesus and 1 "year" from Jesus to Islam=600 years, when "tree of Judaism", and with it sects of Judaism, Jesus and so Christianity, is cut down by Allah with "gardener" Jesus from way of Islam,
+Matt.20:1-16, one "hour" is 200 years, "first hour" is Abraham, Jacob and Jews 1800-1700 BC, "third hour" is Sabians 1200-1100 BC, "sixth hour" is beginning of prophecies about Messiah 600 BC and "ninth hour" is Jesus coming 1 AC, "eleventh hour" is Islam 500-700 AC [After Christ] ).

28-30 ISAIAH PROPHESIES CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM (Isa.7:5-6,13-17 earthquake killing 250 000 people in Christian Syria 526 AC+Islam Isa.9:1-6)

31-?? (?=final translation) ?APOSTLE? PAUL, SATAN ("BEAST IN LAMBS CLOTHES") HIMSELF! Compare Matt.24:23 and 24:26 how Jesus warned about Paul?s "revelation of Jesus" in road to Damascus and in prison as mark of false messiah and false prophet, compare Matt.24:24 to 2.Corinth.12:12, where Paul himself used same words to describe himself as Jesus used to describe false prophets and false messiahs. (p.??-?? Paul, warning to Muslims),


??-?? WORLD/ HISTORY/ ISLAM WITHOUT CHRISTIANITY? (end of p.?? about woman?s rights)



?? CRUCIFIXION, ILLUSION? (compare Luke 24:30-31 to Matt.12:38-40, Deut.13:5/21:22-23 ,Hosea 6:6,Matt.12:7,Matt.9:13, and Matt.7:7-11, Luke.11:9-13, Matt.26:39, and Luke.20:36-37,Luke.24:38-39 to Koran 4:157)

Best proof on behalf of Islam will be that ?god-Jesus? or ?Messiah? for Jews will not appear before year 2028, as Bible and Torah prophesied to happen for that generation (80 years in Bible) that SAW (can child see it?) foundation of Israel, it is on Matt.24:32-34, and it can only mean that one generation, not Jews generally, as only they were to witness birth of Israel that is described as fig tree (metaphor about Israel) putting forth its leaves in the parable. Muslims have to spread this information, as those who help others have heart of a prophet. Then we will see that Bible is corrupted or that Jesus came as Muslim, so Muslims can let time and Allah to prove their religion, there is no reason to kill because of it:

41:53 ?Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things??

Although Jesus might seem like for non-Muslims "unsuccessful" prophet of Islam (which he was not, more of that on page ??), shall we never forget that everything we have now has been given to us through him (very important for Islam/Koran also). Let us think more deeply of his position and role in the world, Jesus also came for Muslims. So lets think world as a whole, what was meaning of Jesus, can actions of God be seen in the world? Was earthquake and tsunami (26.12.2004) just unfortunate "accident" after ?birthday of Jesus? for God, or might it have something to do with fact that every countries suffering damage had (have had recently) either Muslims fighting with each others (Sumatra, Somalia) or others fighting against Muslims (India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar)?

Luk.9:84 "...Whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me..."

22:17 "Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians, Christians, Magians, and Polytheists,- Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment: for Allah is witness of all things."

4:159 "And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them;-"

Prophet Mohammed (peace upon him) said that reason, intellectuality, is one of the greatest gifts given to us, so let?s use that gift. At the same time we shall get to know better Islam and its view to prophet Jesus. In Islam is teaching about how you should choose your religion, through proofs (like science/Koran and history/Bible), NOT through "feeling", "ritual", "experience", "revelation" or any other (religious) extremism, because how could then we know which one of religions is right one (when for example Hindus and Christians both declare that with these "proofs", did God want us to guess?)? Is it not certain that at least some of these (all) are in great error, or can all of them be correct? As long as your faith is not based on evidence, it is on constant defending-position, and that is when biggest risk to lose it is near, so that is why Muslims (and Koran) give more weight for learning and knowledge (in fact orders into it, and so on to study everything connected to those from our world) instead of searching for ("supernatural") experiences, cause humans are grown (ordered by Allah?s) environment and society, destiny that can not be avoided, only changed to better. According to Islam, Allah orders where we are going to be born and raised, right place just for us, as according to Koran for some Allah gives their reward in this world, for some in next, and that was what Jesus said, that some get their part in this world, some in next (two parallels about ?rich man?, salvation for him as hard as for camel going through eye of a needle, and rich man in hell who got his part in this world, ?rich man? describes generally rich western countries who has over 80% of wealth in world and even quite easy and beautiful nature around). Allah does not need our prayers, but we do, what you can notice from physiological and physical pleasure and peacefulness, when religion has done what it should do (in prayer). Islam does not concentrate on soul (although it is mentioned, might be same way of describing our most inner self, what we really are now and in hereafter, like when talking about "heart"), but to new creation, that we and our brains shall be created again from nothing (in other dimension?) as we were created before, from nothing, and that for example in hell it will be our body, and especially skin burning and created again time after time, (not flesh, skin has almost all of our receptors for sensing, founded out only recently), not ?soul?. So meaning of brains is important, religiousness and "after death experiences" (perhaps been described in Islam as possible later test after death or satans plots before death) are all from brains. So Islam (and other religions) is "Opium to the people", not from man, but from God, He directs by it (also) us like apes. God does not put to hell from bad guess, but from abandoning (prophets who brought) evidences.

4:78-79 YUSUFALI: "Wherever ye are, death will find you out, even if ye are in towers built up strong and high!" If some good befalls them, they say, "This is from Allah"; but if evil, they say, "This is from thee" (O Prophet). Say: "All things are from Allah." But what hath come to these people, that they fail to understand a single fact? Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allah; but whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. And We have sent thee as a messenger to (instruct) mankind. And enough is Allah for a witness."

We just should accept God as He is, and not to try make Him like us, like humans.

As Islam is test for non-Muslims (to accept it and have "clear table" again with old sins forgiven), it is also test for Muslims (to follow it right and NOT forsake it), Islam is not responsible if Muslims do not follow their religion, like in case of hurting innocents and their property which prophet forbade strictly even in the case of war, or in the case that according to Islam it is not allowed to start a war without clear aggression from enemy, and when peace according to Islam have to be always done by fair terms offered. Prophet (puh) said: "whoever has killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance is found for a span of forty years", murder according to prophet is listed as second on major sins, after Muslims worshipping other than Allah. Even equal democracy was introduced in Islam, when both men and women voted for first caliph after death of prophet. Tolerance is most important, Muslim can not cut a tree without permission in non-Muslim areas. Even Islam now needs Israel, assimilation of Jews were high on Europe and America, in hundreds of years would be difficult to explain for Asians and Americans what "Jew" and their teachings means in Koran. Of course Israel have to admit Muslims full rights and citizenship, possibility to move live there as Islamic area shaped like a bird or an angel has in the world always offered last refugee for Jews and Christians, even for Chinese before communism as economic prosperity in Malaysia, as ordered to allow them to come in Koran 9:6. Freedom, tolerance and not being judgmental is important, because what Allah has not given, one can not be expected to act so), there is lot of problems with Muslims not knowing or following their religion, as there is problem with numerous "scholars" teaching with great contradiction against others and basics of Islamic teachings, even claiming that they only know what some parts of Islamic faith (Koran/hadiths) means. Answer to this could be helping people learn to read, so that they would be (instead of some few scholars) those that are mentioned as "people with (more) knowledge?.

Islamic countries have been like testing grounds for different things, like for wars between different religions, imperialism and court based punishments (with demand of witnesses and professional judges). But where is pain, is also gain: Africans are 50% Muslims (Asians 33%), and refugees from Muslim-countries spread Islam to non-Muslim areas as far as Finland, and non-Muslims have moved also to countries with lots of Muslims (f.ex. Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan), in that kind of environment religion is on mind a lot and change of religion is not that difficult, and some will later bringing back home Islam. Even (dry periods of) Sahel drive Muslims more south. Islam has reached every country (/land area with/of some state), with internet light of Islam has reached finally rest of the world (after entering every country in Asia and Africa), but it has reached countries also through difficulties, like South- and North-America (+Caribbean) in slavery of few African Muslims and Cuba with Guantanamo-base of USA (it has been part of Cuba, and Latinos are from Spain). So we shall see the evidence. Koran suggest to search, study and get knowledge. So instead of putting birth of everything to credits of caused by only for example gravity, matter (its behavior and properties), movement of continental plates and evolution (mutation) SOLELY, can?t we see behind them remembering who has created and caused those all (inevitable consequence from creation of God almighty, all knowing), and with those laws directed (all happening and) development so that result is now we humans for example, who now with intellectual consciousness search space that has no intellectuality but gave our birth. Science, evolution-theory and darwinism (with yet unexplained great leaps in evolution) then does not prove against Islam (or Koran with beautiful descriptions, over 750 going like science told, also covering evolution-theory), but just told us how (by what way/ what means and tools) Allah could have created world (f.ex. with laws of nature), so it is only search for His "Fingerprints". It does not matter if it looks like from human perspective predictable or randomly formed creation, when even random things have their own reasonable form, behavior and construct (what you can see from stability of universe for example, we are still here) and only Allah can know what is happening and why, where forming of energy ties in to place and time, necessity that one could notice when going back in time, because even if you could see to the future and try to change it, then change would become that real path of the future, what was affected by possibility of alternative future. Jesus gave us that kind of change(p.??).

Besides text below, About evolution more shortly in these links too:



Allah creates WHAT He wills and HOW He ever wills. Good example from this all is "Adam and Eve", because DNA-tested people all over the world have conformed that we all humans have common ancestors (at least same mother according to tests, ?Hawwa? is translated as ?original mother? from Quran, there had to be male too), as far as 200 000 years. It does not matter how they came here (like for example from leap of evolution, in Koran might be advice to think other earlier [and those lived with us] human-like also, were they humans or not, in fact it is said in 6:133 that we have been raised from "posterity of other people", 3:59 says that "The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ?Be?. And he was", which can only mean that similitude is on both coming from womb they were created without [HUMAN!] father, as in 16:40 is said that Allah created ALL by word ?Be? too, ?Be? is not quick necessarily, Jesus grew slowly in womb) when Koran renounces that humankind, so Adam especially, was created from water, clay (/ground/dust f.ex. in 23:12) and semen. Allah said that mankind has been created from single ?soul?/?person? (4:1/39:6), but that person could be not only Adam (Adam is not mentioned there), but earlier human-like relative from who?s sperm (body of) Adam (and also Hawwa?) were created, if they had at least one common parent from earlier human-like (and prophet, pbuh, mentioned creation from "male" and "female", that can also mean both ways).

How this could be fitted together but by evolution starting in and from water (sea), leading to semen that grow from eating food (86:6-7 ?between? = stomach), grown from ground, then from there to womb that semen requires? In fact it can not mean anything else, as 37:11 is speaking about all humans created from ground in general level, not just about Adam, and he has not been excluded from parts of Koran where mankind has been created by semen (/sperm-drop, ?nutfah?), in fact it can be ONLY about Adam if in the future humans are cloned from cell, other than sperm-drop (although cell can be seen as "semen" as well).

So we can connect this development also to other species living before, turning to "ashes" even then, coming building blocks for us too, and Allah says in Koran that He created those also from water (f.ex.21:30) like "all living things" on earth (evolution started from water, in all living water is important and in searching for life in space water is priority), which continued on land as same family coming from water. So Adam is most accurately described to be created from water, the ground and from semen, animals overall from water (=by evolution) as scale is larger, and biggest scale of opportunities for creation is when ?jinns? (other than human/animals) are said to be created from ?fire without smoke?, from (early died and exploded) stars (producing material for everything) as in space fire has no smoke due to lack of oxygen. In Koran Allah says that He created EVERYTHING (even not living) as pairs (pair-like structure of atoms, matter/anti-matter). In Koran might be advice to think other earlier (and those lived with us) human-like also, were they humans or not, in fact it is said in 6:133 that we have been raised from "posterity of other people".

Scholars were not wrong as according to hadith they said that Allah "shaped with His hands" humans from BOTH water and ground, as we have been shaped from fish to reptile, then from four legs to two legs, to our molt nowadays. Koran only mentions Adam as first VICEGERENT on earth, there is no denying that same kind of species could exist on other planets, or that other kinds of earlier human-like species were created earlier on earth (who were not "vicegerent", maybe because they were unable to be it due lack of some properties like higher intelligent). 38:72 says that when Allah created Adam He ?breathed? His spirit into him (notice that according 2:34 immediate command to bow down after that happened only after Adam was told name of things, so maybe his spirit was created before he came to body in earth, explaining how according to Bible Jesus said he was before Abraham was on earth) , which can be seen as one thing making difference between modern humans and earlier humans/animals, maybe it is mostly capability to believe in Allah that was given to first modern human coming from womb of earlier human (in leap of evolution).

17:99 "See they not that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, is able to create the like of them. And He has decreed for them an appointed term, whereof there is no doubt. But the unjust refuse but disbelief."

Neanderthal-human disappeared suddenly from Europe when humans came (Neanderthals=Romans=Christians?). Koran even have parts where is given information about past and still on going evolution, creation of Allah, that is not finished yet according to Koran (that we can see by science):

29:19-20 "See they not how Allah originates the creation, THEN REPEATS IT. Verily, that is easy for Allah. Say: 'Travel in the land and see how Allah originated the creation: SO WILL ALLAH PRODUCE A LATER CREATION: for Allah has power over all things." (Notice that Darwin did exactly this, traveled in land and studied how creation could be in future)

24:45 "Allah has created every animal from WATER: of them there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah CREATES WHAT HE WILLS; for verily Allah is able to do all things."

25:54 "It is He Who has created man (/mankind) from WATER: then has He established relationship of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things)."

76:1 "Has there not been over man (/mankind) a long period of time, when he was nothing (even) mentioned?"



(Remember, all this is eventually interpretation, Allah knows best)

In western (Christian) societies has been long war between science and religion. This same battle has not affected Islamic world, because science is viewed to be able only to tell about how Allah created world, and what meanings shorter descriptions in Koran had. And science explains Koran well, Koran is full of miraculous, modern science confirmed knowledge. And Koran has not changed in test of time, it has been made sure by fact that thousands and millions of Muslims from time of prophet until now have memorized Koran with 100% accuracy even from part of its sound, rhythm, melody and dialect (of Arabic?s, even breathing techniques) as Mohammed said it, so any changes would have been noticed right away widely and we would now know about bloody revolts after that (and spread of Islam and Muslims were so dramatic that there was no way to change all Korans without original text surviving it). Allah promises in the Koran that He makes remembering Koran easy, and it has been proved by numerous Muslims. Shortly after death of prophet Koran were added vocal signs for pronouncing Koran exactly like Mohammed did, because Arabs spread from Arabia to wide area very fast and their dialect started to change. First editions of this first official Koran are still with us in Istanbul and Tashkent (recitations of Mohammed were stored originally for example in animal skins, stone tables and by memorization as Arabs had long traditions for that), and Koran (in Arabic?s) is even now exactly same everywhere in the world.

In the Bible "forbidden tree" of Paradise was seen as tree of knowledge, so Europe fought for centuries should knowledge coming from Muslims be approvable, when backwards Arabs started to flourish in culture, trade and science after accepting Islam, as Islam emphasized knowledge and learning. Koran is not book of natural science, but still it has over 750 places which have connection for different scientific phenomenon. Koran and hadiths of prophet advices (both woman?s and man) to education and learning, searching (world of Allah), studies (in school) and teaching others, according to Islam everything, including culture and religion (of your children?s), is based on "brainwashing"=education. So Islam and Muslims saved science, learning and freedom (of academics f.ex., Muslims were first to separate "state and church" when caliphs were given power in earthly matters only, and religious power to scholars) after Europeans abandoned it and heritage of ancient Greece, and practically all we have now is because of Muslims, even renaissance started after Europe began to be interested from ancient heritage and learn about it trough (stored by Muslims in) Arabic writings from areas of Sicily and Spain (where Muslims were greeted as liberators from dictatorial church, and then later expelled).

Posted by moon2/koran at 3:51 PM EEST
Updated: Thursday, 16 February 2006 2:51 PM EET
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