This is a story that I received in my email.  As I read this over, I thought that it was bogus.  But when I got to the end and I clicked the link, I was very very surprised.  I seen the picture, that I have courteously included on this page for your enjoyment.  I would like to take this oppurtunity to again remind you brothers and sisters that if you have not signed my guestbook I would really appreciate if you would.  I know that this seems to be such a trivial thing to do, and your right.  But it only takes 5 minutes, and it lets me know about my spiritual family that has come in and visited.  And it allows me to build friendships with you.  It also allows me to see, that people are actually visiting, so that I can keep it up and running.  Thanks again...Jeff


Brother Maxwell Lloyd (Zone Overseer) told this story about the Kingdom Hall 
in Cook Town, Northern Australia at morning worship in Bethel: 

There is a small congregation in Cook Town which needed a Kingdom Hall. But 
financing the hall was a problem. The towns council arranged for a plot of 
land, but where would they get the needed materials for the construction? 

During the same time a new hospital was build in Cook Town to replace an old 
one that originated from 1879. The brothers contacted the contractor to 
find out under which terms 

they might obtain the lumber of the old building to use it for the Kingdom 
Hall. They told him they had no money, but the contractor insisted that they 
had to pay at least something. Finally they agreed on a price of two cases 
of beer which fact got wide publicity in the press! 

When the brothers started preparations to tear the building down a new law 
became effective, that forbade the tearing down of buildings considered 
historic. And this also applied to the old hospital. Now the brothers had a 
building at one site and a plot of land at another. 

A neighbor congregation (200 or 300 km south of Cook Town) came to their 
aid. They came with a vehicle equipped to move buildings and succeeded to 
move the building to the plot of land the brothers own. 

In the meantime the hospital has been converted into a fine Kingdom Hall. 
Many tourists visit he area and enjoy seeing historic sites. The Kingdom 
Hall has thus become one of the most popular spots in town. Some people even 
sell postcards and T-shirts with pictures of the Kingdom Hall. 

A while ago the branch office in Australia received a letter from brothers 
in England. They wrote, that they met in the service people who had recently 
visited Australia. Those people invited them in to show them a postcard of 
the Kingdom Hall in Cook Town that they had brought from their trip. Because 
of the nice conversation that ensued the brothers could start a Bible study 
and wrote the letter to thank the brothers in Cook Town for that. 

The old hospital is a three story building. The Kingdom Hall is located on 
the first floor. On the second floor the original pattern of rooms has been 
kept. These rooms now serve the brothers very well. The hall is also used by 
a congregation of Aborigines. Many of them have to walk more than 10 km to 
get to the meetings. For this reason all 5 meetings are held on the weekends 
and the brothers can use the rooms of the second floor to stay over night."