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Here are some random things I wanted to add to the page, but had no place to put them, that they really fit.
If you have a few minutes, please check them out.

The Pa. PAGAN Message Forum from Bravenet
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The Pa. PAGAN Guestmap from Bravenet
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The Pa. PAGAN Classified Ads from Bravenet
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Pa. Powerport - The Commonwealth website

Pa Visitors Network - Pa. facts page

Pa facts

Want to check up on the govenment? It's a good idea to look in on them once in a while.
Pa. House of Representatives

Pa. Senate

United States House of Representatives

United States Senate

The Whithouse

Here is a site that I found. It's a site where you can write to congrees or the President, who knows if they even know about the site, but you can see what people are trying telling them. If you check it out, go to the religious topics area. I found it interesting.

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