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Kris's Krazy Korner

Hey everybody!! Welcome to my humble homepage. Enter and make yourself at home. If you're here and in someone else's frames click here to get out of them. There is a case of Mountain Dew and some dip in the fridge, bags of chips, pretzels, cookies, and candy in the cabinets, so have at it. *S* In here will be brief glimpses of what goes on in my life. It may not be much, but I like it. *S*

First let me start off by introducing myself. Hi! *~waving~* I'm Kristin, but you can call me Kris, all my friends do. *S* I'm 30, single, a mom, and very cute. I live in upstate New York near historical Saratoga Springs. I know you can see my picture but I'll describe myself anyway. *G* I have light brown hair, 5'9, have green-blue-gray eyes (personally think they are my best feature because they have a dark green blue circle around them.*S*) and friends say I have a beautiful smile. *S* My mind is often not in working order, but then again who's really is? *L*

I am a certified EMT in the state of New York at the Basic level of care.*S* For those that may not know what EMT is, it stands for Emergency Medical Technician. I love riding in the ambulance. I got into this business in September 1997 and became addicted rather quickly. Maybe I should join TAA(trauma addics anonymous)?? *LOL* Here in NY, we (basics and intermediates) have recently been allowed to assist patients with certain medications of their own. (ie. epi-pens) This is an evolving profession which is one reason why I like it so much. You never know when the lastest stuff will be outdated. Kinda like computers eh? *L*

Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies. Everyone should have them. Mine include listening to music, reading (mainly romance novels), photography, bowling, playing computer games, dancing, swimming, and most important...watching hockey. I LOVE the game!! I'm a New Jersey Devils / Albany River Rats fan, though SOME people *and you know who you are* would disagree that the Devils are one of the best teams in the NHL.

Let's see…what else is there to tell you about me? I was born in Frankfurt, Germany (army brat here) in the middle of June on a warm late Spring's night. My first memories of where I lived were in Edinboro, Pa. I lived there until I was 10 until I moved to Cape Cod where I lived until 1996. I love the Cape and it will always be home to me. Hopefully I'll move back there one day. *S* I graduated from Dennis -Yarmouth Regional in 1991 and attended Cape Cod Community College for two years. I moved to Saratoga NY in the fall of 96' when my daughter was about 5 months old.

Now…I have to tell you about my daughter. *GFETE* Have you ever looked at a little child and when she smiled at you, your heart just melted like butter? That is the effect Samantha has on people. She's the biggest flirt and I have no idea WHERE she learned it from!! *Looking Oooooooh so innocent here* Sammi was born 16 days shy of my own birthday (which would make it the 3rd of June) 1996. She has big bright blue eyes, an adorable button nose, and has a personality to match her sweet face. I have made a homepage for her if you are interested in seeing what a true angel looks like. *beaming with pride* Sammi was 8.5 lbs. and 21" long at birth. Now she's about 48" tall and 50 lbs. We're just about to finish up first grade and excited about the summer. School is going very well and the teacher has told me that Samantha is a social butterfly. *L*

Well…I think that is about it. Thanks for stopping in. Make sure to pop back sometime so we can chat again. Would you please sign my guestbook? I'd love to visit your pages too. *S* Oh...and the links below will open a new window so you don't have to use the back button all the time. Only the Links Page will move on to that page without opening a new browser. *S*

My Links To Various Web Sites

My Listing of Links Around The Web
EMS Prayer
Christmas Song Lyrics
Little Known Facts About Yours Truly
Special Thanks To My Friends
Favorite Lines to Favorite Movies
Favorite Lyrics From My Favorite Songs
Essential Male Training (EMT Training)

My Favorite Things