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                By: VeRa

The God Endovelico is a very mysterious God. His origins are still
under the mists of confusion. There are two major theories that try
to explain His origins. One says that this is a Celtic or even pre-
Celtic God that was brought to Portugal by the Celts and than the
Portuguese people adopted Him. The other theory says that only His
name is Celtic but He is totally Portuguese, adored first by the
Portuguese natives .The first theory is more accepted. His cult was
more important to the Portuguese during the roman invasion and during
the roman domination on Portugal. The Romans were not hostile to the
pagan cults so they adopted Endovelico and related Him to Apollo. He
was the God of medicine, also He was said to give orientation to the
souls in the "Other World". This God was also said to protect the
places where He was adored. Also the ancient Portuguese people
believed that He lived on a mountain…. actually in several mountains!
These days there are still proofs from this cult to the God
Endovelico. A whole mountain is full with stones with His symbols and
a sanctuary is still up (very damaged but up) on the top of the
Nobles, poor people and slaves worshipped this God. There was no
specific social status among Endovelico´s followers. This was an
organized cult and there were Priest of Endovelico, which functions
were, mainly, to walk in the dream world. They were called the Dream-
Walkers and analizers. There are some indices that there were made
sacrifices to the God.
These days the God is still worshipped by the Portuguese Wiccan


(both in Portuguese)
