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                                              Meet VeRa!



My name is Vera Carvalho, I am 23 years old. I leave in a small village between the ocean and the woods, called Sesimbra, in Portugal, in the very middle of this little country.
At this moment, I don't have a paying job, but I am looking for one;  it's not being easy. I am a first circle student of the Coven of the Far Flung net, and the Holy Well and Sacred Flame Clan is my first pagan family. 
I am in the Wiccan path for about one year and an half and never been in a coven, I have always been a solitary and feel really glad to be with brothers and sisters of the long, never-ending path for balance and attunement. 
Before knowing Wicca I was also a very spiritual person, always wanting to know about other religions and faiths and felt, and still feel, attracted to Buddhism and Hinduism. I like to meditate according to the yoga philosophy.
I have a long-term relationship with a very sensitive and lovely boy,  I hope I can be with him for the rest of my life and can't wait to get to live with him. I have a friend female cat, called Branca and her child, Bast,  leaving with me and two dogs, Songoku and Pitanga.I love animals, specially cats and dogs.
My favorite hobby is reading and walking in the woods, because I  love trees, I think they are very sensitive and lovely, wonderful creatures.  My favorite reading is Fantasy romances and philosophical ones too. 
I am a fairy lover, like to read anything that is related to the fae folk. I am also interested in tarot, got my deck about two years ago, before I met Wicca, but the Wiccan knowledge helped me improving my  skills on that field. I also love to write fantasy and existential romances. Like to cook and like to eat (lol)
I enjoy go out with my friends to listen to music and dance; my  favorite music is Electronic Trance music and the beautiful Lorena  Mckenit too.

Love to you all
Vera´s  homepage:
