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Letter from the Chair


My boys are now seven and five. Watching them grow up has been fun. Watching them watch cartoons that I used to watch as a child has been delightful. Just the other day, in fact, one of my favorite Bugs Bunny episodes was on. It was the one spoofing the old tortoise and the hare fable, where the slow, stupid ol' turtle out Bugs-es Bugs himself. The turtle not only wins the race but embarrasses Bugs at every turn. It's a classic. It's also an age-old lesson the local Republican Party should never forget.

Of course, the Republicans are the hare. The Democrats are the tortoise. And the race is just beginning. We are at the front end of an important three-year election cycle. By all rights, Republicans will sweep the countywide elections this year, as we have many, many times before. But don't get too cocky, Bugs, my friend. By many accounts, the Democrats are making slow and steady progress on us in all aspects of the race of party building. Their organization is improving. Their leadership is strengthening. Their numbers are growing. If we don't take party building seriously today, in three years we may be watching in humiliation as the tortoise runs away from us.

Yes, it can happen, even here in Tippecanoe County! If you don't think so, ask anyone who has been in Indiana politics more than a decade and ask them if they remember the day when it was unthinkable that we would have a Democrat s governor, a Democrat U.S. Senator and Democrats in nearly half of our U.S. Congressional Seats. Welcome to the 21st Century version of the proverbial tortoise kicking the hare's ass.

If we as Republicans hope to be able to maintain our superiority in this county - and to regain it across the state - then one of our top priorities must be to attract the best and brightest young people to our Party. If the Party is to succeed at that, then the YRs will be counted upon to be strong. If the YRs are to be strong, then each and every one of us has to make a concerted effort to participate in chapter functions and take a personal interest in the success of the organization.

If you believe less government is the answer to most of our social and economic problems; if you believe government should do more with less; if you believe in conservative ideals; then it's time to do something about it. Join the Tippecanoe YRs today.

This year, we are planning four exciting functions. They will all be family-friendly (and will not be without interest to singles, either). And they will all be significant events, worthy of everyone's attention and participation. Hopefully this will make it easier for members to fit YR functions into their hectic lives.

It's time to get in the race, ladies and gentlemen. We have a great start, and YR history suggests we are at a critical stage. We will either step it up a notch in this next 10 months, or we will cease to exist. I want us to take it to that next level, and I hope you will join me.


Mike Dowler


Mike and Kris Dowler have two children (Eric 7 and Ryan 5) and are expecting their third in September. Mike is a deputy prosecuting attorney (major felony drug crimes) and Kris is a preschool teacher at the YWCA. They are both active in the community. Kris is vice president of the Wea Ridge Elementary Parent Teacher Organization, director of communications for the Republican Womens Club and a vice precinct committeeman for Wea 2. Mike coaches youth basketball at the YWCA, youth soccer for GLRSA and tee ball in the Wea Rec League. He's also president of Legal Aid Corporation of Tippecanoe County, on the board of directors of The Purdue Exponent and on the executive committee of the Gus Macker charity basketball tournament. Politically he serves as a steering committee member of the Tippecanoe Republican Central Committee, as a precinct committeeman for Wea 2, as a delegate to the 2002 State Convention, as the party's deputy election board attorney, and as a member of a number of campaign committees. The Dowlers live on the south side of Lafayette in Valley Forge subdivision and attend Evangelical Covenant Christian church.


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