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Anyone between the ages of 18 and 40, a Tippecanoe County resident, and a registered voter is eligible to be a Tippecanoe County Young Republican.

To join please print this form, fill out and mail with payment to:
Tippecanoe Young Republicans Club, 839 Main Street, Lafayette, IN 47901

Tippecanoe Young Republicans

Membership Application

Are you applying for: ___ Single member ($15) ___Couple ($25) ___Associate ($10)
Your name: ________________________ Your birthdate: ________________________
Spouse name: ________________________ Spouse birthdate: ________________________
Home address: ______________________________________________________________
Home phone:________________________
Your work phone: ________________________ Your email: ________________________
Spouse work phone: ________________________ Spouse email: ________________________

What are your areas of interest?
__________ Issues and Platform
__________ Fundraising
__________ Publicity
__________ Club Newsletter
__________ Social Events
__________ Phone Calling
__________ Campaigns
__________ Recruiting Members
__________ Speakers for Meetings
__________ Voter Registration
__________ Holding Club Office (specify 2):

What are your spouse’s areas of interest?
__________ Issues and Platform
__________ Fundraising
__________ Publicity
__________ Club Newsletter
__________ Social Events
__________ Phone Calling
__________ Campaigns
__________ Recruiting Members
__________ Speakers for Meetings
__________ Voter Registration
__________ Holding Club Office (specify 2):
Your signature:




Spouse signature:






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