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If Hogan Can't Stop The Bot...

So, the second I turn the TV on, what do I see? I see Hulk Hogan at a shooting range firing rounds from a pistol, and then an automatic assault rifle.

Let me repeat that, in case the badassness of it didn't hit you.

So, the second I turn the TV on, what do I see? I see Hulk Hogan at a shooting range firing rounds from a pistol, and then an automatic assault rifle.

I actually stopped thinking and was just like "OMFG HOGAN KILLING SHIT ROXXORZ!"

Then, I kept on watching, and Hogan was fucking MACKING on some chick at some Supra was pretty crazy. Like "Oh My God You Fucking Kidding Me?" crazy. Hulk Hogan is friggin' awesome.

But the thing is, I know Super Killer Robot Version of me could totally fuck his shit up. So...what can stop me? Nothing?

You done yet?