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Chap 1 - Introduction

Chap 2 - The Baptist's Vision of God and Christ

Chap 3 - The Word Unleashes the Four Horsemen

Chap 4 - Separating Believers from Unbelievers

Chap 5 - The Four Winds: Tribluation for Judea

Chap 6 - The First Woe: Civil War in Judea

Chap 7 - The Second Woe: War with Rome

Chap 8 - Glimpses of the Temple Site

Chap 9 - Warning of a Final War with Rome

Chap 10 - Judea Gives Birth to the Church

Chap 11 - The Sea Beast: The Roman Empire

Chap 12 - A New Caesar Speaks for the Empire

Chap 13 - Jesus with Those Who Believe Him

Chap 14 - The Vials: Judea's Great Tribulation

Chap 15 - Third Woe Done: Judea's Final Demise

Chap 16 - Why Judea was brought down

Chap 17 - The Church up to Satan's Release

Chap 18 - The Church after Satan's Release

Chap 19 - Bibliography

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