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     On June 24, 1981, Christ sent his mother to six young teenagers in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia with a message (Kraljevic) urging people to strive for peace, to have faith in Jesus, to undergo an interior conversion to conform to his Gospel, to pray fervently, to practice fasting to help discipline the passions, and to come to repentance. If people do not stop offending God by their sins, then Mary cannot hold back her son from chastising the world.
     Christ's mother told the children that a series of catastrophes (caused by the willingness of some people to disobey God) are awaiting the world if people continue in sin. Some of these catastrophes can be averted by prayer and fasting by those who do believe. Mary promised a special sign, visible in the sky, to help convince the world when the apparitions are concluded (they are still in progress at the time of this writing), but she cautioned that now is the time to repent. If the unbelieving postpone repenting until they see the sign, it will be too late for them. She urged those who believe to make a more whole-hearted conversion to Jesus and deepen their faith in him.
     Christ's mother first came to Medjugorje on June 24, 1981, with pleas for prayer and warnings that Christ feels the world, because of rampant sin, no longer deserves peace. Christ's mother told the children that peace is obtainable, but you (meaning all of us) must work to obtain peace. We must stop our sins, especially our sins of injustice against others. If we fail to do this, then we will experience the effects of sin: wars, robberies, rape, bigotry, all things that God has commanded people not to do. These messages began in 1981 and were ongoing during the Olympic games held in Sarajevo when Yugoslavia was an example of five ethnic groups getting along fine. The Yugoslavians ignored the warnings. Their Communist government was hostile to the visionaries. Ten years later, to the day, Yugoslavia broke up into five independent republics, and wars of aggression and ethnic hatred started.
     We all remember the Bosnian war and Serbia's ambition to build "Greater Serbia." Since Serbia was the strongest republic, and the UN was unable to contain them, NATO attacked and so weakened Serbia that Serbia became victim of ethnic violence also. Christ's mother asked for faith, prayer, fasting, conversion, and peace. Mary said she was sent to bring humanity back to her Son. She warned that Satan is especially active now and that fervent prayer can ward off his advances.
     We are close to the world's final defiance. Convert yourselves as quickly as possible! Open your hearts to God! This is a message to all mankind.

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