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     On May 13, 1917, five months before the Communist takeover of Russia, Christ sent his mother to three children in Fatima, Portugal. In a series of apparitions, Mary warned that if people do not stop offending God with their sins, God would permit a chastisement upon them through an atheistic government that was about to take control of Russia. Mary promised the conversion of Russia if people heed the warning. She also promised a visible miracle as a sign.
     The miracle occurred on October 13, 1917, when the sun seemed to dance in the sky in the presence of seventy thousand spectators. Fatima is today world famous because of the apparitions. (Luchia) (Haffert, Meet the Witnesses) (Alonso) (Sharkey, p. 99) (Haffert, Deadline: The Third Secret of Fatima).
     These warnings of chastisements are easily misunderstood. It would be much more clear to state them as warnings that if we do not, of our own free wills, avoid sins, especially sins of injustice toward each other, like murder, rape, robbery, bigotry, violence, we will wind up experiencing the consequences of sins committed by those who choose to continue sinning. God does not want to take away our free will. We will no longer be fully human if God does. Instead, God wants us all, of our own free will, to recognize the harm caused by our disobedience and freely quit disobeying God. We need supernatural help to do so.
     Knowing what we know now about history, one wonders how three young children in Fatima could make such a preposterous prediction about Russia at a time when Russia was considered a backward nation, far outdistanced by the Western nations, and was suffering terribly in World War I. Who would have believed that Russia could chastise the world in 1917?
     Before Communist Russia had run its course, it had converted or conquered more than twenty nations, including China, and was stopped from conquering all of Europe only through threat of nuclear war. When the Soviet Union finally did run its course, it simply collapsed, like whatever unifying spirit held it together simply vanished.
     The mother of Jesus told the three children that if the Catholic pope, in union with all the Catholic bishops, would publicly consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, Russia would be converted into believing Christ. The Pope, I suppose, couldn't get all the bishops to comply. Perhaps not all of the bishops believed it. The consecration was not made. Russia then became Communist and struck terror into Europe and killed many, many persons, Christians especially, as Russia tried to enforce atheism in every country they captured. What a shame! There was a spirit behind Communism. God would have bound that spirit in 1917, had enough people, especially clergy, believed the children. Had the consecration been made, both parts of the Illuminati's plan (mentioned on p. 269) would have been nipped in the bud.
     Fatima is famous for three secrets revealed to the children. Two were made public soon after the apparitions, but the third secret was not made public until after the collapse of the Soviet Union, even though one of the children advised her bishop to make the third secret public before 1960.
     Here is the third secret. Lucia saw an angel crying out "Penance! Penance! Penance!" Then she saw the pope with bishops, priests, monks, and nuns going up a steep mountain, on top of which was a huge cross. On the way up the mountain, the pope passed through a city half in ruin and filled with corpses. When the pope and those with him reached the top, they were all killed by soldiers firing bullets and arrows. Two angels gathered their blood and sprinkled their blood on souls making their way to God. What do you make of it? What harm would have ensued if it were made public earlier?
     The other two secrets were a detailed vision of hell and the prediction of a great luminous sign in the sky warning that God is ready to let sin run its course through another World War, famine, and persecutions. The sign was seen on Jan. 25, 1938. The media dismissed it as an unusually bright Aurora Borealis seen in Europe and North America. Six months later, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, which was the point of no return for World War II. You know the rest. The United States and its allies built up Russia so it was, after the war, able to become the superpower that challenged the West for fifty years.

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