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Buy My Books

You can buy "Revelation: Fall of Judea, Rise of The Church" directly from the publisher
on iUniverse
or from Amazon
Once on these websites, search for my book by title, my name, or ISBN: 05954842948

You can buy "Revelation and The Fall of Judea" directly from the publisher
on Xlibris
or from Amazon
or from Barnes & Noble
Once on these websites, search for my book by title, my name, or ISBN: 1401068049.
On Xlibris, first get on "Bookstore" page, then search for my book.

You can buy "Prophet and Historian: John and Josephus" directly from the publisher
on Lulu
or from Amazon
Once on Amazon, search for my book by title, my name, or ISBN: 1411627091
On lulu, you can obtain a free download of this and another book
"Apocalypse: Fall of Judea: Rise of The Church," (an earlier version of the Airleaf book).

You can also order my book from any bookstore, like Borders, etc.

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