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The Testimony Of Jeff Leslie

It is my utmost desire that not I, but JESUS CHRIST be lifted up with my story.

Two days after my 15th birthday I became a born again Christian. The day I did, I was a young man on fire who's greatest joy was writing and singing songs expressing my faith and love for Him.
Fast forward 10 years to my 25th year. I was married and on summer break from teaching band and choir at a Christian jr./sr. high school. As a result of a freak diving incident involving an air mattress and an incorrectly marked lake just outside our apartment patio door, my head hit the muddy bottom and I became a quadriplegic. My vertebrae was crushed at level C4-5 causing me to become instantly and permanently paralyzed from the shoulders down. In a split second, this fiery soul with a heart, hungry for God, became a hapless, helpless bag of nothing.
Then each time I thought I was getting my life back together, I kept getting struck down and I finally had to ask God... Why?

Then I had a vision of Jesus on the cross...

by Jeff Leslie

If you are interested, you can freely download songs here:
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All images used in the following pages and videos (besides personal photos)
have been downloaded and are not my own.
Click on the first link to begin your journey.


Questions About Suffering
The Voice And The Vision
The Conversation With God
The Enemy
Lord, I Love You
Face To Face
Lesson Plan
A Reason To Live
The Answers

Lyric Catalog
Father's Love Letter (Wonderful Website!)
Sir Tony Nominee