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Our Living Memories of SKY SNAKE

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I have been trying to think of what to say. I see that you have so many friends that dearly love you and miss you heaps. (I do). I am used to coming in the Vet's room and there you were, always so proud and tall with your snake av. I remember one time when I said that I hated spiders, due to a accident that happened one time. I remember looking on the computer screen and I saw you changing your av to this huge black spider and then started chasing me around the room. I think I had nightmares for quiet a while. Hahah. Well my friend, I hope you find peace where ever you may be, and I promise to look after Aunty for you.

Take care my friend
~Strawberry Gal~ 08 Nov 2000
Boy, will you be missed partner. The sound of you and bird flying above us back in that crazy place was our connection.

The sound assured us we had a way out, that support was here and that reinforcements were possible.

Even though your sound has stilled, you and your words are still with me. Thanks for the long talks, the great fun, the friendship, the listening.

You are the man Snake!

~Tuck48~ aka 1SG Roy J. Murphy, USA (Ret) 5 NOV 2000
Just wanted to say that I had the opportunity to share several conversations with "Sky Snake", and enjoyed every one of them.
I know that some day, I too will stop by "Fiddlers Green", to fill my canteen. It will be an honor, to know that I pass the way, of so many Cavalrymen before me. You see we had a saying,,,,"If You Ain't CAV, You Ain't _hit"!
To somewhat paraphrase, our rendition of Psalms 23:
"Yea, though I walk through the valley(A Shau), of the shadow of death", "I fear no evil, - cause the CAV's done prepped the A. O." !!

"St. Peter, pop smoke, and mark the L Z, the SKY SNAKE is on approach"!
~ Pat Stanley~ aka - Redheaded Stranger 2 Nov 2000
"C Trp, 2/17 Air Cav, 101st Abn(Ambl), '71

~MsP~ OCT 31 2000
I'm lost for words. I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of Sky.

I first came into the VP Vet room about 3 years ago and one of the first online friends in the Vet room was Snake. He was always kind and friendly toward me and we had many sessions of fun and joking. His sense of humor was weird, enjoyable and entertaining. I appreciate the memory of the friendship and the fun time he shared with us on the internet.

I salute you SKY SNAKE! Thank you for sharing your time and your self.

We'll miss him but not forget him; his spirit will remain in the Vet room as long as we all remember.
~Dennis ~ aka Drifter42 October 16, 2000
When I heard of the passing of my friend Sky Snake I cried. I have started many letters to tell how much I loved that guy, and change them every time, because everyone who wrote in was saying the same thing I was writing. How he helped us all, and how he could spot a wantabe right off the bat. How he would blow them out of the saddle right away. How loving and caring he was to the folks that needed some help, either with the computer or in real life.

This got me to really thinking of him even more, and I have come to the point that, although he is gone he still lives in my heart. I live by the quote that I heard a long time ago, and that is....."To live in the hearts of those you left behind, is to never die". I know that to be true now that he has left me.

When I sit down to turn on my puter, I think of Sky. When I start doing e-mail, I see his name on my mailing list. When I try and help a friend or even a stranger, I think of Sky, and how he would handle it. So you see folks......Sky Snake has not left me.....He is on a trip that we will all take someday, and by the time we get there, I for one will know that Sky will have everything in order. I bet he is working on setting up a web page right now. Therefore I am not taking him off my mailing list......who knows.....someday I might just get a message from......."Saint Sky Snake" . I know he is looking down on all of us as I write this, and laughing at us, but remember when you are having a hard time trying to do something on your puter and everything you do does not work, then you get a brain storm and it all comes together. That could be him looking over your shoulder and helping you again as he did in life.............

Take care my friend, I salute you...........

~Kit~........(mcpoc) 16 OCT 2000
I never called him snake, so I won't do so here. Sky was a friend, once you got past that grumpy old man thing he did so well. I met Sky when I first came into the room about 3 years ago. He gave me my first av and my first gesture. He helped me delete some gestures that I had accepted by mistake. (LOL) He told others, that I was the one they wanted to be talking to if their wife or girlfriend came into the room, 'cause she wouldn't talk no trash. Sky even taught me how to make potato soup one snowy day in NC, he laughed at me when I shivered from the cold, and told me he was nekked sitting at his puter. I loved to send him hugs, knowing that he would gesture back, "don't hug me you worf" . Since I have moved to the coast I have not been in the room as often as I would like, but it will NEVER be the same now. Sky was the first person my hubby talked to on the net, and one of the few.
~ Patti~ aka MSNCFISH 16 OCT 2000
When I first met him in the Vet's Room I thought, What's the matter with this guy.?? Then as a newbie I realized what he was about. The Teasing was taken with a grain of salt. Then he found out I was a Korean Vet and a NAM Vet and all was well with the world. He helped me a lot with this Damnable machine and BTW, I still have a lot to learn. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him, I for one Stand Tall and Offer Him his Daily Salute that he richly DESERVES. May you watch over us MY FRIEND from up on HIGH. You will always be in our hearts.
~Andre~ aka Goldshield 14 OCT 2000

I met Snake 34 years ago, of course he was not Snake, then he was Rich, and was living near the apartment where I lived, having gotten a compassionate re-assignment to be with his mother after his father died. His brothers wife and I were very friendly, and one saturday she asked me if I wanted to make a foursome with her, her hubby, and Rich.
They had planned to go to a drive in, and of course, we had to stop on the way for some famous philly cheese steak sandwiches. The guys got the sandwiches and put them on the floor in the back, and we proceeded to the movie.
Sometime during the movie, I felt this groaping hand around my leg and it was Rich..he said he was looking for a sandwich....and I believed him...
We laughed then, and many times after. I am only glad that I have memories like this to keep me going, and I am sure I will recall many other incidents to share with all of you....and some I cannot share, which I am sure you will understand!...

Rich..I miss you
October, 14, 2000

....he had about him,a noble atmosphere.
~dlmeek~ 13 OCT 2000
One day,about 3 years ago,I happened to find this room called the VETERANS ROOM. It had a map of the U.S.A on it. I, as an Australian Vietnam veteran, thought I'd stay and have a look(GIVE THE ROOM SOME CLASS). There were some funny names there. BUNNIE,IVY-EYES,McPOC,WET-VETT,ARMY-GIRL(my 1st love)JHOL and this bloke called...SKY-SNAKE.
Now I must say I was treated warmly, even given a face to go with the name(DELTA4_1), Yes one of the few that has keeped the same name. I must say,out of all those people,I found SKY-SNAKE,the hardest to get to know,I didn't know how to take him (he saw thru my aussie charm),but over these 3 years,I found all what was needed was to be honest with him,and to give him the respect that he deserved.
I asked for help so many times,and got the answers I needed,(boy was he bloody technical,). I'd grit my teeth,shut my mouth and think to myself,just tell me how to fix the bloody thing.
Over the years we became mates,even swapped xmas cards(think that was Sophies doing),but I was so pleased to have him as a friend. Then one day I got this message on my phone from Florida,it was from AMY ,SNAKES wonderful daughter(who I must say,inherited her fathers stubourn nature). She informed me her father had taken the wrong amount of medication, fell over, hit his head, and knocked himself out. After he came to,he tells AMY."ring DELTA,he will know what to do".(not much help from Australia).
After that,I now feel I earned his respect,for that I am so greatful , as a VIETNAM -VETERAN, and a GRUNT ,I had nothing but the utmost respect for those flyboys.
SKY SNAKE,you can HIT MY SMOKE,anytime

~DELTA4_1~ 13 OCT 2000

Annoying as hell, man, he was a snot…

And when we’d get to arguing, shit, he made me hot.

Arguing, er, I mean………..

Conversing with the man was interesting fare

He’d treat me like an equal, but an equal what…I dare.

Bourgeois banter…………

"Sky, the grass is green", "No, PEE, it’s a dark lime"

When it came to sparring we always made the time.

Almost three years…………

I’d gotten to know the man amongst the Veteran’s chat

And to his cocky belligerence I gratefully lift my hat.

That gregarious fella……….

Loved to pick on the dorks that were such easy prey

And to watch him work them, it’s no wonder they didn’t stay.

A personal avatar…………

The vision of his face, first to my memory will always come

Are his typed written words of, "My Gawd, am I handsome."

A moment’s notice………..

His desire to help me was unwavering as any I’d known.

Funny how that helping hand could help me have grown.

A cussing man…………

One of the damn traits that I like the best about the man was this

Hell, there was never a fucking asshole that was above his ‘dis.

Inalienable charm………..

I think he appreciated me because I was such a smart ass

In this way, he knew, we fit into the same rogue class.

Directed brevity………..

He always had the flair, in talk, for cutting to the chase

The bullshit of the VA, computers, or big dogs in his face.

Vietnam Veteran…………

The thing I’ll miss most is the pleasure of my friend.

A true American Hero and continuously gracious to the end.

Sky Snake…………

Like many others that knew you, I shall forever love you

Fly on wings of glory, God is your pilot…play nice and make do.
~MS PARRISH~ 13 OCT 2000
Snake was one of the first persons to introduce me to the chatiquette. He was a saint when it came to helping me with puterprobs and a devil as my erstwhile corruptor with his acerbic and sardonic wit.
Snake, I hope that it´s not "fat-New-Yorkers-in-thongs" season where you are!!
~KALLISTO~ 13 OCT 2000
About two years ago I came to have a PC end up in my house thanks to my daughter. I hardly knew a mouse was anything but a rodent. After a few weeks I found the Chat service that lead me to the Vets Room.I live in a small town and really do not have much contact with other vets especialy my age. Then one evening I came upon the Vets room, I sat there just watching the screen, smiling to myself, knowing that I had found the real deal. Then I started to chat and there was this cobra just sitting there in the middle of the room. At first I thought this guy was the host and then the sergeant of arms. He quickly challenged me as to wether or not I was a Vet, then after a few minutes we discovered we had both been Second ACR and had walked the same halls and streets we shared stories and for awhile he taught me more and more about the computer. This in it's self was no easy task. As the months rolled by The room and Snake became friends and then family. As most of the Vets knew I was ailing from a kidney disease, One night it was late and I was down and out facing surgury the Docs said I only had a fifty fifty chance of even surving. I for the first time in my life I was in real fear of dieing, not the death that any soldier wanted to face but one without honor. Snake was in the room and we spoke for a while and he reminded me of the old poem called Fiddlers Green. It is a poem that anyone who was ever in the Cav had heard. It is a place half way between heaven and hell where all dead troopers stop to fill thier canteen and on the way to hell they empty thier canteen and return to Fiddlers Greens there to stay and greet all new troopers to Fiddlers Green. It is a way for the Cav to deal with the fact in war they are usally the first to die and that if they live someday they will meet back up with thier friends. I know that is where our friend Snake is right now, sitting back and waiting on the newbe to come down the road so he can give him a little hell and then show him the way. Men like Snake are few, hard as nails on the outside caring on the inside. The Army taught him emotions are not issued and they are a weakness but life taught the other side, the side that makes a man willing to die for family, god, and country. He took time to help those he found deserving, that is all we could ask of any man. The world is a little bit poorer from his passing, and our lives have been made a little richer for having known him!
I have but one last thing to say to him. HUT, HUT, CALVARY HOOO!! Dismount Trooper, this days ride is done, but tommorrow we will mount up again and ride those skys just like the wind.
God Bless
~Dennis Wooten~ aka BigDJ 13 OCT 2000

~Jedi Master~ 13 OCT 2000
"I remember the first time Snake found out I was in Germany, he talked so much about the great beer over here and Sophie had me in search of the ever evasive picture of "The Door". I would often tell Snake that I was sitting back with a nice cold Weißen Bier and enjoying the great taste. Snake would always tell me how cruel that was to say that and how he wished he could enjoy the great taste of the German beer. Unfortunately I never had the privilege of meeting Snake and sharing a cold one but the next time I have one, I will tip the bottle towards the sky and toast our Brother Snake. I will miss you, your sense of humor and your friendship.
Semper Fi. "
~Gator~ 13 OCT 2000
The Things They Carried

They carried P-38 can openers and heat tabs, watches and dog tags, insect repellent, gum, cigarettes, Zippo lighters, salt tablets, compress bandages, ponchos, Kool-Aid, two or three canteens of water, iodine tablets, sterno, LRRP- rations, and C-rations stuffed in socks. The carried standard fatigues, jungle boots, bush hats, flak jackets and steel pots.

They carried the M-16 assault rifle. They carried trip flares and Claymore mines, M-60 machine guns, the M-70 grenade launcher, M-14's, CAR-15's, Stoners, Swedish K's, 66mm Laws, shotgun, .45 caliber pistols, silencers, the sound of bullets, rockets, and choppers, and sometimes the sound of silence. They carried C-4 plastic explosives, an assortment of hand grenades, PRC-25 radios, knives and machetes.

Some carried napalm, CBU's and large bombs; some risked their lives to rescue others. Some escaped the fear, but dealt with the death and damage. Some made very hard decisions, and some just tried to survive.

They carried malaria, dysentery, ringworms and leaches. They carried the land itself as it hardened on their boots. They carried stationery, pencils, and pictures of their loved ones - real and imagined. They carried love for people in the real world and love for one another. And sometimes they disguised that love: "Don't mean nothin'!"

They carried memories

For the most part, they carried themselves with poise and a kind of dignity. Now and then, there were times when panic set in, and people squealed - or wanted to, but couldn't; when they twitched and made moaning sounds and covered their heads and said "Dear God" and hugged the earth and fired their weapons blindly and cringed and begged for the noise to stop and went wild and made stupid promises to themselves and God and their parents, hoping not to die.

They carried the traditions of the United States military, and memories and images of those who served before them. They carried grief, terro, longing and their reputations. They carried the soldier's greatest fear: the embarrassment of dishonor. They crawled into tunnels, walked point, and advanced under fire, so as not to die of embarrassment. They were afraid of dying, but too afraid to show it. They carried the emotional baggage of men and women who might die at any moment. They carried the weight of the world.


~Little_Bull~ 12 OCT 2000
"In memory of SkySnake, I know it has been said about how Snake helped folks with their puters, but he has walked me through fixen mine many a time. I was bout as green as they come when I came into vets room for the first time. SkySnake was the first one I talked with and he gave me my 1st USMC av as well. He didn't want me to be naked very long. I have enjoyed his company for over 3 years and really enjoyed how he dealt with all the wantabe's LOL. He was a man with great character and I for 1 will miss him very very much."
~LJCM2001~ (aka Texie) 12 OCT 2000
"I was stunned to learn just yesterday that we had lost "Snake", and without having ever met him I feel a huge and desperate loss...perhaps for our own fragility and temporary stay with each other here! I shed tears as great as if he were my Brother....he WAS my Brother!"

"'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother'"
- Shakespeare's Henry The Fifth-
"....I loved HIM for what he was!"
~Gunner52~ 12 OCT 2000
"Ivy and WET are being blonde, Sea is laughing, Snake is grumpy....all is well with the world"
Someone said this in the room years ago, I loved it and saved it..~WET~ 12 OCT 2000
"Sky Snake loved the vet room, though he would deny it to anyone. Rich would sit in the corner and pounce on any newbees or wannabees as he affectionately called them.

I remember when new people would enter he would use his wit to figure out just how real they were. He knew his military. He could spot a wannabe so fast and once he did he would blow them out of the water. I would watch him lure them in and drop the big one on them letting them no in no uncertain terms that faking military service is an abomination on all true vets.

Sky Snake loved women and would laugh at their innocence. He made an art out of luring them in only to let them know he was only interested in playing them for a laugh.

Snake contempt for the female gender was only evident in his jokes.. His endearing.. “sheese wimmins” was proclaimed loudly but his love for women was evident in the loving way he had of teasing them... One of his sheese wimmins moments was the night Ivy_Eyes set her nightgown on fire in front ot the puter. He quickly volunteered to provide the fire extinguisher.

Snake loved food. Fast food that is. He proclaimed to be an expert cook when any discussion of recipes were discussed. The only real food we heard he actually cooked was his famous chili. His expert tutoring though helped many a desperate cooks in presenting the perfect meal. His coaching of Wet_Vette on her deviled eggs was one for the books.

Snake’s other love was his animals. Snake would sit at computer with 2 cats on his laps and a couple of dogs at his feet. He advocated neutering and spaying of pets, but surprisingly had more animals then the local kennel. Many a days you would hear him say he has to feed the animals. That meant sirloin for the pets and a can of beans for himself.

The one area that Sky Snake excelled at was his ability to touch veterans. His leadership and practical way of looking at the Nam helped many a vet through lonely scary nights. His exhausting resources helped many with questions in getting connected with the right people.

Computers was his other talent. He helped introduce computers to many. His patience in explaining and teaching others was inexhaustible. Many people were taught how to use this thing with letters. He could make computers do anything and taught us how to use it. If you wanted to know something he had the answer. What ever you were looking for be it a homework assignment or finding a phone number all ya had to do was ask snake. He knew how to get the answers.

Finally, Snakes large heart was evident in the many people he helped and cared about. If someone was in trouble he reacted and found a way to help them. "
~IVY~ 12 OCT 2000
P.S. This page eventually will be huge and take a long time to be patient!! Soon there will be a variety of songs to choose from to listen to will you enjoy this page. If you have a song you would like on this page to listen too, tell me, I'll try to find it and add it. ~~WET~~
12 OCT 00

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