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Stacy's Place

These Things Make Me Smile......

Hello, and welcome to Stacy's Place. It's my little get away from the day to day stresses of life; a place to relax and chitchat about the people-places & things, that bring me the most smiles. Pull up a chair, grab your coffee; and get ready for some wonderfully entertaining reading; about none other, than me!

A Cat's Tale..... A Peek At My World:

  I call it "A Cat's Tale", because I am a cat fancier. I've owned a cat ever since I can remember; from Burmese to Calico; and beyond. Our family mascot, aka: Dotty-Boy, is a Siamese/Grey Striped mix, that is the king of this castle. Found as a stray kitten of about 3 to 4 weeks old, he won our hearts quickly. He's here to stay! :-)

I am a married, mom of some very busy kiddos; interested in many crafts, penpalling, movies, poetry, most music styles(especially the blues, jazz, & oldies), watching baseball & basketball, I enjoy bowling very much; and much more. I am happiest in the early evening, on a walk by the ocean; with the smell of the salt air at my nose, and a wonderous sunset before me. Seize the moment!

My favorite things are: family, good friends, sunsets, the ocean, laughter, rainbows, wind chimes, Mexican food, chocolate, cats, crocheting and craft's, quiet times; n' more.

Please check out my other Friendly Links below. :-)Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again

Friendly Links....

My Recipes Hideaway
My Fun Stuff Hideaway
My Poetry Hideaway
My Crochet Hideaway
Reaching Out & Giving Back Smiles
My Free Crochet Patterns
The Dieter's Corner