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Reference & Textbooks

In Association with

Ensemble: Grammaire

by Raymond F. Comeaux...This was my fourth year French grammar textbook. It's not as good as Grammaire Francaise (below), but it's a good text.

usually ships in 24 hours

Pub. 1998

hardcover $54.50

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Grammaire Francaise

by Jacqueline Ollivier...I studied French in Quebec (Canada) for a summer, and this was my grammar book. It's written in French, so I'd recommend it for second year students unless you're ambitious. It's great! Full of really correct grammar from real French speakers. Worth every cent!

usually ships in 2-3 days

paperback $55.50

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The Holistic Pediatrician

by Kathi Kemper, MD, MPH...This has a limited selection of ailments, but the most common ones, like colds and earaches, are here. Lots of alternatives to Western medicine for each ailment.

usually ships in 24 hours

Pub. 1996

paperback $14.40 -- you save 20%

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The AMA Family Medical Guide

This is a tome of pretty much everything you need to know about anything you have. There are even some nasty photos of skin lesions and rashes in case you need to identify something. Every home should have this book!

usually shipped in 24 hours

Pub. 1994

hardcover $27.97 -- you save 30%

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Collins-Robert French Dictionary

Yes, it's expensive, but this dictionary is the only one to have if you go beyond 2nd year French. You'll be glad you have it when you're writing research papers in French.

usually ships in 4-6 weeks

Pub. 1989

hardcover $35.00

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Mr. Boston Official Bartender's and Party Guide

by Renee Cooper and Chris Morris...It's like a textbook for bartenders. Every drink and method for mixing them. Good party ideas, too.

usually ships in 24 hours

Pub. 1994

hardcover $6.99 -- you save 30%

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