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religion - I wasn't going to do this

I just looked at my guestbook, and someone left a message about my supporting the Disney family values campaign. It supports the idea that everyone should be treated the same, whether they're gay or whatever.

First let me say I'm NOT a post-modernist who believes that everyone is equally right in their beliefs or actions. Some beliefs are well thought out, and some are based on prejudices and influences that don't even relate to the belief. Some actions are based on thought, and some on impulse, and I think it's much better to think before you jump.

That said, I was lured to this person's site where I read that since we were made in "God's" image, and (of course) "God" is not gay.....wait a minute, was that a rash assumption on the part of the writer? I'm not sure where in the Bible it told this man his God was not gay. I've read it, and I don't remember any mention of this. Hmmm...I'm just playing Devil's Advocate (pun intended), but I felt mildly unclean to be on this person's site.

I believe that if the Christian God was so loving and merciful, "he" wouldn't only let certain people into "his" little club called Heaven. Now, if the Christian God is a racist, prejudiced Babtist, then I'd buy it, but I've seen nothing about that in the Bible, either.

Speaking of the Bible, this man said that it was proof that God exists, because it was written in 3 continents by 40 people, in umpteen different languages, etc. but still had that same terminlolgy and stories. Call me cynical, but I bet the version this man reads is the King James version. I can't get over the fact that a king took the Bible of his day, and had his people RE-WRITE IT so it contained more of what he believed, and most of the world considers this to be "the word of God". I just don't get it. I'm sorry for stepping on some toes, but I'm sick and tired of people who don't think opening their mouths and trying to "save" us heathens. I completely respect a person who thought out their beliefs and based them on the real Bible, the one that actually was written so long ago, but who has access to it? So much ancient writing has been lost and changed, no one really knows what the real Bible was like. So until such time as people can say, based on some REAL mystical texts, that "God" told them something, leave me out of it, please.

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