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   "Connecting Youth, Parents, and Community in Ray County, Missouri"


Reporter News
AG News Today
Article 10/3/00

Web Changes

This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site.  If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.

[New!] Clover Connections 4-H Club Establishes Internet Presence
The Clover Connections 4-H Club recently established its internet presence at

Club Reporter News

These are the articles that have been written for and submitted to the 4-H Newsletter by our Club Reporter.

Reporter News - September 24, 2000


Recent Media Coverage of Clover Connections 4-H Club

New 4-H Club Started - Clover Connections Provides Youth With Opportunities, AG News Today, March 2000
Clover Connections holds banquet; plans orientation - Members have successful year in individual projects, The Excelsior Springs Standard, Tuesday, October 3, 2000

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Copyright © 2000 Clover Connections 4-H Club
Last modified: October 04, 2000