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   "Connecting Youth, Parents, and Community in Ray County, Missouri"


4-H Basics
4-H Clubs
4-H Members
4-H Leaders
4-H Projects
4-H Meetings
4-H Parents

Questions About 4-H Basics

What is 4-H?

What do the four H's stand for?

What is the 4-H motto?

What is the 4-H emblem?
Why do young people like 4-H?
How do you join?
Who provides leadership in 4-H?

Who names a club?

Questions About 4-H Clubs

How do you get a 4-H group organized?
What do you do at the first meeting?
Should 4-H clubs have dues?

What about officers?

How large is a typical 4-H club?

Questions about 4-H Members

Who can join 4-H?

Questions about 4-H Leaders

What is a 4-H Leader?
Are there different kinds of leaders?
Who are Youth Leaders?
How many leaders are needed for a 4-H club?
Where do I learn how to be a 4-H leader?

Questions About 4-H Projects

What are 4-H projects?
How many projects can I enroll in?
What are 4-H Project Books?
How much does a 4-H project cost?
Are 4-H members expected to do their own project work?
What is an exhibit?
Are projects done individually or as a club?

Questions About 4-H Meetings

How often do 4-H clubs meet?
Where do 4-H clubs meet?
How large is a typical 4-H club?

Questions About 4-H Parents

What should parents know about 4-H leaders?
How do you get parents to help?
As a 4-H parent, how can I help my child?
Why is parent/grandparent involvement important?