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   "Connecting Youth, Parents, and Community in Ray County, Missouri"



Club Profile

Dane and Gina Gerdes are the Organizational Leaders of the Clover Connections 4-H Club, which was founded in September 1999.  This is a small club, located in Rayville, Missouri (Ray County), which meets every three weeks on Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at the Barbee Memorial Presbyterian Church, 501 Tiger Driver, Excelsior Springs, MO  64024.

Both Dane and Gina believe that all members, including Clover Kids aged 5 to 7, should benefit from the educational experiences gained through 4-H projects.  Although Clover Kids may not "compete," they actively participate in club projects, conduct demonstrations, and put together posters and photo albums to be displayed at the Winter Fair and during the County Fair.  For their efforts, Clover Kids will receive "recognition" awards and ribbons while their older peers compete against each other for placement ribbons and trophies.  In this manner, the younger members are not "left out."  

Effective September 1, 2000, Clover Kids will be allowed to participate in Small Animal Projects through 4-H.  Approved small animal projects include amphibians (frogs, toads), birds, cavies (guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters), cats, chinchillas, dogs, fish, hedgehogs, lizards, mice, rabbits, rats, and snakes.  No wildlife (as defined by the Department of Conservation) will be allowed.  All animals must be caged, leashed, and/or contained as appropriate and manageable by the child during Clover Kids events.

As children, both Dane and Gina were actively involved in 4-H.  As well as being a member who raised and bred his own herd of goats, Dane was a member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) for four years.

Club Expectations

4-H club members are traditionally recognized for setting and completing goals each year.  Participation in state events and certain county events is limited to those members who are in "good standing" with the club.

For a Clover Connections member to achieve "good standing" status, he/she must:

  1. Attend at least 80% of the monthly club meetings.
  2. Attend a majority of the project meetings and finish at least one project in which he/she is enrolled.
  3. Submit any project- or activity-related forms on or before club, county, or state deadlines.
  4. Actively participate in the chosen club activity AND group project.
  5. Actively participate in club and county fund-raising projects.
  6. Prepare and perform at least one project-associated demonstration for the club.  At the member's option, demonstrations can be taken to the County Fair and judged.
  7. Participate in the Winter Fair.
  8. Show one or more projects at the County Fair.
  9. Adhere to other requirements as established by the club, county, and/or state.
  10. Have fun and meet new people!

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Copyright © 2000 Clover Connections 4-H Club
Last modified: May 09, 2001