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The Civil War History of the

29th Missouri

Volunteer Infantry Regiment, USA

By Jared E. Billings


Introducing the Soldiers

Lar through Lov

I decided to post this chapter even though it is incomplete. I will update it as more data is gathered and transcribed. It is being done in alphabetical order. Please check back frequently for additions.

Before embarking upon the story of the 29th Missouri I would like to introduce the soldiers who comprised the
unit. The information following was extracted from
Compiled Military Service Records microfilm available from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. (M409, Reels 600
through 605). These reels are available at the St. Louis City
Library, Downtown Branch.

This author scrolled through the records of each soldier,
taking hand written notes and transcribing them into narrative form. Many soldiers have further records on the microfilms that are not included in this work.

Many of the records are incomplete and many have
contradictory entries, especially dates. It was attempted to
analyze all discrepancies and to deduce the most likely
accurate information, however there certainly exists the
possibility for errors.

Unless otherwise noted, or in the cases of well known major cities such as New Orleans or Atlanta, all locations
mentioned are, or were, located in Missouri. Where basic
information about a soldier is not included, it is because the information was not found in the source material.

  Killed in Action
   Died of Battle Wounds
   Wounded in Action
   Prisoner of War
   Died as Prisoner of War
   Died of Disease

Private William R. LARNER

Pvt. LARNER was 25 when he enlisted at Ironton on August 5, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 as a Corporal in Company C.  He was reduced to Private on September 25 by order of Lt. Col. Peckham.  He left sick to the hospital on March 2, 1863 at Young's Point, LA.  He died on March 27, 1863 at Eliot General Hospital in St. Louis of typhoid fever.

Private John LARRIMORE

Pvt. LARRIMORE was 20 when he enlisted at Syracuse on August 11, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 25 in Company I.  He died at the post hospital in Cape Girardeau on October 30, 1862 of pneumonia.

Private James K. LATHAM

Pvt. LATHAM was 24 when he enlisted at Utica on August 18, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 25 in Company I.  He left sick to the post hospital in Cape Girardeau on December 8, 1862.  He returned to the regiment in March or April, 1863.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Bernard LAVELLE

Pvt. LAVELLE was 25 when he enlisted at St. Louis on August 21, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company E.  He deserted from the steamer John Warner at Memphis on December 16, 1862.

Corporal Rush B. LAWRENCE

Corp. LAWRENCE was 27 when he enlisted in Scott County on September 27, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on October 18 as a 2nd Corporal in Company K.  He deserted on November 8, 1862.

Sergeant Willis LEA

Sgt. LEA was born in Polk Co., IL and was 31 when he enlisted at Linn Creek on August 5, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 as a Sergeant in Company D.  He left sick to the hospital boat Nashville on January 20, 1863.  He died on January 22, 1863 of chronic diarrhea.

Corporal John W. LEACH

Corp. LEACH was 24 when he enlisted at Cameron on July 28, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 19 as a Corporal in Company H.  He left sick on the steamer L. M. Kennett on January 24, 1863.  He died at Good Samaritan Hospital in St. Louis on February 17, 1863 of remmitant fever.

Private Fritz LEBER

Pvt. LEBER was 41 whenhe enlisted at St. Louis on July 30, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company E.  He deserted form the steamer John Warner at Memphis on December 16, 1862.

Private John LEE

Pvt. LEE was 19 when he enlisted at Bloomfield on August 20, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company G.  He was wounded in action at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou, MS on December 29, 1862 and sent to the hospital boat.  He returned to the regiment on August 1, 1863.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Rufus LESTER

Pvt. Rufus LESTER was 18 when he enlisted at Ironton on August 13, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company E.  He deserted from Camp Cavender in Cape Girardeau on October 14, 1862.

Private William LESTER

Pvt. William LESTER was 30 when he enlisted at Bloomfield on August 21, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company G.  He died of disease at Eliot General Hospital in St. Louis on April 6, 1863.

Private Houston LEVAN

Pvt. LEVAN born in Warren Co., TN and was 18 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 8, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company B.  He left sick to the post hospital at Cape Girardeau on December 8, 1862.  He died on December 23 of typhoid pneumonia and measles.

Private Robert F. LEWIS

Pvt. LEWIS was 18 when he enlisted at Plattsburg on September 13, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 19 in Company H.  He left sick to the hopsital boat City of Alton on March 1, 1863.  He died on March 6, 1863 of chronic diarrhea.

Private Selestine LIDOR

Pvt. Selestine LIDOR was born in France and lived in Commerce, MO.  He was 18 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 10, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Comapny F.  In April, 1864 he was assigned detached duty under Gen. Osterhaus as a sharpshooter.  He left sick at Marietta, GA on July 7, 1864 and returned to the regiment in September or October, 1864.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Theodore LIDOR

Pvt. Theodore LIDOR was born in France and lived in Commerce, MO.  He was 19 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 10, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company F.  He left sick at Memphis on September 28, 1863.  He was transferred to the Veterans Reserve Corps on April 28, 1864 by Order #188 from the Adjutant General of the War Department, Washington, DC.

Private Robert LIKES

Pvt. LIKES was 25 when he enlisted at Commerce on October 4, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on October 18 in Company K.  He deserted from the post hospital in Cape Girardeau on December 8, 1862.

Private John LILLIA

Pvt. LILLIA was born in Washington Co., VA and was 34 when he enlisted at Linn Creek on August 15, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company D.  He died of disease at Camp Sherman in Big Black River Bridge, MS on August 20, 1863.

Private Wesley LITTLE

Pvt. LITTLE was 26 when he enlisted at St. Joseph on August 21, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 25 in Company I.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Andrew LITTRELL

Pvt. Andrew LITTLE was 22 when he enlisted at Farmington on August 13, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company C.  He left sick to the hospital in Memphis on September 29, 1863.  He died on November 11, 1863 of dropsy.

Private Sanders LITTRELL

Pvt. Sanders LITTRELL was 25 when he enlisted at Farmington on August 13, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company C.  He died of smallpox in the hospital at Young's Point, LA on April 21, 1863.

Private Franklin LOE

Pvt. LOE was 23 when he enlisted at Linn Creek on August 15. 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company D.  He was captured at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou, MS on December 29, 1862.  He was paroled in New Orleans on March 13, 1863 and sent to the U. S. Hospital where he died on May 5, 1863 of chronic diarrhea.  He was buried in the U. S. Hospital Cemetery on May 6, 1863.

Private Ignatz LOGEL

Pvt. LOGEL was from Commerce, MO and was 34 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 11, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company F.  He left sick to the hospital in Memphis on September 28, 1863 and returned to the regiment in January or Februsry, 1864.  He left sick at Kingston, GA on May 22, 1864 and returned to the regiment on September 8, 1864.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private John C. LOHMANN


Pvt. LOHMANN was 27 when he enlisted at Cameron on July 24, 1864.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 19 in Company H.  He was missing in action at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou, MS on December 29, 1862.  His ultimate fate is not included in the regimental records.

Private Adam LOOS

Pvt. Adam LOOS was born in Gelbach, Germany and was 42 when he enlisted at St. Louis on July 31, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 5 in Company A.  He was discharged for disability at the post hospital in Cape Girardeau on January 3, 1863.

Private Henry LOOS

Pvt. Henry LOOS was 19 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 9, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company F.  He left sick to Washington Hospital in Memphis on September 28, 1863.  He died on November 9, 1863 of consumption.

Private Jacob LOOS

Pvt. Jacob LOOS as born in Cape Girardeau and was 24 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 9, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company F.  He was assigned the Regimental Teamster in July or August, 1863.  He was given detached duty in Nashville, TN on February 12, 1864 and returned to the regiment in March or April, 1864.  He was wounded in action, slightly in the head, at Kennasaw Mountain, GA on June 15, 1864.  He left sick at Rome, GA on June 24, 1864.  He never returned to the regiment and was given a furlogh to go home to Cape Girardeau on February 19, 1865.  He was mustered out on the same day as the rest of the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Charles P. LOUGHRY

Pvt. LOUGHRY was 31 when he enlisted at Boonville on August 12, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 5 in Company A.  He was wounded in action at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou on December 29, 1862 and was sent to the hospital boat.  He returned to the regiment briefly and was sent to the hospital at Milliken's Bend, LA with dropsy.  He was discharged for disability on April 27, 1863 and died of the disease on May 30, 1863 having never returned home.  He left a widow and three small children.  The records contain a sad but interesting letter addressed to "Colonel Commanding 29th Reg. Mo. Vol."  It was from W. H. Porter and was a plea on behalf of the widow and children who had moved to someone's farm in Osage County where the widow had to work in the fields to support her children.  He was asking for documentation of Private LOUGHRY's fate so that she might apply for a pension and the balance of his bounty.

Private George LOVELACE

Pvt. LOVELACE was born in Clay Co., MO and was 21 when he enlisted at Commerce on September 10, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 19 in Company H.  He left sick to the post hospital at Cape Girardeau on November 10, 1862 where he died on December 7, 1862 of typhoid fever.

Private Joshua LOVEN

Pvt. LOVEN was born in Dyer Co., TN and was 26 when he enlisted at Commerce on May 25, 1864.  He mustered in at St. Louis on June 17 in Company H.  He was sent to Georgia and joined the regiment in July.  He was transferred to the consolidated 31st/32nd MO VOL Regiment on June 12, 1865.

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