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The Civil War History of the

29th Missouri

Volunteer Infantry Regiment, USA

By Jared E. Billings


Introducing the Soldiers

Dim through Ei

I decided to post this chapter even though it is incomplete. I will update it as more data is gathered and transcribed. It is being done in alphabetical order. Please check back frequently for additions.

Before embarking upon the story of the 29th Missouri I would like to introduce the soldiers who comprised the
unit. The information following was extracted from
Compiled Military Service Records microfilm available from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. (M409, Reels 600
through 605). These reels are available at the St. Louis City
Library, Downtown Branch.

This author scrolled through the records of each soldier,
taking hand written notes and transcribing them into narrative form. Many soldiers have further records on the microfilms that are not included in this work.

Many of the records are incomplete and many have
contradictory entries, especially dates. It was attempted to
analyze all discrepancies and to deduce the most likely
accurate information, however there certainly exists the
possibility for errors.

Unless otherwise noted, or in the cases of well known major cities such as New Orleans or Atlanta, all locations
mentioned are, or were, located in Missouri. Where basic
information about a soldier is not included, it is because the information was not found in the source material.

  Killed in Action
   Died of Battle Wounds
   Wounded in Action
   Prisoner of War
   Died as Prisoner of War
   Died of Disease


Private Joseph DIMME

Pvt. DIMME was 25 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 15, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company C.  He was detached for recruiting service in St. Louis from January 28, 1864 until May of 1864.  He was listed as the Company Cook on the September/October 1864 Muster Roll.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Tandy A. DIX

Pvt. DIX was born in Sommonberry Co., VA and was 31 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 18, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 5 in Company A.  He died of disease at the post hospital in Cape Girardeau on January 1, 1863.

Captain Thomas DOAK

Captain Thomas DOAK was born in Jacksonville, IL and signed on at Cameron on July 28, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 19 as 1st Lt. in Company H.  He was wounded in action at Chickasaw Bayou on December 29, 1862.  He was shot in the left shoulder blade losing a good portion of that bone.  He was sent to the hospital boat and later asked to resign, but was turned down by General Sherman.  He resigned again on August 18, 1863, at the Big Black River Bridge in MS, in order to receive a promotion to Captain and command of Company H.  He was sent on recruiting duty in Cameron on December 11, 1863 and returned to the regiment on April 30, 1864.  He was discharged for disability with a frozen left shoulder on June 21, 1864.

Sergeant William P. DOAK

Sgt. William DOAK  was born in Buchanan Co., MO and was 20 when he was recruited by N. A. Cole and enlisted at Cameron on August 22, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 10 as a Private in Company D.  He was promoted to 5th Sgt. on December 7, 1862.  He was captured at Chickasaw Bayou on December 29, 1862.  He was paroled at New Orleans on March 13, 1863 and sent to Camp Parole, MD on May 16 and then to Benton Barracks on May 19.  He was exchanged and returned to the regiment on October 11, 1863.  He was again captured at Ringgold Gap, GA on November 27, 1863.  He was sent to prison in Richmond, VA and paroled at Charleston, SC on December 16, 1864.  He was sent to Camp Parole, MD and kept in the hospital until being sent to Benton Barracks April 16, 1865.  He was mustered out on June 2, 1865.

Private Ludwig DOLL

Pvt. DOLL was born in Bavaria and was 18 when he was recruited by Lt. Bader and enlisted at Cape Girardeau on October 21, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on October 31 in Company F.  He was wounded in action in the left lung at Resaca, GA on May 14, 1864.  He died of his wound on May 20.

Private Hugh DOUGHERTY

Pvt. Hugh DOUGHERTY was 25 when he enlisted at Booneville on August 12, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 5 in Company A.  He died of disease aboard a hospital boat on April 27, 1863.

Private James O. DOUGHERTY

Pvt. James DOUGHERTY was 22 when he enlisted at Linn Creek on August 15, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company D.  He left sick to the hopsital at Camp Burnside near Patterson on November 25, 1862.  He died of chronic diarrhea at Ironton on December 31, 1862.

Sergeant Robert DOUGHERTY

Sgt. Robert DOUGHERTY was born in NC and was 22 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on  August 22, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 as 4th Sgt. in Company B.  He was promoted to 3rd Sgt. by Lt. Col. Peckham on October 12, 1862.  He left sick to the hospital on June 15, 1863 and returned in March or April 1864.  He again left sick at Woodville, AL on May 1.  He was sent to the U. S. Marine Hospitial in St. Louis on August 13 with chronic diarrhea.  He was mustered out on May 20, 1865.

Private Sidney DOUGHERTY

Pvt. Sidney DOUGHERTY was 28 when he enlisted at Wittenberg on August 30, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company B.  He left sick to the hospital with smallpox on March 2, 1863 and again on July 15.  He was discharged for disability on February 12, 1864.

Private Benjamin Franklin DOUGLASS

Pvt. DOUGLASS was 27 when he enlisted at Ironton on July 29, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company C.  He left sick to the hospital at Camp Steele, MS on December 21, 1862.  He died of disease at the regimental hospital at Camp Grove, near Young's Point, LA on February 28, 1863.

Private Willis DOWNS

Pvt. DOWNS was 18 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 9, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company E.  He left sick on the steamer L. M. Kennett on January 23, 1863 and returned by May or June, 1863.  He left sick at Memphis on September 28, 1863 and returned by January or February, 1864.  He left sick at Kingston, GA on May 22, 1864 and never returned to the regiment.

Hospital Steward Martin J. DOYLE

Hospital Steward DOYLE mustered in at St. Louis on September 4, 1862 in the Field and Staff of the regiment.  He left sick at Marietta, GA on August 27, 1864.  He was detached to the Division Hospital of the XV Army Corps by order of General C. R. Wood on November 15, 1864.

Musician William DUCKWORTH

Musician DUCKWORTH was 16 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 17, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company B.  He left sick to the post hospital at Cape Girardeau on December 8, 1862 and returned to the regiment in July or August, 1863.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Joseph M. DUCLOS

Pvt. DUCLOS was born in Washington Co., MO and was 26 when he was recruited by F. L. Wilcox and enlisted at Richwoods on August 14, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 25 in Company I.  He left sick at Camp Burnside near Patterson on November 25 and never returned to the regiment.

Private Henry T. DUFF

Pvt. DUFF was 32 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 14, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company B.  He deserted on the march to Jackson, MS on May 8, 1863 and was captured near the Big Black River Bridge, MS on May 14.  He was paroled and returned to Benton Barracks on August 30, 1863 where he was exchanged and returned to the regiment on January 6, 1864.  He was aquitted at his Court Martial in Woodville, AL and detached as an Orderly to XV Army Corps Headquarters.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private James DUFFUL(L)

Pvt. DUFFUL(L) was 18 when he enlisted at Benton Barracks on August 20, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company C.  He left sick and was sent up the Mississippi river on a hospital boat on January 24, 1863 by order of Surgeon Morgan.  He died of phthisis pulmonalis at the U. S. Marine Hospital in St. Louis on February 6.

Private Charles DULANCY

Pvt. DULANCY was 28 when he enlisted at St. Joseph on August 11, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 19 in Company H.  He deserted from the steamer L. M. Kennett near Napoleon, AR on January 20, 1863 and never returned to the regiment.

Private Christian DUNGER

Pvt. DUNGER was 40 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 8, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 25 in Company I.  He was assigned detached service to the beef corral by order of General C. R. Wood in November or December, 1864.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Samual A. DUNNING

Pvt. DUNNING was 18 when he enlisted at Benton on August 20, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company G.  He left sick to the post hospital at Cape Girardeau on December 8 and returned to the regiment in September or October, 1863.  He was captured at Ringgold, GA on November 27, 1863 and sent to prison in Richmond, VA.  He was transferred to Andersonville Prison, GA on March 22, 1864.  He died there of dysentery on August 22, 1864.  He is buried in Grave # 6438.

Private John W. DWYER

Pvt. DWYER was 27 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on July 29, 1862.  He was mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company B.  He was assigned the Regimental Carpenter in January or February, 1864.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Captain George D. DYER

Capt. George DYER was 18 when he joined the regiment at Benton Barracks on September 6, 1862 where he was elected the commander of Company C.  Following the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou on December 29, he decided his youth and inexperience rendered him not competent for command and he resigned on January 4, 1863.  He was dishonorably discharged by Special Order # 13 for resigning without good cause.  The order was revoked by Special Order # 34 on July 31, 1863.

Captain Nicholas D. DYER

Capt. Nicholas DYER was 21 when he joined the regiment at Benton Barracks on September 6, 1862 where he was elected 2nd Lt. of Company C.  He was given command of Company C in May or June of 1863 and promoted to Captain on on July 7.  He was discharged for disability with chronic diarrhea on September 15, 1864.

Sergeant Jacob EBERLE

Sgt. EBERLE was born in Bavaria and was 30 when he enlisted at St. Louis on August 12, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 as a Private in Company C.  He was promoted to Corporal on November 18, 1862.  He was wounded in action at Chickasaw Bayou on December 29, 1862 and sent up the Mississippi River on a hospital boat.  He returned to the regiment in March or April, 1863.  He was promoted to 5th Sergeant by order of Col. Peckham on September 30, 1863.  He was detached to Benton Barracks for recruiting duty on January 30, 1864 and returned to the regiment in May, 1864.  He was wounded in the left lung at the Battle of Jonesboro, GA on September 1, 1864 and died September 3.

Private Peter ECKLEY

Pvt. ECKLEY was 18 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on September 1, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company F.  He left sick at Corinth, MS and returned to the regiment in January or February, 1864.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private George W. EDDINGTON

Pvt. George EDDINGTON was 31 when he enlisted at Ironton on August 15, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company E.  He deserted near Whitewater, MO on November 22, 1862.  He was arrested in Ironton on August 20, 1863, sent to Pilot Knob and then returned to the regiment on September 11.  He was captured at Ringgold Gap, GA on November 27, 1863.  He was sent to prison in Richmond, VA on December 25 and transferred to Andersonville, GA on February 14, 1864.  He was sent to the prison hospital on April 4, 1864 and died the same day of chronic diarrhea.  He is buried in Grave # 343.

Sergeant John C. EDDINGTON

Sgt. John EDDINGTON was 37 when he enlisted at Ironton on August 15, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 as a Private in Company E.  He was assigned as a hospital nurse from September 3 to December 10, 1863.  He was promoted to 2nd Sgt. on February 28, 1865.  He mustered out with the regiment on June 12, 1865.

Private Herbert H. EDWARDS

Pvt. EDWARDS was 42 when he enlisted at Benton Barracks on September 3, 1862.  He was mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 6 in Company C.  He left sick from Camp Steele, MS on December 21, 1862 and never returned to the regiment.

First Lieutenant William EICKS

Lt. EICKS was 22 when he first enlisted as a Private in the 17th Missouri Infantry in September, 1861.  He was commissioned a 2nd Lt. in the 29th Missouri Infantry on March 18, 1863 and reported to the regiment on June 12.  He was assigned to Company K to replace Lt. Melinard, who had resigned.  He was promoted to 1st Lt. on July 7.  He was assigned as Acting Assistant Adjutant by Col. Peckham on August 12.  He was detached to XV Army Corps Artillery as Acting Assistant Quartermaster on October 13, 1864.  He mustered out on June 26, 1865 in Louisville, KY.

Private John EISEMANN

Pvt. EISEMANN was 25 when he enlisted at Cape Girardeau on August 10, 1862.  He mustered in at Benton Barracks on September 18 in Company F.  He left sick at Milliken's Bend, LA on March 23, 1863.  He was discharged for disability on September 28, 1863. (29)

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