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The Lost Tribes Of The Moon

The Core Members

Who comes to our fire?

Welcome strangers! Warm yourselves here by our fire. The night is dark and cold. You know you have happened upon a strange group on this night. Come share our camp. We are mercenaries traveling back to our home.

Traveling in this caravan is just the core of our group. But we are always on the look out for promising new troopers. Many of the soldiers for hire that we meet do not care for traveling in large groups. And all too often, we never see them again. This is a sad thing for us. Many that we have met were fine men and brave warriors. Too bad...many of their graves will be the bellies of the scavengers that find them after a battle.

Enough of this sadness! Come! Let us meet with the others. Perhaps we will stop at the storyteller's fire on our way through camp. Many of the stories told there are of our own adventures, and some are told of our brothers-in-arms.

Once again, welcome and if you wish to speak to one of us do not hesitate to write us. We will find it and get a message back to you as soon as possible.

Also please sign our scrolls so that we may recount those we meet in our travels.

Enjoy the night. For you are among the Lost Tribes of the Moon.

Hurricane Angelfire.....© 1997,Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

We can also be reached through ICQ. Our number is 10680811. Feel free to contact us there also.

This site is owned by
Sobutai Ka (Chris Garcia)

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