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History of Redmoss Inn

So, you chose to come here. Well, I can't say much. This page has the history of Redmoss Inn, or, bascially, where the name came from. Redmoss Inn is based on Brian Jacques' "Redwall" books. It gets the "Red" part because the Inn is a place like Redwall, good for young ones(if they travel), but it also has the hospitality and food of Redwall. The "Moss" part comes from the fact that it is in Mossflower Woods, and the trees are the yards are just like outside. There is a big garden in the back, where all of the adopted creatures are kept. Inside the Inn, there is the Spirit Room( Spirit Page), where all the information and stuff on the Site Fights is kept. Finally, there is this room. In the front, right when you walk in, there is a place to sign in(the Spiritbook), and a potted flower right next to it. Well, that's all for right now. Hope to c-ya soon!
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