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Let's Learn a Little About Sign Language

line with eyes looking down

A Brief History Story of How Sign Language came to America

One day a young man named Thomas Gallaudet was home from seminary. He was watching his brothers and sisters playing with some other children. Then Thomas noticed a young girl standing off to herself. Thomas called over one of his brothers and asked about this little girl. His brother told Thomas that this young girl's name was Alice Cogswell and she was Deaf. That afternoon Thomas taught Alice two words, he did this through writing in the dirt with a stick. The very first word he taught her was "hat", the second word he taught her was "Alice". When Dr. Mason Cogswell, Alice's father, arrived home he was very excited to learn that his daughter learned these words. Thomas Gallaudet and Dr. Mason Cogswell went to the City Fathers, told them of the need for a school for the Deaf. Till this time in America the only way the Deaf received an education was if someone could be found to teach them one on one. There was some signs in America but nothing formal, most were "home signs" (signs used at home with each family). The City Fathers understood the need, at this meeting they were able to take up a collection of funds. Theses funds were enough to send to Thomas Gallaudet to Europe. Dr. Mason Cogswell know of a deaf school in England, so the plan was for Thomas to go over to this school and find a teacher to bring back to America or learn how they taught the Deaf himself. The first school Thomas went to was a school in England, the Braidwood school. Here they told Thomas that they would teach him but their methods were were secret, he would have to stay in England three years and when he goes back to America he would have to bring one of their family members back to America with him and when he arrived in America he could not teach anyone else their methods. Thomas was not happy with this at all. While in England he say a flyer announcing a lecture given by Abbe Sicard, the President of the Royal Institute of France. Thomas went to this lecture and was impressed with what he say. After the lecture he meet Charles Michel do L'Epee, Abbe Sicard, and Laurent Clerc. Thomas explained to them the situation and they invited Thomas to come to Paris with them. While there he could stay at the school and learn how they teach. Thomas was thrilled with this idea and went to Paris with them. All together his trip to Europe took over a year. Thomas and Laurent Clerc made an agreement that Laurent would come to America with Thomas. (Different books have different accounts as to how Laurent got here, some say that Thomas asked Laurent and others say that Laurent asked Thomas.)

On the 52 day voyage from England to the US they taught each other their languages, Thomas taught Laurent English and Laurent taught Thomas French sign language. They took the signs from France and what was here in America, before this there was some sign language in America but nothing uniformed. From this came American Sign Language.

Sorry, Have to finish this later.

a book with pages flipping
If you would like information on the Sign Language Book called "Living and Working Among the Deaf" please email me.
"Living and Working" is an A toZ instructional book teaching American Sign Language with accompanying videotapes.

My Favorite Links

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small ball American Sign Language Check it Out. Bring it Home.
small ball Page 1 - Purple Jade's Page
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small ball Deaf Children
small ball Page 2 - Deaf
small ball Page 4 - Culture
small ball Page 5 - Interpreting
small ball Page 6 - Other things
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small ball ASL Dictonary OnLine
small ball ASL - Access
