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Ready to Learn a Little About the Deaf?

eyes looking down and to right Deaf Digest
eyes looking down and to right Deaf Sports
eyes looking down and to right National Theatre of the Deaf
eyes looking down and to right Deaf Watch Newletter
eyes looking down and to right DEAFology 101
eyes looking down and to right Deaf Clubs
eyes looking down and to right NotePage, Inc.
eyes looking down and to right U.S. Deaf Skiers
eyes looking down and to right

a paint tube squeezed to make a line across the page

What is the difference between a Deaf person and a deaf person?

A Deaf person is one that born Deaf and has been Deaf all their life. A deaf person is one that has become deaf later in life.

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Your Opinions About Deaf People

(20 item version)

We are asking for your opinions about deaf people. We are not talking about people who have a mild hearing loss or elderly people who have lost their hearing late in life.

To indicate your opinion by using:
A - If you strongly agree
B - If you mildly agree
C - If you mildly disagree
D - If you strongly disagree
Please complete all items. There are no right or wrong answers. (Please keep track of your answers on a sheet of paper.)

1. Smarter deaf people have better speech than deaf people who are less intelligent.

2. Deaf people drive just as safely as hearing people.

3. A deaf person can have the leadership abilities needed to run an organization.

4. It is unfair to limit deaf people to low paying unskilled jobs.

5. A deaf person could get a Ph.D. or a Masters degree.

6. If a boss has a problem with a deaf employee, the boss should talk with the interpreter, rather than the deaf person.

7. A deaf person could be promoted to a management position.

8. An 18 year old deaf adult is capable of living alone and taking care of him or herself.

9. It is nearly impossible for a deaf person to keep up with a hearing person in school.

10. It can be frustrating to pay a visit to deaf people because they can't hear you knock at the front door.

11. Deaf people cost tax payers lots of money because they can't keep their jobs.

12. Deaf people should only work in jobs where they don't need to communicate with anyone.

13. It is a mistake to leave a baby alone with a deaf person, because he/she can't hear the baby cry.

14. Deaf adults must depend on their parents to make important decisions.

15. Signing is not really a language because only simple thoughts can be communicated.

16. A deaf person could not go to a restaurant without a hearing person, because he/she could not order food without assistance.

17. A deaf person can be an excellent writer.

18. Deaf people are as intelligent as hearing people.

19. If there was a fire, a deaf person could get out of a building safely without help just as easily as a hearing person could.

20. Deaf adults are able to communicate with their hearing children.


Items scored as positive statements: (# 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19 & 20)

Strongly agree = 1, mildly agree = 2, mildly disagree = 3, strongly disagree = 4

Items scored as negative statements: (# 1, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16)

Strongly agree = 4, mildly agree = 3, mildly disagree = 2, strongly disagree = 1


Score of 20 -

Some materials on the subject of Deafness:

"An Introduction to the Deaf Community" (video)

"Mother Father Deaf" Living Between Sound and Silence"
- Paul Preston

"No Sound" Second Edition
- Julius Wiggins

"Train Go Sorry" Inside a Deaf World
- Leah Hager Cohen

"Great Deaf Americans" Second Edition
- Matthew Scott Moore & Robert F. Panara

"Deaf Children and Their Families"
- Susan Gregory

"Deaf Young People and Their Families"
- Susan Gregory, Juliet Bishop & Leslie Sheldon

"Pictures In The Air" The Story of the National Theater of the Deaf
- Stephen Baldwin

"Hand, Heart, & Mind" The Story of the Education of America's Deaf People
- Lou Ann Walker

"Dear Dr. Bell...Your Friend, Helen Keller"
- Judith St. George

"Laurent Clerc" A Video Documentary

"Looking Back" A Reader on the History of Deaf Communities and Their Sign Language
- Renate Fischer & Harlan Lane, editors

"Everyone Here Spoke Sign Languge"
- Nora Ellen Groce

"A Place of Their Own" Creating the Deaf Community in America
- John V. VanCleve and Barry A. Crouch

"Celebration of Deaf Dance" (video)

"When the Mind Hears"
- Harlan Lane

Hearing and Deaf,
Each May be Viewed Differently....

By Roslyn Rosen, Ed.D.

Attitudes color the way people think, feel and act towards other people.
Attitudes can affect expectations for and views of different people.
Here are some examples:
