Where's Punky & Lew now?

Date: Tues. Aug. 8, 2002 9:22 pm
Subject: Punky & Lew & Achi 2 "Wedding Pics"

Hi everyone: I am proud to share some pix of my beautiful wife Achi. Please find attached a few of my favorite photos from our wedding party and honeymoon ride to the Bolivian border. My number one favorite pic of Achi is of her with sunglasses holding Punky at the Plaza de Armas in Arequipa during Peru's Independence Day celebration. One pic shows us on the bike from the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca with Bolivia on the far shore. My favorite pic of me, Senor Frog and Punky on the bike is at a gas station in front of a REPSOL sign. Achi is seated behind me looking like she just swallowed a mouse. Also pictured are Harley rider and Peruvian Minister of Economics and Finance Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski of Lima, American adventure touring DR-650 riders Chris Friedman and his buddy Stuart. One pic is of Achi dancing with Pedro-Pablo at the wedding party. One pic shows Punky and I in Arequipa with Misti Volcano in the background. Another group wedding party pic is of Achi's parents, some friends and relatives and the Kuczynskis. Punky is still the star of our traveling show. All is well and life is very good. We are waiting for Achi's U.S. visa. When she gets it we will ride south to Ushuaia and then northward through all the countries in South America we have not yet visited to Caracas, Venezuela.
Later, amigos.

Punky & Lew & Achi 2
Americas Motopaseo
Lima, Peru


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