Wheres Punky & Lew now?



Date: Tues. Aug. 6, 2002 5:45 pm
Subject: Punky & Lew & Achi 2 "Wedding Pics"

Hi everyone: These are the 3 best pix from our wedding party. One is of Achi and Lew. One is of Achi and her girlfriends. One is of Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski (Peru's Minister of finance and Economics), his wife Nancy, Erling Steen (Rider from Norway), Achi and Lew and Ricardo Rocco Paz (best man and rider from Quito, Ecuador). Punky, Achi and I are very happy following our return from a 10 day honeymoon loop ride around southern Peru to Lake Titicaca, Bolivia and back to Lima. It was Achi's first adventure with Punky and I. She did well. All was not fun, but that is adventure touring in developing countries. Sometimes we had to do without water, hot water shower and decent bathroom facilities at hostals after a long days ride. Barking dogs, honking geese, crowing roosters and music from the next door brothel made it difficult to sleep in one hostal. Some interesting places were Nasca (famous Nasca lines), Moquegua (many old buildings downed by last year's earthquake), Puno (boat ride to floating island on Lake Titicaca) and Arequipa (great weather and vistas of snow covered mountains and Misti Volcano). The KLR, although not designed for 2-up long distance touring, is modified to maximize comfort and handle the additional weight.
Later, amigos.

Punky & Lew & Achi 2


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