Wheres Punky & Lew now?



Date: Mon. July 17, 2002 2:42 pm
Subject: Punky & Lew & Achi 2 married in Lima

Hi everyone: The knot is tied. We had a great party. Achi was a stunningly beautiful bride. Ricardo Rocco Paz, around th world for peace rider, of Quito, came to be my witness. Erling Steen, of Norway, was passing through on his Honda XLR 650 and joined in the celebration. A CD with digital pix will be sent to MotorMark to put on our website. Punky and I are very happy to include Achi in our tour plans and welcome her as a wonderful new mate. Critter (the KLR650) is ready, Senor Frog (ex-navigator) and all of us are looking forward to our honeymoon ride. We were going to Bolivia, but the route through the Andes to Bolivia is having the coldest weather and the most snow in 10 years. Many animals and people are dying. So, we will ride a sea level route to Chile instead. I must exit Peru to get new tourist and temporary bike import permits. We will return in 2 weeks. In late October we will continue the tour to Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego and the rest of South America. I hope life is at least half as good for y'all. No way it could be this good.
Later, amigos.

Punky & Lew & Achi 2
Americas Motopaseo
Lima, Peru


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