Wheres Punky & Lew now?



Date: Mon. July 1, 2002 2:03 pm
Subject: Punky & Lew & Achi 2

Hi Robyn and Mark: Robyn, No problem with the $40 withdrawal July 10. For any who don't know, Punky (my Yorkie dog) and I are adventure touring all 24 countries of the Americas, Florida to Prudhoe Bay to Tierra Del Fuego and back on a KLR650. We got sidetracked in Lima, Peru. While waiting for parts and engine repair caused by my own ignorance, I met Achi Rodriguez. She was friendly and pretty. Her warm goodbye, as we left Lima heading south to Ushuaia, stirred something deep inside me. Riding the Pan American Highway south, Achi was heavy on my mind. I called her from Nasca, Peru. She flew to Cusco, stayed with me for 2 days, knocked my socks off with a sensuality and passion I had never known before. I fell hopelessly in love. I postponed continuing the tour and returned to Lima to pursue Achi in earnest. I was hooked and was determined to hook her. Punky, El Gancho (the hook), of course helped immeasureably. Twenty four years of irresponsible single living is coming to an end. Everthing is on track for our marriage July 12. We've completed all the required paperwork, with official stamps, signatures and copies to two civil offices, one where I live and one where Achi lives. We have the license to marry and appointment to be married by a judge in a civil ceremony. My friend, Ricardo, is riding from Quito to be best man/witness. Went for tuxedo fitting, bought a formal pleated shirt, fancy tie w/matching handkerchief, belt, socks, shiny patent leather shoes and a white T-shirt. Will borrow cufflinks. Bought plain gold wedding bands. The party/reception will be at a beautiful restaurant that specializes in weddings and banquets. Forty five guests are invited through engraved invitations. The party includes filet mignon dinner, wedding cake, champagne, wine, scotch, rum, vodka and DJ music. I requested one song, Pretty Woman, by Roy Orbison. The rest will be popular and lively Latin music. My new rider friend in Lima, Luis Diaz, will attend, video and photograph the events with a Sony digital HandyCam. I sure wish I had one of those gizmos to photograph and video the remainder of our tour. I want a pic of Critter, Senor Frog, Punky and Achi and I in wedding clothes (maybe with Achi lifting her dress to show her pretty leg and garter). Peru's Minister of Economics and Finance will attend as well. He rides a Harley and helped me fix a problem with the customs office. I also invited, through Horizonsunlimited.com, any international adventure touring riders who may be in Lima at the time for drinks. One Norwegian, Erling Steen, has replied and is on his way from Quito, Ecuador. I have met quite a few Americans marrying Peruvian women (Peruanas). Seems that Peruanas are Peru's best export. Opportunities to work and earn a decent living here suck. Marrying an American is a ticket to a better life for many Latinas. I really don't feel that Achi is insincere in her love for me or that I am just being used. I'm glad I'm an American, an interesting adventure traveler and, at age 64, have something left to interest a woman. I'm perfectly happy and glad to give Achi a dream of a lifetime opportunity. She will be a welcome passenger with which to share the rest of our South American adventure tour. Critter is prepared to carry her, extra padded seat, backrest and all. I'm thinking of the possibility of Achi starting a dog breeding business in the U.S. Punky says he is ready for stud service. He has had one such experience in his life. Not sure if we will live in the rural Atlanta, Georgia area (Achi has relatives there) or South Florida. I think Georgia is a bit cold in winter for me. Even north and central Florida are too cold in winter. Achi has a degree in farm animal husbandry and wants to work. My friend, Ricardo Rocco, wrote an article complete with pix about Punky & Lew's Americas Motorpaseo for an Equadoran motorsports magazine. Only 11 days to zero hour. Then, about 6 days later, our 2 week honeymoon ride to Lake Titicaca and La Paz, Bolivia, proceeding on what Lonely Planet says is the most dangerous road in the Americas, to magical Coroico, Bolivia. Meanwhile, more paperwork, rubber stamps, copies, translated documents and investigations by the U.S. Immigration and Embassy for Achi's alien spouse visa to emigrate to the U.S. at a cost of another $550. I also am aquiring protective riding gear for Achi. The expenses, admittedly my own folly, are putting me under. Any donations will be gladly accepted. We'll continue the tour of the Americas in October. This adventure ain't over yet. Robyn, thanks for the congrats. Your continued support and friendship are important to me. Hug the puppies for me. Later, amigos.

Punky & Lew & Achi 2
Lima, Peru


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