Wheres Punky & Lew now?



Date: Wed Aug 29, 2001 12:11 am
Subject: Punky & Lew in Escondido, CA NKLR

Hi List: We're at George Basinet's place in Escondido, CA for a few days. Twist rode with us from Fountain Valley to make sure we didn't get lost. Whatever will we do in Latin America without all this help from Listers and other helpful Americans and Canadians? Yesterday, we visited the V.P. of Marketing and Sales, Bob Moffit, at the Irvine, CA Kawi headquarters. He didn't promise anything for support, but didn't say absolutely not either. He did say it wasn't likely they could do anything for us on such short notice. I reminded him that I contacted him first last November. He took pix, probably for the corporate bulletin board. I told him, "I am not looking for a free bike or a big early Christmas present. I have normal expenses covered and don't expect major problems with Critter, but if such problems arise, I would appreciate help from Kawi." I gave him the opportunity for Kawi to share the benefits of the tremendous amount of attention Punky and our tour has proven to draw. He'll think about it. Next stop, Tucson, AZ. Then, Latin America here we come ready or not. The real adventure begins. Stay tuned. Motormark, more film coming. Later.

Punky & Lew


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