Wheres Punky & Lew now?


Date: Fri May 11, 2001 10:40 am
Subject: Punky & Lew on the TAT in Arkansas

Hi gang: This is a motorcycle gang, isn't it? Critter is kicking up dirt on the Trans America Trail. Currently camping in a kind police officer's yard at Quitman, Arkansas. He and his wife fed us and allowed showers as well. Meeting great people. Rained a little last night. worse forecast for today and tonight. We've camped at school grounds, behind a volunteer firestation, in a guy's unused tin workshop when it rained in Olive Hill, TN and in another guy's back yard. Got lost countless times and run into deadends, bridges out and roads blocked. Still kicking up dirt all over the rural back roads of the South. Once a police officer personally escorted me to a town to get back on the TAT. I told him not to go too fast. Didn't want a ticket in Arkansas. He assured me he wouldn't go too fast. I followed him at 75-80 mph in a 55 mph zone. Crossed the Tennessee River on a small ferry barge ($1) at Saltillo, TN. Some backroad places the Menonites with their horse's and buggies, plodding slowly along, are a menace to speeding, crazed motorcycle riders when you come over a rise or around a curve. A Cottonmouth snake laid in the middle of a back road appoaching a water crossing, as if in warning, don't go there. I let him live and went around him. I had on tall touring boots and Punky was high on the tank bag. The TAT was particularly difficult to follow in TN. Partly because of my inexperience in following a rollchart's instructions, but not entirely my fault. There were times when the rollchart mileage info didn't jive with my trip meter and often no road numbers or names. Crossed the Mississippi River at Helena, AR. Taking it mile by mile and stopping whenever I feel like it, always well before dusk, to find a place to camp. Stay tuned for more future reports.

Punky & Lew



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