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who gave you the right to belittle and condescend. how you attribute your freedom to indifference and assume the ranks of imbecils. what makes you so strong, when the monuments you build to your autonomy are nothing more than a poor excuse for your bitterness. when it all comes to an end,in time you'll taste the acrid flood and i will question your worth.

skies like iron.
tear the stitches, purge the acid blood. i am born of this. now i call it by a fitting name. dependency will kill again. i am none of this. and yet it seemed, so inescapable to realize your insignificance. but i live again. when the bleeding skies fall on you, let it be known who you cried for. now you scream, crushed by the tidal mud, but your tongue still speaks a thousand lies. how do we still dwell in the notion that time heals all wounds and pretend what's left unsaid meant nothing.

mark me down and i'll raise the waters. enforce the virtue with iron fists. digested words fuel insurrection as you indulge in a self-righteous charade. you wave the flags of ignorance and misconception. the need for coalition consumed in the tide of disdain. climb the rungs of a ladder of malignant merit. to prove self-worth, your crusade is left in vain. as you mark me down for our differences, you assume uniformity. mark me down for your immoral cause and bear the masks of superiority. like a herd of swine, absorb what's been decreed. devoid of compassion you raze what we have built. and now you execrate to cast the pure breed. proclaim a higher law to justify the malice you inflict.

union of insensate dust.
why are we stolen from. a frail husk falls to ash, wilted before my eyes. eclipsed by the veil of black, a depleted frame sheds of dust. horrid dream materialized, bed of dirt, shroud of white. and yet we find purpose and hope. the chapter ends, now comes the smoke. your memories will fade away. we are forced to play the conjecture game, where immaterial substance defies mortality. the end of consciousness yields meat for worms. and how the will to reason makes cowards of us all. i am trying so hard to believe that this life is everlasting.

I try to change, embed the seed of progress unattained. but you just preach your hateful words to dilute and separate. you tied this noose around my neck and blindfold on my eyes, but i'll chastise this abomination to manifest my rights. every time I look in your eyes, it drives me to pure disgust. you've put up these dividing lines that I will never cross. faulty tears run dry. cries unheard through your spiteful lies. surround yourself with the icons of regression. sinful intent to deface this congregation. resurrect this dying flame. dethrone the tyrant that instills all this hate. from my severed wrists, taste this bitter blood.