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mail: 7433 hiawatha ave st. louis, mo 63117

Incision is a five-piece rock band invented in the winter of 1996 when Chris Denton, known for his stunning good looks and mastery of the axe, hung up a flyer at a local record store in hopes of cultivating a heavy metal outfit. Some of the influences Mr. Denton listed on that flyer included Earth Crisis, Blood Runs Black, Integrity, and Snapcase. I am sure that gives you a pretty good idea of we sounded like at first. That was back in the day when Victory records was still cool, oversized camouflage pants and basketball jerseys was the hottest fashion trend, and the nutritional benefits of Boca burgers were admired by many. Tanner Spaulding, a 'die-hard' Integrity fan, who had an uncanny appreciation for bad metal and Earth Crisis guitar licks, noticed the flyer and was eager to get a jam session going with Chris. Tanner's best friend was Stephen Patterson who at the time passed his time learning Bush guitar tabs and going to the mall shopping for rave clothes.

Meanwhile, Alex Tevlin, who left the thriving hardcore scene of Louisville Kentucky to go to school in St. Louis, was busy with his studies, still dreaming of becoming the vocalist of a rock and roll band. One night, Alex went to a show at some bowling alley to see Goodbye Blue Monday, because for some really strange reason he really liked Frail at the time. And it was at that show when Chris and Alex became friends and discussed the possibility of starting a band. It was also at that show when Chris almost got into a fight with some nerdy kid with glasses over the merits of Snapcase, which really impressed the hell out of Alex. A month later, Chris and Alex met again at the Earth Crisis, VOD, By the Grace of God show in Louisville, where Chris informed Alex that he's been jamming with some kids and was wondering if Alex was still interested in singing for a band. It was like a dream come true for Alex, who after getting home immediately tried on his best pair of black jeans and Nike high-tops. At that show, they also realized how much VOD sucks. Joe Hoffman, who still plays bass for Dogfight and who can clear out an entire building with his flatulence, agreed to rock the four fat ones for Incision. And thus, the original line-up was complete: Christopher Denton-lead guitar, Tanner Spaulding-rhythm guitar, Stephen Patterson-percussion, Alexander Tevlin-vocals, and Joe Hoffman-bass guitar. Shortly after that, Incision played its first show some that will always be remembered by the incredibly lame techno intro that we opened our set with.

It wasn't long before we realized that Joe Hoffman, although a good friend, was not fit to handle the duties of the Incision bassist. And so he was replaced by John F Randall who also played guitar in another band from the St Louis area called Confide. 'Junior,' a connoisseur of fine New York hardcore, didn't appreciate the heavy metal machine that Incision was becoming. Such blasphemy wasn't easily tolerated, so eventually we had to let John go. John Gierse was eager to jump at this opportunity, because he was still under an impression that being in Incision would help him get girls. He already knew most of our songs, because he had to fill in for Tanner, who broke his collarbone in a freak snowboarding accident, at our demo release show. John, aka Johnny X, was working out really well for awhile, and he was an instant hit with the ladies. We released another demo, a split 7inch with Ignorance Never Settles, and played numerous shows with such bands as Boy Sets Fire, Grade, Cave In, Ire, Living Sacrifice, Brother's Keeper, Buried Alive, In Truth, Bane, Trial, Saves the Day, and many others. After awhile, we began to struggle with the song-writing process. We were no longer satisfied in writing the kind of music we started out playing. In turn, John lost interest in Incision, and as the result we went our separate ways. John still does our website and will always be a part of the ever-growing Incision family.

Dan Huffman, Chris Denton's roommate, became the next installment in the ongoing Incision saga. As a young boy, he was always fond of heavy metal music, finding its sounds strangely soothing. Dan fantasized about playing guitar in Iron Maiden, and had a crush on the fat guy from Biohazard. He played guitar for a local rock band Geishamen and is currently a part of the Rochelle experience. The transition from cute indie-rock bands to the metal fury of Incision came quite easy for Dan, who we hope is going to be our last bass player. At the moment, we are still writing songs for our upcoming CDep on SA Mob records which will be released in the near future.