Chapter sixty seven

Diana walked to the front sidewalk where the boy delivered. She lifted the orange bag bulging with the days papers. No doubt crammed with junk.

Walking to the house, she pulled the paper from the bag and began shuffling through the pages.

Stepping inside she paused. Looking down at the second page, she sighed.

An article forewarded from the New york times caused her eyes to mist.

It was with devistating effect last night that the country awoke to the tragic news of the death of Mercy Dentra and little baby Arianna. The freak car accident that killed them also put Zac Dentra, Mercy's brother and fellow band member in a critical condition at Tulsa Hospital and put Zac Hanson drummer with Hanson, who's lead singer was Mercy's beau and the father of her children, in hospital with serious injuries. The news came through at about midday today and since then senes of grief have been reported up and down the country. It is said that Taylor Hanson himself recieved the news at his brother Isaac's house where he had taken his older brother after Isaac himself had given Zac Hanson a severe beating for reasons unknown. While at this house the hospital phoned and Isaac, white with shock drove a distraught Taylor to the hospital. Taylor did not know whether his girlfriend or brother or daughter were alive or dead and he was a state of agony by the time he ran through the hospital doors. It was left to his mother, Mrs Diana Hanson to deliver the news to Taylor personally that the love of his life had perished in a side on collision with a truck this morning. Doubling the pain Taylor was then told his daughter, two month old Arianna Brittany had also been killed in the accident. That leaves Taylor a single father of the remaining Dentra twin, Tristan Damien Dentra. Father and son united in a grief the whole country is feeling today. ctd page 2

Diana paused, quickly flipping the page.

Double Dentra Tragedy page 2

Sources close to the Hanson's have revealed that Mercy Hanson and the two Zac's had paid a visit to the same hospital where ambulance would rush them at midday today, earlier in the morning. The exact circumstances are unknown but it is rumored a feud has been developing within Hanson for quite some time and that Isaac and Taylor had not been on speaking terms with Zachary their bandmate and brother for quite some time. A few months ago on The Rosie O'Donnel Show this tension was evident as Zac neither participated in the interview nor even acknowledged his brothers presences during the show. Rumor has it an argument between Isaac and Zac as long ago as sixth or seven months, possibly the time Zac Hanson was seen with Zac Dentra in New York while the Dentra's did promo for their new album, rumor has it an argument between Zac and Isaac occured at that time which created a chasm in their relationship neither brother could bridge. The cold icy climate between them had continued for several months now until this morning when Isaac quite by accident arrived at his parents house to find his brother Zac and his sister Avery there alone. Zac and Isaac got into an argument and Isaac's temper flared so much he locked his sister out of the house leaving her to scream and pound on the door in full view of the neighbours. What went on inside the house is unknown but a few minutes later Taylor and Mercy arrived and Taylor was seen entering the house and emerging a few seconds later cradling a few bruised and bloodied Zac Hanson. He put Zac in his girlfriends car and they left for the hospital straight off leaving Taylor to help cool his brother Isaac down. Now it appears another chasm has occured within the family, Taylor believes, and rightly so many commentators would say, that Isaac went too far punishing his brother this morning. All we know now is that Zac Hanson, ironically, made it out of the accident with the least injuries and is said to have woken up a few hours later in hospital. He is yet unaware of the devistation fate has wrought upon the Hanson and Dentra familys.

She sighed, allowing her nerves to calm and allowing all that had been said to sink in. Her hands shaking, she flipped yet another page, looking for anything more.

Chaos At Hospital New York Times page 4

By six oclock this evening the crowd of fans, well wishers and simply the curious had grown to by some estimates six or seven thousand outside Tulsa General Hospital. Many of the crowd have sworn not to leave the grounds until Zac Hanson and Zac Dentra walk out of the hospital together but private sources inside tell us that they will be in for a long wait. The few fans we spoke to seemed both distraught and confused about what had occured. " That son of a bitch Isaac should be put in jail for what he did to poorMercy" said one woman from Oklahoma City, another man quietly explained toher that Zac was the one who Isaac had beaten up, that Mercy had diedbecause of the accident but she kept exclaiming that she was "going tokill that son of a bitch if I see him." Police have been called to keep the crowd under control and to keep them from blocking off the entrance and exits to the hospital.

She sighed once more, as yet another article caught her attention.

The Hidden Tragedy New York Times page 4

While the country reels in shock at the news of Mercy and Arianna Dentra's deaths a second, just as important issue has been ignored. In the car with Mercy on the fateful drive this morning were both Zac Hanson who was on his way back from the hospital after being treated for his brothers already infamous beating and Zac Dentra, Zac Hanson's best friend and constant companion. Zac Dentra is lying in a bed on the fifth floor of Tulsa General tonight on life support, his family and friends not even sure if he will ever wake up again. Zac sustained a serious head injury in the accident that has left him in a coma doctors say they simply do not have an answer for. Zac, the willful and sarcastic youngest member of the Dentra's became notorious as the band rode to fame for speaking his mind. He exposed family arguments and problems they were having on television and on stage, where ever it suited him infact. He won a loyal group of fans this way who admired his speak your mind personality and his nonconformist attitude. In short he was a little punk who moved close to the hearts of many of the nations young. Now a question mark hangs over whether we will ever here that spirited voice putting his siblings in their place or just saying what he pleases. Zac Dentra we miss you, our thoughts and our prayers are with you tonight.

Now tears streamed steadily down her face, Mercy had been like a daughter. All this was devastating. Yet she read on.

Taylor will ever talk again? New York Times Page 4

Tonight one person more than any other is hurting more than pain itself can describe. Taylor Hanson lost both the love of his life and his daughter in a freak car accident. On top of that one of his brothers is lying in battered and broken in hospital and the other one seems to have developed a temper out of his control. Will life ever be the same again for Taylor Hanson? Will he even want it too. No one is saying for sure tonight what might happen to Taylor, whether he is strong enough to pull through this for himself and for his son or whether he will let grief overwhelm him and this country will lose one of it's brightest young stars. The answer to that is an unknown quantity as I write this but perhaps tomorrow Taylor will let us know. Hang in there Taylor Hanson. We're praying for you.

Knowing that all this had been printed about her family, her grandchildren and children. She was upset, but looked for more.

New York Times Last Page Obituary's

Dentra, Mercy 18 years old, loved sister of Dorin, Jeremy and Zac, loved Mother of Arianna and Tristan. Loved lover of Taylor. Killed suddenly today on thecusp of her life. A funeral service will he held later, details to be given. We'll miss you Mey, a light went out in the world today, extinguished far too soon. Tell Jesus to look after you Hon... we love you.

Dentra-Hanson, Arianna Brittany 2 months old, loved daughter of Taylor and Mercy, loved sister of Tristan, a light has gone out in the world tonight Arianna, sleep well little baby, sleep soundly with God.

Diana sniffed quietly and wiped her nose. Her eyes were red and itchy, and she folded the paper quietly.

The affects of all this had been bad. The kids weren't taking it real well, and Taylor had gone off in his own world. Some place Diana didn't know how to bring him back from. He didn't seem too deeply affected, but she knew better.

Setting the paper down on the table beside their sofa, she walked to the kitchen, serving herself the 9th cup of coffee she'd had that day.

Tristan cried from another room, and she hurridly set her cup down and walked to where he lay.

She lifted him from the crib and held him.

"You look so much like you dad."

She held back from crying.

Tristan did not stop crying, but gurgled and cried louder.

"I know you miss him hon. I know I know."

She rocked him quietly and moved around the house.

She walked to the fridge.

"I wish your dad was here."

She held him close and rocked him.

"God. Why did all this have to happen?"

Chapter 68
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