Chapter forty nine

Stepping off the plane, he noted the sign that directed him to baggage and Zac made his way down the cement tile floors.

The escalators moved incredibly slow, and even though Zac hadn't had any problems yet, he didn't want to count his chickens before they'd been hatched. When he reached the bottom he dodged in and out of people walking to their baggage claim stations.

Heading straight for his, he accidentally slammed into a person.


Spinning around to apologize, he stopped. The person was a girl, about 14 or 15 who was scowling quite angrily at him.

"Watch out where you're going punk."

She nearly spit on him as she straightened out her long brown hair and clothing and continued on.

"Punk? Do I look like a punk? I hope not."

He sighed and walked on.

Waiting in line for his turn to squeeze into the carousel, he caught site of the girl again at a carousel farther down the room.

Rolling his eyes he looked back to what he was doing.

"She was a bitch."

He looked down as his single bag was passing and grabbed it, jerking it off onto the floor.

"Time to leave."

He slung the bag over his shoulder and headed for the double glass doors at the front of the building.

"Please don't let me get mobbed on my way to the hotel and I promise I'll never ever ever run away again."

Zac stepped out into the brisk air.


His flight had left much later then his friend's flight had, there fore putting him in New York much later, and much darker then his friend would have had to deal with.

It was nearly eight o'clock, and springtime. It was quite chilly out.

He waved his hand and a cab came to a startling stop in front of him.

Opening the door, he shoved in his bag and threw himself on the back seat.

"Trump Towers please."

Zac's voice seemed so small in the back of the cab.

The cab driver turned around, a frown on his face.

"Trump Towers kid? You know what that is right?"

Zac scowled at his escort.

"A very expensive hotel thank you very much, would you just take me there please."

The cab driver chuckled, and pulled foreward.

"You got it kid."

Zac stood back stage behind his sister, who was busy arguing with Dorin.

"Quite personally children, I don't think this is the time or the place to be fighting."

Zac stuck his nose in, making it so that practically anyone backstage could hear his statement.

"No body asked you."

Mercy pushed him away, going back to her bickering.

Senseless and stupid. The two were fighting about image. Image on the show. How they looked, the things they had said, and the things they would say next time.

"Hello. I'm not changing any for either of you. So stuff your holes and get off the topic."

They both looked over at Zac.

"Okay so maybe I'll get off it and shut up myself now."

Zac flopped down in a fold up chair and sighed.

"What's up little brother."

Zac watched as Jeremy circled behind him.

"Nothing. Other then I'd like to go home, except Mey and Door are too busy bitchin' at eachother to pay attention to the obvious. So. I think that if this is a preview of the next month, then I'm going home without them."

"I know how you feel."

Dorin and Mercy continued to go back and forth, despite the curious gazes of several Letterman show workers.

"That's it."

Zac jumped up, and headed toward his siblings.

"First off, you two are making us look like asses. Second, I'm hella hungry, third, I'm tired, and fourth I'm sick of your bitching at eachother. Now can we go!"

Zac spun around, his wallet chain clinking against his leg.

"Way to be little brother!"

"Thank you very much for not questioning my purpose."

Zac climbed out of the cab, and leaned over to pay the driver.

"No problemmo kid. You have a good evening. And don't do anything dumb."

Zac shrugged.

"Too late for that."

He turned to face the building as the cab drove up a few feet to pick up a woman.

"Woah. I never realized till now this place was this great."

He looked through the front doors and saw the bellmen running around and the desk clerks picking up and talking in the black phones.

"Really nice place."

He paused a moment before he entered, D had told him they were staying there, just because they could, and they'd never stayed anywhere where the bell boys brought you a new pair of swimming shorts every time you went. Which meant that their security was going to be really great, and that meant Zac was going to have to have a fabulous case.

He pulled off his hat, straightening out the mess on his head and pulled it back into a low ponytail. He tucked his shirt in and smoothed out its surface.

"Okay Mrs. desk clerk lady, either think I'm a real cute kid, or know I'm a Hanson. There aren't any other choices."

He picked up his bag and confidently entered the building.

The sound on the inside was exactly what it looked like it should be. There were bellboys chattering and people at the desk were answering the phones busily.

He walked up to the desk and waited for a man to set the phone down.

Peering down over the marble counter top, the man in the black suit just glared menacingly.

"Can I help you young man."

Zac frowned. Damn, it wasn't the lady.

"Uh…Umm. Well see, I have a friend staying here tonight, and I need to call his room."

The man smiled at him.

"Who may I ask?"

Zac gulped.

"Well his name is Zac, but he's a Dentra and…"

The man cut him off before he could finish.

"I'm sorry kid, but we can't allow you any access to anyone in the building unless you have proof that you know them."

Zac thought hard.

"All I have is pictures."

The man leaned on the counter for a minute.

"Okay kid let me see them."

Zac nodded his head vigorously and reached down to his backpack. He rummaged through as quickly as he could and found his wallet. Flipping it open he pulled out two of three photos.

"This is all I got. But I can tell you his birthday, his address, and I could even tell you the last time my brother and his sister got it on in my house."

The man's eyes went wide.

"That's quite alright kid."

"So? Will you let me? If you want I can even tell you where they are and…"

Zac was beginning to panic.

"Please mister, you gotta let me. I have to, if I don't then I'm stuck here in New York and I'll have to call my brothers. And boy will they be pissed if they find out I'm in New York."

The man smiled again, this time more friendly.

"Kay kid just settle down. I'll let you call just this once."

Zac frowned to himself. Oh yeah, just this once, like I'm going to come back while Celine dione is staying here and swear she's my bud too.

"What if they aren't there??"

"I'll let you call till you get a hold of them, but just to let you know, they haven't gotten back yet from where they went."

"They are still at letterman!"

Zac threw his head back.

"What time is it?"

"Almost ten."

"That's it! I have to wait in the lobby for two hours!"

The man stood back.

"I'll tell you what. Back in the back, we have a TV. I'll put it on Letterman, and tell you when they are on, and that way you know when about they'll be back alright."

Zac sighed.

"What other option do I have."

"Look at that look she just gave Dorin. He's going to get it after the show."

Isaac laughed at the screen.

"I think this is like, one of the first TV interviews they've done right?"

Isaac popped another piece of fruit in his mouth and looked down questioningly at Taylor.

"I think so."

"Ha ha ha, Zac is such a dork. I wonder what he's thinking."

"Probably 'pot' "

Isaac rolled his eyes.

"Thanks for reminding me Taylor."

"Well sorrieeeeee."

Taylor flipped the television switch as the show broke to a commercial.

"Okay Tay. He's not back, and he's been gone for 5 days now. Don't you think this is getting carried away?"

"No way. He thinks he's being smart and cute by doing this, and he's not. He'll regret it yet."

Taylor stood up and headed to the stairs.

"Don't worry, he'll get tired of it soon."

"Hey kid."

Zac felt a hand gently shaking him.

"Kid, wake up."

Zac's eyes opened to see the bright lights of the Trump Tower lobby in front of him.

"You were sleeping so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up when they came on. But my guys say they are up in their room now, if you want to call."

Zac rubbed his eyes.

"Kay thanks."

He grabbed his bag once more and walked sleepily to the counter.

"They are taking up two rooms, which one do you want."

"Can you tell me who's in which room?"

The man nodded.

"I guess. Nothing else to do."

He tapped a few keys and waited while the computer brought it up.

The oldest one and the girl in one, and the youngest one and the middle kid in the other.

Zac grinned.

"Cool. Can you connect me to the second one you said?"

"I spose."

The man lifted a phone and pressed a button.

"Here ya go."

Zac giggled as he held the phone to his ear.

Three rings and a very tired sounding Jeremy picked up.


Zac couldn't respond.

"Well fuck. This is the Trump, and I still get pranks?"

"Sorry Jem."

Jeremy paused a moment.


"Uh, is D there?"

There was another pause, and Zac heard the two arguing in the background.

"Uh, hey Han."

Zac giggled once more.

"D. I need you to come down and get me. I'm in the lobby..and very tired."

The clerk looked on, smiling.

Zac stopped talking to his friend and glanced up.


"Hope you have an Mmmboppy night kid."

"You have some explaining to do about this. Dorin is going to KILL you."

Zac shrugged as his brother shut the door.

"How do you explain this? Zac Hanson! Without his brothers! IN NEW YORK!"

"SSSHhhhh Jem! You'll wake them up."

"Zac! We can't keep him here. I bet his brothers are worried sick about him. You have to send him back."

Zac Hanson sat on the bed. Looking at his hands, which were formed into a tight little ball.

"Jem Please. I don't want to go back. Not for a while anyway."

Jeremy looked over at the Hanson.

"God Damnit we're going to be in trouble!"

Chapter 50
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