Chapter fifty

Mercy stepped from her room. She had been oddly awakened by a phone ringing the night before, but blew it off.

She opened her door, and stepped into the main room. There was a large padded sofa in the middle, a throw rug on the floor in front, and a very expensive looking coffee table in front. The television in the room sat against the wall, and a large window was blocked by a closed curtain behind it. She walked clumsily to the curtain and jerked it open, turning around to look back.

The hotel suite was more of a condo then a hotel room. There was a small kitchenette in the back of the room, just as you walked in the door from the hall, and as you walked in, the room opened into a quite large living room. The kitchenette was ducked under a level, and stairs led up the wall to a small reading nook or loft above it. The living room had hard wood floors, and was densely furnished.

From the living room, three bedrooms opened off of it, one room contained two beds, where Mercy and Dorin had slept, and each of the other two rooms contained only one bed, where Zac and Jeremy had slept.

Mercy scooted across the floor, not lifting her socked feet off the floor. Walking back to her and Dorin's room, she stood in the doorway.

"Door get up."

From there she moved to each of her brother's rooms and stood in the doorway, telling them to get up.

Sitting down after her quest to get them up, she turned on the television.

Watching early morning cartoons, she waited about 5 minutes, then realized her brothers had not yet gotten up.

Standing up once more, she walked to Zac's room.

"Get up you!"

She looked across the bed.

"What a sloppy sleeper."

His blankets were twisted on one half of the bed, and balled up under his feet on the other half.

"You sure know how to use the whole bed."

She turned back around, walking to the middle of the living room.

Counting to three, she clenched her fists and yelled.


She folded her arms across her chest and tapped her foot, waiting for the pitter-patter of her brothers.

Dorin was the first to wake, coming out, rubbing his eyes and scowling somewhat at his rude wakeup. Jeremy followed, shaking his head and pulling his hair back out of his face. She turned to Zac's room, and tapped her foot more ferociously, raising one eyebrow and waiting.

When finally no one emerged from Zac's room, she walked to his room, only to be met by a door in the face and a growl from within.


She waited once more then tried the doorknob.

"You little terd! Unlock the door!"

She thumped on its surface then waited once more.

"Damn you Zac!"

Mercy turned around and stormed away.

"Well. She's quite the moody one this morning."

Dorin grinned.

"I hope for your sake she didn't hear that."

Zac took a deep breath.

"Han. You are going to get us in trouble."

"Be happy I was hid by the time she made her way in the first time!"

The two got dressed hurriedly.

"So how are we going to break this to my brother then?"

Zac Hanson paused in thought.

"I could just sort of walk out….and grab a bite to eat?"

"Oh yeah. That would be the greatest way to die."

"Well you come up with an idea."

The two flopped down on the bed, letting it bounce from their weight.

"Well, we could leave you here all day."

"No way! There's no food up here."

"There's enough. I'll ask Door if we can go shopping."

"For what."


The two frowned. They couldn't go on hiding a Hanson in New York.

"Wanna just walk out and grab something to eat?"

Zac Hanson grinned.

"I love excitement."

Zac cautiously opened the door.

"Bout time you friggin got up."

Mercy yelled at him from the sofa.

Dorin Jeremy and Mercy were all too involved in Saturday morning cartoons to look up.

He walked over to them, and sat down in front, leaning up against the sofa.

He had shut the door behind him when he had left his room, for the sole purpose of it making noise when his friend exited.

He watched as if he was intrigued, but waited for the sound of footsteps and a door.

When at last it came, it was just before the roadrunner ate the birdseed.

The door swung open and clumsy shoed steps were heard.

Zac felt Dorin's leg tense, and waited for his oldest brother to turn around.

Zac stood up, turned around and faced his brother.

Dorin narrowed his eyes at Zac.

"Who's here."

Zac shrugged, swallowing hard.

"Just a friend."

"Just a friend. What friend do you have in New York."

Zac gulped once more and took a deep breath.

"Well see, he's not really from New York, he's here on a trip."

Zac was amazed his brother hadn't turned around yet.

"Where is he from Zac."

Zac sighed. Door must already know.

"Well Door he's from Tulsa."

Dorin leaned back further.

"Oh really. He wouldn't happen to be interested in any of the same things you enjoy doing would he."

Zac threw up his arms.

"Damnit Door he came cause he didn't want to stay home and listen to Ike and Tay gripe about it."

Dorin stood up abruptly and looked around at Zac Hanson.

"You get over here."

Zac Hanson averted his eyes to the floor and slowly walked towards Dorin.

"Stand right there."

Dorin directed him next to his best friend.

"Care to tell me why the hell you are here, and how the hell you got here?"

Zac started.

"Look me straight in the eye and tell me if you have any hopes of surviving this."

Zac Hanson trembled once and looked up.

"I'm here cause I didn't want to stay home, and I got here with a plane ticket D helped me get."

Dorin allowed him to speak.

"Did you even think about telling your brothers at home?"

Zac shook his head.

"Were you planning on it?"

Zac shrugged.

"You don't know? How can you not know?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know."

Zac shook his head.

Dorin sighed and turned to Mercy and Jeremy.

"You guys are dressed. Go get breakfast downstairs and stay there for a while. Me and the kids have a lot to talk about."

Zac Hanson and Zac Dentra looked at eachother. Hearts hitting the floor at the same time.

"He's mad."

"Oh yeah. More then mad. He's going to kill one by the time we get back."

"I don't know if kill is the right word there Jem. More like mutilate. Torture. Cause to cry."

The two waited for the hostess of the lobby restaurant to find them a table.

"He said take a while."

"Eggs Benedict takes a while right?"

"So you guys think you're too cool."

The two sat quietly on the sofa.

"You think you're big enough and bad enough to handle drugs?"

They sat silently. In unison they felt that if they just stayed quiet it would be over.

"What makes you think that I even want you here Zac. I have one problem kid already. I don't need one that I don't have to deal with. And you my friend are just the kind I don't need."

Dorin paced around the room.

"I was a little more then shocked and hurt when Jem did it. Just to let you guys know that. But it bit through me like a knife to know you two were doing it too."

He paused.

"I really and truly don't know what to do about the situation. As far as you go Zac, I hope you stop right now, and never pick it up again. One thing you've got your brothers worried about you, you broke their trust, and your parents aren't going to be too thrilled if they find out. You have a long life to live and I'd hate to see it ruined by drugs. As far as my little brother goes, I hope you're satisfied."

Zac Dentra looked up at his brother.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Dorin walked around to the front of them.

"What's that supposed to mean? You wanna know? Fine. I busted my ass for you for years. YEARS! I tried helping you! I tried to make it better for you, and the first thing you do to repay me is ignore me. Then you give me the great gift of non speech, and all your drug problems and alcohol problems that go with them."

Dorin paused to take a breath, and his youngest brother blushed as he saw his best friend stare at him.

"And last but not least your repetitious way of dealing drugs to yourself and killing every smart cell in your body. Then I hear that Ike's little brother is doing it too cause of my little brother. I can tell you that make me soon proud to know. To know my little brother fucked up someone else's life."

Dorin stopped and sighed. Looking down at his hands he continued.

"I sort of hopped that when we got out of that apartment and into the new house, and got you away from your old friends and everything in that part of Tulsa you'd clean up. You'd start to hang out with more people, stay out of trouble. I guess I was wrong though."

Zac Hanson frowned.

"It's not all my fault."

Dorin turned to look at him.

"Did I say it was? I didn't think so. You aren't in the greatest situation here either in case you did notice. I don't think either of you realizes the amount of stress you put on both families. Isaac is incredibly worried about you. He may not show it but he is, and I'm afraid you have a lot of work to do before Taylor ever actually listens to you again."

Zac sighed.

He hadn't really thought about that, about the feelings involved. And if he had they'd become very quiet things he'd preferred not to discuss. But now they were things he couldn't get away from.

"Music is supposed to be your life. I would think that after years of doing it, and doing it well you'd still want to do it. But I guess now I'm wrong. And that both of you have some how forgotten about what was once your passion."

Dorin took one more deep breath.

"Look. I'm not one to tell you what to do with your life. It's your life after all. I just wish that you would chose a more appropriate thing to do with it. If not, I hope it finds you happy and enjoying yourselves."

Dorin walked away, leaving to very upset teenagers.

Mercy and Jeremy sat eating and talking quietly.

"You think they survived?"

Mercy shrugged.

"Hope so."

Together they stood, and walked to the front desk.

"Can you put that to our room?"

The waitress nodded and together they stepped from the restaurant and walked to the elevator.

When they reached their floor, they warly stepped to their room.

"I don't hear yelling."

"Me neither."

Mercy grabbed the door knob and stepped inside.

Both of the Zac's were sitting on the floor by the sofa. Their eyes closed, they were both leaned foreward and they were leaning against one another, resting on the other's forehead.

"What on earth are they doing?"

Jeremy walked over to them.

"You two?"

Neither of them stirred, and Jeremy frowned.

"Hey you two."

Still there was no movement and Jeremy walked right next to them.

"You two. What happened?"

His brother swung out and cracked Jeremy in the leg.

"What the hell was that for!"

Zac Dentra stood.

"That was for already telling him Zac was here."

Zac hauled off and punched his brother again, this time a little harder in the shoulder.

"And that god damnit is for getting on drugs and giving them to me. You're the one who always fucking told me stay off anyway. When the hell did you turn into a hypocrit."

Zac Dentra leaned down and offered his friend a hand up.

"Dorins' in his room. Doing what the hell I don't know. I'm going to my room. Go ahead and fucking call Zac's brothers. Like it matters to either of us anymore."

Zac pulled his friend to his feet and the two briskly stepped to their room.

"What the hell was that all about?"

Mey shrugged.

"I think this month just turned way sour."

Chapter 51
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