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beclyn's webpage

6-6-05 Will be working on this whenever I have the time and energy!!

Vital Info

Hello everyone!! Jeremy and I are keeping very busy after having just moved in December and getting ready to move again since we just bought a house! Jeremy's enjoying his job as a Traffic Engineering Specialist. I'm still working with my developmentally delayed kids, although I don't have a full schedule. We keep busy with the cat (former farmcat) Moonlight and the dog (Siberian Husky) Sasha. Moonlight is 3 and Sasha is 1 as of December. We also recently (9-11-04) lost our first child, Morgan Arinn, as the result of a miscarriage. We are currently expecting again, a little girl who we've named Kaelyn.

Web Sites worth a visit (have tissues handy)

Vincent's Corner Of Heaven
March of Dimes
Jen's Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Site
Empty Cradles
Over the Rainbow Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support
WebMD Coping with Loss Message Boards
Bereaved Moms Share
Loss petition to Hallmark
The Rescuing Hug - doublebedding twins in a NICU

MO Dept. of Health and Human Services
HOPE Service
MO DHSS related links
Sharing Our Strengths
SOS resources
Governor's Council on Disabilities
MO Developmental Disability Resource Center

Other links

Missouri First Steps (Early Intervention)

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days until Kaelyn Avery's scheduled to arrive!!

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Every life is special and every life should be remembered… even the smallest life.