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You walk into a small cave compared to other ones you have seen but it is still ten-times bigger than your bedroom.

"Welcome to my flit weyr. I am Weyrwoman Starlite but I am also known as Sailor Star Silver," you here someone say.

You look around but see no one. Then you look up.

There siting on a ledge is a young warrior woman. "This cave is for my flit Tasandrean!" she says full of excitement, "It has hatched I will take good care of it till it till the end of time."

She jumps down from the ledge and lands directly in front of you.

"Would you like to see my Flit?" Weyrwoman Starlite asks you.

You can't belive it! She is actually asking if you would like to see HER Flit!

"YES!" you say not bothering to contain your excitement.

"Come this way then!" she says and leads you to a corner of the cave.

All you see is a pile of blankets till something beneath them pushes out of the blankets.

Your excitment increases as you watch the young flit make cooing noise.

Thanks for stopping by! You can now head back to the Lairs.