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With my site's new facelift, I was going to attempt to make all the graphics on my pages.  But, while I was searching for permission to use Eeyore images, I found this nifty background set, from "All about Eeyore".  There's a link to them on the bottom of this page, if you'd like to visit.  It's a great site!  If you're wondering what Eeyore has to do with me, he's my favorite cartoon character, and my friends tell me I remind them of Eeyore.  I've decided to take that as a compliment. :) 

What can I tell you about me?  My real name is Lucinda.  If you've been around the rest of my site yet, you know that beagles and bunnies are one of my hobbies.  I'm twenty-five years old, single again, and I live in Missouri.  I work as a Police Dispather and 911 operator.  If you're interested in learning more about that, just click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.  This darned computer is another of my hobbies.  I spend way too much of my spare time fiddling with my site, and making graphics.  Some of them make it to my site, and most don't.  One of these days, after I get a little better at figuring out Paint Shop Pro, I'd like to open a graphic site. 

I enjoy all kinds of music, from Fleetwood Mac to Tim McGraw.  One of my favorite songs is "Wonderful Tonight", by Eric Clapton.  I put it a link to it here, if you'd like to hear it.

Another of my favorites is one of Tim McGraw's newest, "Please Remember Me".  I'd love to find it as a Midi.

I drive a new Ford ZX2, it's bright red, which wasn't my first choice of colors, but my old car rolled over and died, so time was of the essence.  My favorite color is yellow (and I'll bet you thought it was Blue).  My favorite snack, besides, of course, the ever-loved Chocolate,  is Jelly Belly Jelly Beans.  I love to horseback ride, when I get the chance, and I also enjoy Line-Dancing.  (It's not as hickish as it sounds, truly).  I also enjoy target shooting, 'though I can't hit the proverbial "Broad Side of a Barn".  So, now you know a little bit about me, which may be way more than you cared to know. :)