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Noodles & Elijah

November 2000

           Nov 99                     March 2000              March2000                   Nov 99               

Noodles and Elijah
What fun we have had this last year.

Needless to say, these two pups,
have really kept me busy this last year.
Its been a year of fun, joy, and
discovering that I really like big dogs.
I can't keep tract of all the hours I have stood at the back door
with my coffee, laughing so hard I almost cried
because of the antics of these wonderful puppies.
I also can't keep tract of everything they have chewed up,
mangled, destroyed, or mutlated.
Mama Luci is very close with her pups,
you see three big dogs running across the yard,
all together as if they will never be separated.
These dogs have enriched my life so very much,
I can hardly remember a time there weren't here with me.
I love my cats with all my heart,
but wouldn't take anything for my doggies.

Without Luci and the puppies my life
would not be complete.

