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In Loving Memory

February 22,1982
December 8, 1999

The Green Grass Of Home

When I think of Lady, I think of her home at last
with my Mom.
We lost Lady on Dec 8,1999.
The story starts a long time before that.
Lady was a Sheltie mix that belonged to my Aunt.
Lady didn't have a good life with my aunt
who kept her on a chain the two years she had her.
When my aunt passed away my Mom felt sorry for this little dog
and took her in because none of my aunts' family wanted her
and probably would have disposed of her.
She was still a young dog but was very shy
because of her prior environment.
My Mom made her an inside dog and would remain
in her home until my Mom also passed away.
Lady was now eight years old and still a young dog at heart.
My Mom had been ill for a year before her death
and I got used to bringing Lady home with me while I ran errands for Mom.
I had a little schnauzer mix
so both dogs would play for hours in the back yard.
It was only natural when I lost my Mom that I give Lady yet another home.
But I told her it would be her last,
she would stay with me forever.
Lady and Bo were friends the minute they met. Lady was indeed the little shadow,
everywhere Bo went Lady was sure to follow.
Bodie died when she was seventeen years old.
I will never forget the look in Lady's eyes when I took Bo to the vet for the last time.
She had cancer and was suffering so I had to do what was best for her.
When I carried Bo into the back yard for burial Lady came over,
smelled one time, then went and sat under the tree the farthest from me
and watched me say goodbye to my old friend.
For days she was very quiet knowing her friend would not come home again.
But as time passed we formed our own relationship
and she was to become by new best friend.
As the days and years passed she loved me and was always faithful.
But I knew she would one day go home
to her real master, my Mom.
She never completely got over her shyness and reserve
but she had a huge heart and loved everyone.
She was thrilled when the grandchildren came along
and acted like a puppy, running and jumping around the yard.
In November of 99, I was fostering a mama lab
and her four puppies.
We had to put a second fence up inside the yard
to keep the mama from being aggressive with Lady,
for Lady wanted to be around the pups.
Every time we went outside Lady would prance up and down
the fenced in area where the pups and mama were.
This wasn't an easy task for a seventeen-year-old with arthritis.
But she was happy she had them there, you could just tell.
She was acting like she would live forever.
The last morning I was to see Lady alive
I watched as my husband went out to feed everyone.
Lady was running and jumping beside him
as he talked to Luci and the babies,
Lady looked so happy.
Thirty minutes later I went out to see how everyone was doing
and I couldn't find Lady, I noticed the side gate open.
I knew she was gone and no amount of searching brought her home.
I went to work with a heavy heart, knowing I would never see her again,
not alive.
What made it worse was it was just nine days
before the ninth anniversary of my Mothers death.
The next morning I was told that Lady had been found.
They had traced her through her rabies tag.
At first we thought that she had been hit by a car,
but there was not a mark on her.
We think that she knew it was time to go home.
She had curled up in a pile of leaves on the side of the road.
This was one of her favorite games at home in the back yard.
She would hide in a pile of leaves,
and I would have to play hide and seek with her.
I had her cremated and her ashes have a place of honor
in my china cabinet.

I guess I always felt that as long as Lady was with me
I still had a piece of my Mom living, but now she was gone completely.
I didn't want to let go, not of either one.
But now I see them both, together, having fun, hugging one another.
Lady is reunited with the person that saved her life,
and I was just watching over her
until my Mom was ready to take her home to be together.
The Green Green Grass of Home, they will all come out to greet you.
You will sit under the old tree,
with the breeze blowing
and your hearts happy.
What more could I ask?

This was one of the last pictures taken of my Mother
at my daughter Dawn's wedding to Todd.
I will always miss her and think of her every day,
and thank her for letting me take care of Lady.
You can visit Dawn & Todd at the website," Angels Place."
They have a pet sitting business that they named after Angel,
to honor his memory.
You can read Angels Poem and see the love this kitty
brought into all our lives.

Lady & Trevor,1994

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