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1 Radar, Warnings & LPATS    2 WW Wx Stickers   3 Forecast Maps  
   4 Wx/Paper Links   5 Gas Prices   6  WG/Ch4 Maps    11 BU  
Wx Calc    8     9 BU   Up Nort'    10 BU   
  12  Drought Map    13 Swift Active Wx Warnings  14 MT    Maybe stuff  
Stickers, calc & warnings  AcWxTest1  WC/NOAA Maps  More Maps 
It doesn't matter WEATHER, you like it or not!

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                              Wunderground Weather Views                              

Ani Reg Rad Map w/Counties Ani IR Satellite
Regional Radar Map 


Animated IR Satellite 
AniRadar Dewpoint Map
Midwest Radar Map


Winds Rel Humidity


Relative Humidity


Visible Satellite Fronts
Visible Satellite


Snow depth Wind Chill
Snow Depth


Wind Chill
Heat Index Temps
Heat Index




Note:  WCCO Map pages have average & record temps & other stats on them.  




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