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Depression in Young Adults

College is a time of self-discovery. It is a time for finding out what it's like to be on your own. It is a time for experiencing new things. Unfortunately, it is also the period of life when it is likely that depression will be experienced for the first time.

In an article by Jamie Talan, published in Newsday (September 4, 2000), Richard Gallagher, director of the Parenting Institute of New York University's Child Study Center is quoted as saying, "Teenagers who have never been away from home, or whose time has been tightly managed by parents, may have problems adjusting to college life. Easing up on house rules during the summer months has helped many parents and their kids get ready for college."

It is a normal thing for a new freshman to feel panicked by their new surroundings. They may begin to call home excessively. They may even cry and beg to come home. However, if symptoms of depression begin to appear, parents should take steps to make sure that their young adult receives medical attention. If the young adult has previously experienced depression, it is important that a therapist near the college be identified, should the need arise.

of a girl

The symptoms of depression can include:

Change in interests
Excessive sadness and/or crying
Being tired all of the time
Changes in sleep patterns
Changes in eating patterns
